Monday, September 27, 2010

I'm not addicted...

Dear Exclamation points,

You're my life.
I LOVE you.
You make me happy.
You let others know I'm happy.
Sometimes a little too happy.
Even the bloggers know I LOVE you, like really LOVE you.
We need to take a break.
I know, I know, it makes YOU happy when I use you.
But this nonsense must stop.
I'll always love you.
I just need to use my words.
I am a writer.
I have to give it a try.
Don't worry, you won't be forgotten.
I'll eventually use you again.
For now, just know I LOVE you.

Love, Jen

Do you have any weaknesses when blogging? PS If you haven't entered the giveaway for Princess for Hire, head over now. I'll choose the winner Wednesday.


Candyland said...

OMG I totally blogged about excess today!!! Have you been hiding in my head again?

Leigh Caron said...

Cute post. I…am…addicted to… But thank goodness for editing intervention

Diana Mieczan said...

hahah..such a sweet post:)
I am addicted to smily faces:)
Have a great MOnday

Talei said...

HA! That's so funny and yep so true, sometimes I just can't help myself!! They just slip into my writing. these ;) and ;D. Happy Monday.

Golden Eagle said...

Well, I know one thing I'm addicted to--they show up a lot in my writing. They're just so--I don't know. Maybe it's just that--perhaps I think in spurts like this?

LOL. Hyphens get the best of me sometimes.

Cruella Collett said...

Tee hee! I know exactly what you mean! It is so addictive! I'm not sure I could live without it! So I think you're brave to attempt a break! I really do!

(My REAL problem, though, are parentheses...)

Kristi said...

I'm a total exclamation point over-user too!!! (See...even now I can't help myself!)

Christine Fonseca said...

AHHH!!!! I am right there with ya!

Renae said...

This was so great! Oh see there I go...the first thing I have to edit out of my writing is exclamation points. Well done Jen!

Anne Gallagher said...

I think in my whole ms. I only have one exclamation point. I'm not really a puncuation crazy, I'm more of a 'then' girl myself.

Christina Lee said...

So...!!!!! Well...!!!!! :D those are my weaknesses--LOVE this!

Misha Gerrick said...

lol well said!

Erinn said...

Exclamation points make everything exciting.

I'm going to the mall.

I'm going to the mall!

I'm leaving you.

I"m leaving you!!!!!

This post was great.

This post was GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nicole Zoltack said...

I tend to abuse.... and when I'm writing... if I notice it... I switch over to -- but!!!! are way cool.

Jessica Bell said...

haha. WOW. This must be a pretty big step to take. You might have to do a 12 step program, Jen! Don't worry. If the lack of !!! get you down in any way, just give me a buzz and I'll sneak you a hit!!!! ;o)

Hannah said...

LOL! I only seem to abuse when I'm commenting. I just get so caught up in everyone's excitement. Which is even funnier if you have a real conversation with me. I'm what some people call a "straight man." I'm not very exciteable...on the outside.

Angela said...

Great poem!

Anonymous said...

Gotta love the stick and dot, but sometimes love is letting go! I'm not ready to let go yet!! As you can see. Sweet post.

Jaydee Morgan said...

I use exclamation points excessively when blogging or commenting - though I will rarely use one in my writing.

Crystal Cook said...

Yeah, I'm kind of bad about those too. And these :):):)

I'll miss all your little happy exclamation points!

JB said...

Oh, the day I learned everything I did was "annoying" to others was a sad day, indeed! lol (two things here... quoations and "lol") I tend to use exclamation, too... and smiley faces.... so people know I am enthusiastic and smiling!! :) I like the dots, too.... so we are just talking, not me writing. Great blog, I enjoyed it on this gloomy Monday. Have a GREAT DAY !!! :-)

Lindsay said...

Dear Jen,

You give me life.
I know you LOVE me.
Words will not care like me.
Pack more of a punch than me.
But I understand.
I will miss you.
I will mourn you.
But I'll always LOVE you.

Love, Exclamation points.

Sorry, made me do it. :)

Beth Fred said...

Wow, Jen. Just wow. LOL. Congrats on your exlamation point fast.

Tamika: said...

I'm addicted to the smily face:):):) it just feels so good:)!

Luna said...

Smiley faces for me. There are probably other things, I just haven't noticed them yet.

Creepy Query Girl said...

Personally, I love your exclamation marks!- I think they represent that energy of yours (honestly, I don't know how you manage- what is your secret? Vitamin C?):)

Anonymous said...

I don't use excessive exclamation points. But I did abuse gerunds. And lengthy sentences. My editor pointed this out to me. Editors are the best investment a writer can make. Which reminds me, I need to put mine on my Christmas card list before I forget.

Stephen Tremp

Kelly Polark said...

I totally use excessive !!!!!! on my blog and in my comments.
Luckily I restrain myself in my manuscripts (but I better go double check just in case... ;).

Southpaw said...

I’m a total comment exclamationer! (I can make up words, right?)

Amie Borst said...

oh wow - you blogged about weaknesses and i blogged about strengths!

i'm really good at telling.

oh wait. that's a weakness, not a strength.


Laura Pauling said...

Maybe they are bad in manuscripts but, they are important in commenting and email interactions because they take the place of facial expressions! So exclamation point away on your blog!

Laura S. said...

LOL! I love exclamation points, too!!! And I love it when other bloggers excessively use them!!!!!

Samantha Vérant said...

Blogging addictions. Chocolate. I eat it. And I like it. hahahahaha

Theresa Milstein said...

I read somewhere that there should be only one exclamation point in an entire book. But I think in children's books we have more leeway. Right?

Go to "Missed Periods and Other Grammar Scares" blog. She just gave awards out to exclamations commas and so on. It's too funny!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

No, not me!!

Jillian said...

Jen I am not sure if you have noticed but I to share your addiction!!!!!!!!


have a great day!

vic caswell said...

tempting, no?
:) = my obsession
and i do <3
too!!!!!!!!! :) :)

Bish Denham said...

Me! Too! Guilty! As! Charged!

Meredith said...

Haha, so cute!!!! I need to stop using emoticons. I rely on them much too heavily.

Private said...

Exclamation poits are a lot like Comic Sans, I think! Everyone secretly loves it, but no one wants to admit it because it makes them look unintellectual. Am I right?

Kelsey (Dominique) Ridge said...

Exclamation points are fun!
I like parenthetical expressions and dashes a lot. Too bad they're probably out of vogue these days.

Colene Murphy said...

OH! It kills me not to be able to use all the !!!!!!!!!!! I want in my novels! KILLS!
You see how much more intense that sounds with a big ol ! after it!? Oh well.

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Ha ha ha ha ha! Oh, girl, I know I should probably join you, but I don't think I'm quite ready to let them go. I LOVE them sooooo much!! LOL. :-)

LTM said...

LOL! But sometimes they're so effective! Don't you think??? ;p <3

j.leigh.bailey said...

Hello, my name is Jennifer and I'm addicted to... elipsis. And--if that's not bad enough--em dashes. So you go ahead and keep you !!!, and I'll keep my ... and --. :)

Jen said...

I use a lot of exclamion points too...but what I overuse the definately the ...

Anonymous said...

This post is adorable! I also have a thing for exclamation points. Sometimes nothing else will do.

Melissa said...

Adorable and sweet as always Jen. I love exclamation points.... when I text... I use them excessively. I do sometimes in comments to but I TRY to avoid them in blogging because I know we arent supposed to use them in writing.


If only our love wasn't forbidden, right?

Sandy said...

This post is so cute it made me smile. :)

I have way too many weaknesses when it comes to blogging, but one I can't seem to fix is the tendency to begin all my paragraphs with "so."

Jai Joshi said...

Jen, that is so hilarious! Bravo!


Terri Tiffany said...

LOL That is my weakness too on commenting!!!! And I won't deny them.

Terry Stonecrop said...


Who doesn't love them and elipses...

...and smileys:):):):)

Love the love letter!!!!!!

Shannon said...



Lenny Lee said...

hi miss jen! WOW! cool poem! you could see at my blog and on comments and in my stories i do lots of those neat exclamotions all the time. they make stuff more strong & exciting. for me if im happy its like when i say wow! and if its a happy surprise it gets a more big wow and big letters and a lot more !s WOW!!!! and if im all excited and happy and surprised all at the same time it gets bigger and its got a zillion
!s. WOWEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...laughs and big hugs from lenny

Shelley Sly said...

This is adorable!

I'm gonna go along with everyone else and add some exclamations in order to make up for the ones you didn't use!!! :)

Elana Johnson said...

LOL! But your use of exclamation points is what makes YOU YOU!!!!!!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

lol! The poor exclamation mark just got a Dear Mark letter (sorry). Love it!

Melissa Hurst said...

I am an abuser of the lol, !, :), and (). I don't know if I can be reformed.

Jemi Fraser said...

That is so me! Not in my writing, but definitely in my blogging. I'm a total addict :)

Bethany Elizabeth said...

I'm smiley faces alllll over. But I don't mind - I smile all the time, so when I'm blogging, I want my readers to see it! :) In my writing? Not so much. :) (I just can't stooooooooooooooop)(read: drawn out stop, not stoop)

Carolyn Abiad said...

I have to use them here!!!! Or they will wind up somewhere!!!! (Thanks for letting me get that out!) :D

Jennie Bailey said...

Love love love!!!! This was perfect. So very Jen. Hilarious!


I like exclamation points, too.

!!!!!!!!!!!! :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Carolyn V. said...

LOL! I love the !!!! too! They are just so fun! =D

Anonymous said...

Great post and I love your blog! I am so glad you came by this weekend to say hello. I am addicted to ellipsis (sp?) ... and smiles :)

Stina said...

I'm addicted to exclamations and ellipsis and dash-ems. I especially have a love affair with dash-ems. :D

Vicki Rocho said...

But I love my e-points! Like a LOT!




Ashley Stone said...

I do the same thing!!! <----see. Plus... I do that a lot. .... <---- that. Haha.... I can't help it. I do it when I text too.

TerryLynnJohnson said...

Heh heh. This is so great. I used them a LOT in blogging to make up for not being able to use them in my novels.

Alyssa Kirk said...

Yep, I'm guilty of the "!" over usage. I also have to work not to start my sentences with "So"

So, thanks for the fun post!

(Whoops - see what I mean.)

Kelly H-Y said...

I love them too!!! :-)

Amy Holder said...

Hahaha!!! Loved this & can totally relate! My name is Amy Holder, and I am an exclamation addict. We need to start a support group! I'm not sure if I'd survive without exclamation points!!!!