Which would make you feel more powerful Superman
underwear or My Little Pony?
My Little Superman underwear, best of both worlds.
If you were in Wal-Mart during the Zombie
Apocalypse what would be your weapon of choice?
So many great choices… I might use the nearest person who
looks like they belong on the People of Wal-Mart site.
If you were a block of cheese, what would you
look and smell like?
I am all about extremes, which means I’m torn between being
a soft, fragrant cheese like Brie or a hard, stinky one like Parmesan.
What makes you love a book?
Voice. Whether it’s a novel with characters who have great
voices or a non-fiction book where the author writes with great voice, this is
an instant turn-on or turn-off. I can read things that are just so-so, but all
the books I love share this in common.
If you could read in a foreign language, which
language would you choose?
One-Word answers – GO!
E-reader or Paperback? Paperback.
Read on the sofa or read on the grass? Sofa.
Coffee or
Coke? Coffee.
How often do you skim a book before reading it?
Favorite book(S)? Franny & Zooey (Salinge),
East of Eden (Steinbeck), How to Be Lost (Ward), Sharp Objects (Flynn).
There Is No Small
Call is my most recent foray into self-publishing. It is christian non-fiction,
a bite-sized book about the big subject of calling. If you have ever wondered
about the significance and purpose of your life, this book might provide encouragement.
Spoiler alert: you DO have a calling and it is anything but small.
Where can you find this fabulous gal??? Depends on what you're looking for!
$2.99 on Amazon –
There is No Small CallKiki’s Blog – StillHate Pickles
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