Friday, February 10, 2012

Welcome to La La Land

Hello, Jen’s followers. How are you? Nice to meet you and you and you too. I am L.A. DeVaul, author of Roxanne in La La Land and co-founder of

Jen invited me here today to introduce you to the new website:

Let’s face it, we writers are all over the internet: blogging, tweeting, FaceBooking, starting websites, tearing down old websites, basically doing everything we can to get people’s attention so we can sell one more copy of our books. I can’t tell you how many times I have felt an author’s pain when they say: “Marketing takes so much time, I feel like I don’t have time to write anymore.” Can I get an amen?

Besides marketing gobbling into our writing time, how effective is it for these marketing efforts to be scattered all over the internet? Sure you may have 153 blog followers, and 207 FaceBook friends, and that is just all kinds of wonderful, but wouldn’t it be simpler and less time consuming for readers and writers alike, if those marketing efforts were compiled onto one website? Writers need a central location where readers automatically go to discover new books, instead of accidentally stumbling across a writer’s blog, website, or FaceBook page. is that website. And not only is it a central, ad-free, location for writers to market and discover new books, it is an online bookstore so readers can directly buy that book they are so excited to read.

The cost of membership? $35 a year and purchasing 6 books in a twelve month period. And get this: authors get to keep 90% of every sale. That is better than I could do selling directly from my personal website.

My advice? Leave the jungle and join Celery Tree.
Wanna know something even better? Today one commenter will walk away with a FREE SIGNED copy of Roxanne in La La Land purchased from Celery Tree! She walks away with 90% of the sale! See? We're already supporting authors! It's that easy!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Not entering to win, but really hope Celery Tree takes off for everyone!

Li said...

Sounds like a great idea, especially for those of us who have an innate dislike of self-promotion!

S.A. Larsenッ said...

I was a part of the official release announcement of CeleryTree. Love it!! Best of luck.

Laura S. said...

Wow, that is really cool! What a terrific idea to support authors, books, and reading. I hope Celery Tree is hugely successful for everyone!

Angie Ledbetter said...

Not much better in the writing arena than cooperative efforts! Long may your tree grow & branch.

DL Hammons said...

Celery Tree is an awesome venture! Kudo's!! :)

L.A. DeVaul said...

Thank you, Jen for having me on your blog. And thank you everyone for your support of CeleryTree.

Elizabeth Twist said...

Sounds like a great idea. I hope Celery Tree takes off.

dolorah said...

A great idea for inde authors. I hope it flourishes :)


Clara said...

Quite interesting! Hope it gets huge!! : )

Unknown said...

Amen! (You asked for it). What a great idea, thanks for pointing scatterbrained me to zomething useful on the web

Leslie S. Rose said...

What a fab idea. Goin' over to check it out.

Unknown said...

AMEN! What a great idea. I'll come rapping at your door this spring shamlessley looking for a place to sell my book.