Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Why People Like Me

"Jen that's conceited."

"Not  if it's true," I countered.

"Good point."

Those of you who are avid followers of me know that I'm not conceited... and if you do... well, let's just hope you're not. I get several emails asking the secret to how I gain all my followers.

Guess what... there isn't a secret formula, at least, I don't think.

I think it all comes down to what you blog about and how you share it. I, for one, love random posts. The crazier and quick the post, the more I stick around. If you make me giggle within the first three sentences (or by the title alone) you've caught my attention.

Understand? I write what I like, in doing so, each time you visit I look to entertain you. It's my main goal. Whether or not it happens each time remains to be seen but it's my goal.

Another great way I gained all you fabulous people is by chatting! Each day I'd hop over to your blog and comment on your incredibly creative post. I thought it was genius so I told you. Guess what, you followed back.

I suppose you should ask yourself.... why did you visit this blog? If you're answer is beacuse it's funny... then maybe you should be funny too. Just an idea.

So I'm curious, why do you love me?


Emy Shin said...

I <3 you and your blog because you're so bright and creative and kind. :)

Personally, I don't have a single funny bone in me. My humor tends to come out awkward and astray. So my blog posts tend toward the serious side. But I do appreciate fun posts! Mostly because I'm incapable of writing them myself. :)

Christine Murray said...

I love you for your modesty. Sorry, couldn't resist! I love your blog because it's warm, kind and genuine. I feel when I'm reading it that I'm getting to know a person, not a load of disjointed facts. And, you make me laugh.

To the next 1,500 followers (raises cupcake)

Anna Banks said...

You're hilarious, and all over the place with your posts. I never know what you're gonna say! :)

Amanda Leigh Cowley said...

Your blog is simply a fun place to be! Just the right mix of helpfulness peppered with humour (humor to you?) so your readers want to pop back!

Leigh Caron said...

Your humor. I write humor (or try) and I'm always looking for the brighter side of things. :)

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

I love it here because your posts are intelligent, creative and FUN.

M Beth

Slamdunk said...

I like honesty and appreciate variety on the menu.

I get a full plate with each visit here.

Also, I like your advice--be genuine with your blog and don't try to write just to please others.

Jess said...

Your blog is awesome and funny :) Oh and thanks for stopping by my site!

Theresa Milstein said...

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

When we first began following each other, your comments were so sincere. And I love your quirky posts. Your voice shines!

Summer Ross said...

I follow because I not only like what you have to say, but happen to know you are a nice person whom I enjoy learning more about.

Matthew MacNish said...

I love your attitude.

Bish Denham said...

I love you cause you're you.

Carolyn V said...

Because you're AWESOME! <3

Emily R. King said...

What do I love about you? How about your beauty? Or your love or cupcakes? Or your crazy goodness that is your writing?

Jemi Fraser said...

...because you always make me smile :)

Abby Fowers said...

You are so cute! I really do love your blog. And I hate LOOOONG boring posts. It's awful. Your blog always cracks me up! :)

Marsha Sigman said...

I like the pictures in the sidebar...

OK, what the others said too.

Unknown said...

You're all so sweet and loveable! I don't know what I'd do without you! Thank you for all the sweet sentiments!

Keep them coming... hehe.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Personality plus and honesty. (That's what I strive for, too.)

Elena Solodow said...

Hi, Jen!

Anonymous said...

You are so much fun! I just smile each time I read your blog! :)

Julie said...

I always love reading your blog! It's a bright, cheery place and there's always something fun to read. :)

Suzie F. said...

I love your positive attitude and you always make me smile :)

Elana Johnson said...

I think people should be who they are. If they're not funny, they shouldn't try to be. You are, it comes naturally. That may or may not be the reason why people come.

I think people come because A) you make an effort to get to their blogs and B) they like you as a person, based on your blog comments on their blog/your blog content here on your blog.

That's my grand formula, at least. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Because you always have something interesting to say - and you're supportive of others.
I'm doing a guest post tomorrow on how to get more comments. Hopefully I've come up with some valid ideas, because I can't believe it's just because people like me.

Caryn Caldwell said...

Well, since I'm new and don't know you yet, I can't answer, though I loved your honesty in this post and the idea that you want to be entertaining. You have a good point, too - I think sometimes people write what they want to write instead of focusing on what they would actually want to read. If they came across their own blog, would they find it interesting? If not, what could they do to fix that?

Chris Phillips said...

I come here for the free donuts. We get free donuts, right?

Shelley Sly said...

I love you because you are just so darn cute and sweet, and your blog is NEVER boring! I'd be here every day if I didn't suck at blogging so much. <3

Richard said...

I love your blog because you've got more wit and wisdom than Quaker's got oats!

Janet Johnson said...

I love you because you're fun and funny and not too full of yourself. You can tell by your writing. :)

Sarah Tokeley said...

Holy heck girl you've got a lot of followers! I must have noticed the day I followed you myself, but once I've done that I never think about how many people follow a blog.

Why do I keep coming back? You keep showing up in my reader :-) Nah, you make me laugh. And you can write. And you're cool. And if the stupid ocean wasn't between us we would have coffee and cupcakes :-)

Kelly H-Y said...

Love this post ... your blog posts always make me smile!

Nicki Elson said...

Hehehe...cuz you're so darn cute!

Stephsco said...

I like the first line from books post you do with a link to reveal the book. It's fun. Also, I only occassionally read chick lit these days, but your upbeat posts make me want to read more.

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog because your posts are fun to read. You have a great personality and you are genuine and that comes through in your posts.