Monday, December 13, 2010

Crazy Holiday Blogfest - Early!

Small note: Our friend Shannon McMahon is doing an awesome service for the writing community! Annonymous critiques! The writer's could use your help! Hop over and shed some love!

I’m cheating! I hope Christine will forgive me but her Crazy Holiday blog fest is tomorrow and I only realized it after I had everything set up, and since I now post at Jules on Tuesdays I decided I should still participate I’ll just post early.

So pretend today is Tuesday.

Author Note: If this makes the week seem longer don’t blame me. It was not my intention.

Since I’m moving (in TWO DAYS) I had to be more prepared. So here is my piece in 250 words or less.

The snowflakes flitter
My heart beats
Rosy cheeks
Children laughing
Snowballs forming
A fight’s beginning
The war is on
Forts built
Frozen in silence
Heart beats become one
Wind shifts
Birds chirp
Clinking glasses
Parents chatter
Wind chimes ring
Release the cannons
Man down
Laughter amongst all
Snowballs high in the sky
Blue eyes water from the cold
Fight comes to a close
Lying in the snow
Making angels
Running inside
Cocoa for all this holiday season

Don't forget to sign up for the upcoming Be Jolly By Golly happening on the 20th!


Vicki Rocho said...

That's a nice take on winter. Mine would be decidedly less poetic and not quite family friendly. hahaha

Christine Danek said...

Lovely Jen. Very nice. I went over the word count. Yeah, I know, the hostess. whoops. Have a wonderful day!

Stina said...

Great job, Jen. This was the best blogfest. Short and sweet. :D

Candyland said...

Ddduuuddeee good luck with the move! I'll be sending mounds of sparkles your way.xoxo

Diana Mieczan said...

Such a great job, sweetie and wish you all the best with the move:) Muah and Happy Monday/Tuesday..hahah

Ps: I am hosting a beautiful home decor GIVEAWAY later today, just in time for Christmas!

S.A. Larsenッ said...

That was really nice, Jen. I swear, you're energy just jumps off my laptop screen every time I visit you. Love that! Thank you.

Melissa Gill said...

Awesome poem, you're very gifted. Good luck with your move.

Francine Howarth said...


Lovely poetic slant on Christmas cheer and fun. ;)


Luna said...

Fun piece! Good luck with your move...:)

Bidisha said...

I smell Christmas in the air :)

Shannon said...

I think we can forgive you for posting this early! =) Loved the poem - well done.

Thanks for the shout-out, Jen. The Anonymous Critique series has been fantastic!

For anyone who hasn't visited, please check out last week's anonymous critique!



Jennifer Hoffine said...

Nice. Lots of great "sound" words in there.

I'm ready for some snow now (we haven't had any in NJ yet).

Summer Ross said...

Great entry! I really enjoyed how you styled it too.

Meredith said...

Aw, this poem makes me so happy! And makes me miss snowball fights. Good luck with moving!!!

Matthew MacNish said...


Carolyn V. said...

Amazing Jen!!! Love it. =)

Southpaw said...

Very fun!

Anonymous said...

A sweet little ode to winter. Thanks for sharing, Jen! <3

Colene Murphy said...

Awe awesome!! Good luck on the move!!

Crystal Cook said...

That's fantastic Jen. :) Love the imagery you've evoked with so few words. Miss you!! :) I've been a bad blogger.

N. R. Williams said...

Very nice...I believe the blogfest is today. I also posted.
N. R. Williams, fantasy author

Laura Pauling said...

nice! Captures snowy outdoor fun perfectly!

Golden Eagle said...

I love this! It's a wonderful depiction of winter.

I think the blogfest is today, actually--no worries about making the week longer! (Although, it would have been funner with more of your posts.)

Jen said...

Short and sweet and perfectly written!

Happy Monday Dear! xo

Talli Roland said...

What wonderful images, Jen - you've made me smile! Lovely Christmas vignette!

Roxy said...

That's it! I want my Christmas to be like your poem. Beautiful work, Jen.

Nicole Zoltack said...

Good luck with the move! Loved you poem - definitely winter and all its fun-ness. :)

Kathi Oram Peterson said...

Thanks for the links! And I hope all goes well with your move.

Donea Lee said...

Your words have painted a fun little winter day in my head! :) Very nice. Happy moving!

Abby Minard said...

Love it!! Snow is fun, but I still hate winter lol.

Brenda Drake said...

Brilliant! I loved this, you really captured a scene with it! :D

Michael Di Gesu said...


I don't envy you having to move. Good luck. I hope you got the chance to read some of the entries on my blogfest... it was amazing. Some fantastic stories.

I hope everything is going well...


Ann said...

Loved it Jen! Good luck with the move. Hope all goes smoothly.

Anonymous said...


Melissa said...

Lovely! I want exams to be over so I can enjoy the holidays! OMG good luck on your move hope everything goes smoothly.

Unknown said...

Hopefully you are moving somewhere warm! I've been frozen for a few weeks solid now. :)

Jennifer Hillier said...

Beautiful imagery!

Good luck with your move, Jen!

Guinevere said...

Very cute, I like it!

Anna Banks said...

Great job on your poem! Seriously, outstanding.

Here's my take on winter:

Dry, cracked hands.
Shivering marching bands.
Red runny noses.
Frozen solid hoses.
Enormous heating bill.
Frosted road kill.
Leggings, scarves, hats.
Feisty Walmart spats.
Black Friday deals.
Boots with stiletto heels.
Blanket, fireplace, Kindle.
Watch my savings dwindle.
Cuts, scratches from ice patches.
Burnt sugar-cookie batches.
Sore throat, dry cough, hot tea.
Partridge in a freaking pear tree.

I love winter...