Thursday, June 16, 2011

In which I don't lie

So Truth Thursday's is a fun even where people are not allowed to lie on my blog. Seeing as the title Truth Thursday's is a little boring and over done I thought it best to just speak the truth.

1. I don't think dreaming can be harmful butwhile I'm working on my newest novel I like to pretend I'll be as hot as some of the authors in which genre I'm partaking in. For instance I've been stalking Claire Cook, Emily Giffin, and a few others on Twitter. (tell me I am not alone).

2. I love hearing agent stories. Those writers who've snagged their agents and the crazy awesome relationship they have. Last week Lauren DeStefano who wrote Wither (a must-read) shared on twitter that on launch day she emailed her agent and asked "Is this really happening?" to which her agent responded "Who is this?"... Yep, I want that.

3. I flew alone at the beginning of the month. It was both terrifying and exhilirating. I also get sick on planes (that is not terrifying or exhilirating, it's really just plain gross). I did get a great story idea though - so I should thank the drunk girl who talked only of how the bar would not serve her claiming they were out of Jack Daniels, to which she explained she a bartender (over and over again) and had two eyes so she could see the bottle. In those instances you want to say "Put down the bottle." Thank you for making my airport security time enjoyable.

4. Steak n Shake serves breakfast! If you want good breakfast, have a steak n shake near you, and you don't want to wait in line you must go here. IHOP doesn't stand a chance with them around. I love that it's inexpensive and the staff is attentive. I also love pancakes (seriously... i love pancakes).

5. I wonder if there is a place for those who are addicted to cupcakes (it's a troubling addiction). If so I should probably find this secret society and join. Problem is I don't think it'd be much like AA. I think they'd want you to devour more cupcakes. Maybe I should re-think giving up cupcakes or joining a secret society (at least for now).

What are your truths?


Jessica Bell said...

I love pancakes too! O man ... now you've got me hungry!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

The drunk girl story is hilarious! And I hate flying.

Candyland said...

I heart cupcakes and ummmm an agent didn't know who was emailing her and it was her client??? That's classic...Oh man...

Christine Murray said...

I love cupcakes. I once heard someone say that cookies were a gateway drug...which makes me think cupcakes are a little further down the line.

Christina Lee said...

Pancakes and cupcakes FTW!!! *falls back in carb coma*

Leigh Caron said...

Fear of flying, me? Nope. Fear of agent saying, "who is this?" Oh yeah!

Jess said...

Dammit. I'd forgotten about Steak n' Shake...they don't have them where I live and now I have a craving!

Sara {Rhapsody and Chaos} said...

I'm so glad your first flight alone went well :) I remember you'd been scared about it.

My truths:

1) Today I will stay in PJs as long as possible.
2) I need to do laundry but am going to put it off to another day
3) I'm really sad I can't think of more interesting truths right now. But I'm pre-coffee...

Lindsay N. Currie said...

I hate unpacking. I love reruns of eighties shows like Family Ties and Growing Pains. I am dying for the 2012 24 movie. Love that Jack Bauer.

Anna said...

Last night I had a dream about my first book signing. I finished the first draft last week.

Unknown said...

Why would anyone want to give up cupcakes? Great truths this week.

Sarah Ahiers said...

i love agent stories too! But sometimes i need a break because i get a little jealous

Nicole Zoltack said...

I love pancakes and cupcakes too!

Jen said...

Cupcake AA? I think I might need to join!! ;-)

Happy Thursday Dear! xo

Holli said...

I'm a cupcake addict too and I had no clue Steak N Shake served breakfast!

Sarah Tokeley said...

I am embracing the cupcake craze that's sweeping England, because as well as being tasty? Those things are PRETTY.

TerryLynnJohnson said...

great truths. I also love reading about agents! I went to a conference last month and was so envious of the agent and client there. I can't wait till I get to meet mine in person.

my truth today,
I wish I could have a cupcake, but just discovered I hardly fit into my capris, so no cupcakes for me for a while!

Talli Roland said...

Steak n Shake? Please do explain.

Er, how about this... I HATE passing by the flower shop on my street in case the smelly man comes out and tries to talk (aka spit) in my face. Oh the horror.

Jennie Bailey said...

LOVE the new title - In Which I Don't Lie. It gave me a chuckle. You get sick on planes like throw-up sick? I get sick in cars like throw-up sick. It makes road trips not so fun. We drive to Oregon in two days every summer. Have to drive because of our dog. First day - 13 hours straight in the car. I'm getting quesy just thinking of it now. Quesy, and yet I'm craving cupcakes!

Jennifer Hillier said...

I love pancakes, too. And cupcakes. Really, anything with the word "cake" in it is an automatic win for me!

Flying by yourself is scary. I've done it a couple of times myself and am always worried about getting my huge suitcase off the conveyor belt without looking like a weak little girl. Plus I'm always worried I'm going to get lost in the airport.

anthony stemke said...

Pancakes, blueberry pancakes, with butter and molasses (or Sorghum or Steen's cane syrup)

Jemi Fraser said...

I'm not joining any society to help get rid of my cupcake addiction - I like it! :)

Mary Aalgaard said...

Oh, good for you flying alone! See how interesting it can be. I always wonder where do all these people need to go? And, why would you ever travel with several small children? And, some people are awfully cranky. But, mostly, I feel sad at airports. Many times, I've walked into the bathroom and heard sobs coming from another stall.

Meredith said...

I so want to form a cupcake society! Yes, devoted to eating more cupcakes. And maybe learning how to bake more interesting flavors. That would be amazing. :)

Diane J. said...

My truths? I'm not ready for summer vacation. I love my kids, but I love the quiet time when they are in school.

I'm a dough addict. Pancakes, cupcakes, donuts, if it has a dough I'll eat it. It's so sad.

Brenda Sills said...

Hey Jen - I'm running out to my son's BBall game, but before I go, I wanted to tell you that I awarded you THE IRRESISTIBLY SWEET BLOG AWARD! Yay Jen! You are so Wonderful! You can check out what to do on my blog. :)