Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Holiday Block?

Hows the writing going?

We're days away from the holidays, do you find yourself under the curse of the holiday block?

Your mind wandering around thoughts of holiday parties you must attend, getting the kids to bed, preparing for Santa, making the holiday feast (or snacks) and allowing proper shipping times for gifts to make it around the world.

Is it any wonder that writing might end up being the last thing on your list? I have to say, there are moments where I feel like I've lost it, I'm not sure what I'm doing or where I'm going, but the writing though it may not be on paper is still an avid part of my life this holiday season...

Rather than dancing gumdrops I'm dreaming of the stories I'll write when the time is right.

So has the holiday block hit you?


Diana Mieczan said...

I think my mind is already dreaming about Christmas cakes and hot chocolate:) hahaha...Wish you a lovely day, darling. Stay cozy!

Candyland said...

I've been blocked for awhile:/
I'm hoping someone's muse finds me soon.

Elle Sees said...

i'm afraid i have too many ideas and not enough time to write them! but i'm still behind on xmas stuff. i will get it done today!
ps--i have a giveaway you might like.

Ann said...

Oh you read my mind. I am running around like some kind of eejit and accomplishing next to nothing. Writing will have to wait. But like you the stories go on in the head. Really enjoyed your Be Jolly By Golly blogfest. Have a wonderful Christmas. Till next year then!

Suyinsays said...

strugging in blog posts at the moment!!!

Anne Gallagher said...

I was actually moving along pretty well but I hit a snag with research. Monster Baby is home from school so who knows when I'll be able to get back to it.

Leigh Caron said...

I was all ready to use the holidays as an excuse for not writing, when a new story popped in my head. Go figure.

Matthew MacNish said...

I haven't worked on my novel in a couple weeks, but I don't think it has anything to do with the season.

Misha Gerrick said...

I think I might have been struck by the holiday block too.

But not because I've been busy. Simply because it feels as if I've been hitting a brick wall.

Angela said...

Yes, but I've decided it's a good thing. Sometimes breaks are healthy.

mshatch said...

I'm on revisions so it's really just a matter of finding all those loopholes and closing them, adding all those necessary hints and then sending it back to my crit partner for a final read. I do find it a slow process, and a bit boring.

loved the holiday blogfest by the way :)

Jillian said...

Hey there Jen!!!! I hope you are enjoying your new place.

Merry Christmas to you and your husband!!!!

Susan Fields said...

I wouldn't say I'm actually blocked, but certainly distracted!

Have a wonderful Christmas, Jen!

Melissa Sarno said...

Actually, so far the holidays have meant more writing time! Because I'm off from work for a few days. But soon there will be some holiday travel which means NO writing time. But, like you said, I'll be dreaming of stories to put on paper when I can. Merry Christmas!

T.J. Carson said...

Haha the holiday cock-block.... niceeeeeee. Missed you! It's good to be back though! Oh yes. I call it the December cock-block. All my friends are home from college for about 2 weeks then back to school. so these next two weeks are spent hanging out! It takes up all my time! Then in January! FREEDOM! haha. Hope you have a great holiday :)

A. B. Keuser said...

I had a really bad period where I just lacked motivation to do anything... it was right around thanksgiving.

It turned out that it was simply because I was reading a series that was seriously effecting me and just made it impossible to work on anything. I switched to a different novel and wouldnt you know it I finished the edit of Novel #4 and am almost done with the edit of Novel #5

Patti said...

I definitely have a block and it's called lack of time. Everything gets so crazy, but I'm going to try to make a little time this holiday season for writing.

Merry Christmas.

Laura S. said...

I haven't written as much this week. I'm too excited for Christmas!!! All I want to do is listen to Christmas music and eat cookies and watch Christmas movies!!!

Southpaw said...

I’m in the last minute holiday rush. I'm usually better prepared for the big day, but not this year. Once everything gets under control I’ll get back to my WIP.

Gabriela Lessa said...

It's definitely here..... *big sigh*

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Ha ha! I just answered this question at Shannon M.'s. And yes, the holiday block has hit me. I just want to be lazy! :-)

Heather said...

I've been lucky, the holiday block hasn't hit me. But then I've had the week off before the craziness so that has helped!

Talli Roland said...

Definitely! My problem is that I know what I need to do, but I can't seem to find the concentration to do it!

Happy holidays, lovely Jen!

Summer Ross said...

I haven't written anything other then comments and blogposts. So I'd say it has hit me a little

Chelsea Talks Smack said...

Oh yes, it's DEFINITELY hit me, I'm with you.

Kristin Rae said...

I was just asking a friend about this yesterday--worried that I was already burnt out on my new profession of choice... but he assured me everyone gets in a funk this time of year where work is concerned. So, yes... I'm definitely in a block and I hope it goes away soon!!!

Nicole Zoltack said...

Um, yeah, my holiday block started December 1st. I have gotten next to nothing done this month. *headdesk*

Anonymous said...

Yep sure has.I've decided to give myself a break from it though I dabble in haiku etc to keep the creative juices going. Oh and I indulge in some DVD watching, well it's all good research after all LOL! However, with write1sub1 next year I've got to be full of ideas come Jan 1st! HAPPY CHRISTMAS :O)

Katie O'Sullivan said...

Holiday block is a great excuse - too busy to organize my life let alone my characters' lives!

And just think - next week there's no school, either. Oh well. There's always next year ;-)

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Lindsay said...

I've been doing edits this week, but I'm starting writing after the holidays. :)

Happy Christmas.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Actually, both internal and external writing has been great. I feel really blessed. Had some action with the manuscript, making a few tightening edits and then...just maybe soon...Hah. Jen U R wonderful. Thank you for being here for all of us.

Merry Christmas!

Lenny Lee said...

hi miss jen! for me its not a for real holiday block cause i could still write stuff if i want but its like i got lots of fun stuff i could rather do and im not gonna forget my ideas cause i write them down so i could get going writing when the holidays get all done.
...hugs from lenny

Unknown said...

Writing? What writing? You mean some people can actually write through the holiday distractions? Not me. I'm baking, shopping & spending time with the family. Not feeling guilty at all about not writing, but maybe those brownies and fudge help with the guilt.

Happy Holidays!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I'm still churning out a page or two a day. I'm at the end, so excited finish the sequel to my book.

Jen said...

Yup!! And I'm lovin' every minute of it! ;-)

Jennie Bailey said...

The stomach bug hit me and robbed me of a week. Now I'm behind and won't be writing until next week. :-( This means Jenn is VERY cranky. I get edgy when I don't have time to a junky who needs a hit. Have a Merry Christmas, Jen!

... Paige said...

in a way...I have a chapbook MS to edit/revise and I'm cleaning my studio instead

Self Sabotage Anyone?

Anonymous said...

My muse woke up while I was riding home on a plane Sunday night. Timing wasn't great, but you take it when you get it. :-)

A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you!

Melissa West said...

Yes! I'm glad I'm not alone. I decided to take a break until after the new year. I'm a worthless, chocolate filled truffle until then. :)

Krispy said...

I'm definitely a bit overwhelmed by all that holiday stuff, so not much writing is happening. But I am so plotting cool new things in my head, and that I'm super excited about. :)

Happy Holidays!

Anonymous said...

My writing is definitely suffering!

Katie S. Taylor

Diane J. said...

The holiday crazyness has struck hard preventing me from writing, but I have been jotting notes of ideas, so once the calm settles, I should be ready to go. Of course, once it's calm it will feel too calm to write, LOL.

Jemi Fraser said...

Yes!!! I've been totally snowed under with holiday stuff and real life and the job. I hope to get it all under control soon! :)

Vicki Rocho said...

writing has taken a back burner for the holidays. Just too much going on.

Merry Christmas!


I was recently blocked because of school, but now on this lovely break I can feel my imagination buzzing again.

Leigh Hutchens Burch said...

The only writing I'm doing these days is thank you notes for baby gifts... and recording how many wet and dirty diapers she makes, feeding details, etc. I'm doing fine on counting the poops and pees, but on the thank you cards? Notsomuch. :)

Happy Holidays!!

Clare C. Greenstreet said...

I've had a block for a while. It hit a week ago, and in the end I had to give up on the Christmas story I was writing. I'll finish it off next year.

Merry Christmas!

Emy Shin said...

My brain is till adapting from must-write-these-20-page-papers frenzy that it can't seem to get creative yet. But I'm hoping some outlining will help the creative juice flow. :)

Natascha said...

Revisions are mostly done :) Thank goodness. Sent off to BETA and I'm looking forward to taking a writing break! Yay! have a Merry Xmas!

Ashley Stone said...

I haven't written anything in forever. I blame it on the weather. I think my brain is frozen.
