Friday, September 10, 2010

The Real Facts

I met blogger buddy Meredith last night for dinner!!! She is awesome! We are going to the Sophie Jordan book signing on Saturday and we'll have pictures for you then!!!

Last day of the TRIFECTA!!! Make sure to stop by Woohoo!!! It's Thursday!!!! Elana Johnson, Alex Cavanaugh's place for the last installment of this blogging experience!

Today is more about me than anything! How much time I spend blogging, my attitude towards blogging and how I build relationships.

Maybe this information will help you in your blogging experience! At least, I know that's what we are hoping for in the end result!

So how much time do I spend blogging?

Too Much. Next Question. Okay but in all seriousness I do spend a lot of time blogging. Sunday's (or in this case Saturday) I wrapped up two weeks worth of blog posts for myself, so throughout the week I'm able to pay more attention to all of YOU!

Throughout the week I take as many little moments as I can snag and blog. When I wake up I shower, pack my lunch, and blog. Who needs breakfast? Okay so I do, but that doesn't happen until I get to work... I spend about 30-45 minutes in the morning, EACH DAY, visiting as many blogs as I can. I'm unable to blog again until the evening after work, where I spend another 1-2 hours (or if the hubs is gone, A LOT MORE) blogging my butt off.

My attitude towards blogging?

Addiction. That's really the only way to describe it. I'm very addicted to blogger, to the point that it can become stressful. I have to remember that taking a day off is allowed, I started this blog for me, to help establish friends, support and an overall writing voice.

I wish I could comment on everyone's blog, every day, but even if I had no full-time job I wouldn't be able to do that, it's out of my reach... my type-A personality is still learning that lesson. It's a tough one to swallow. However I wouldn't change blogging for the world, I love dropping by everyone's blog to see what they've been up to, where they've been and what they're planning to accomplish. It's amazing, it's like a drug.

Building Relationships.

Commenting, supporting and caring. I comment if you comment (unless I'm swamped, I won't lie, I'm not always on my game), I support your giveaways, your causes and your overall writing ability. If you have a shout-out that needs to be given, I'm your girl. When you're down I want to be there to catch you before you fall, to tell you to put the pen done, leave the delete button alone, and don't put your MS on fire. You'll eventually love your book again, and no one wants to see you've deleted it and can't get back that mistake.

I email and answer questions when given. I support upcoming novels for those who are brand new to the writing world, and other authors I just adore. I find that building relationships is the easiest for me, I just wish I had more time to devote to all of you.

Final Thoughts.

So that is my blogging experience. Some days are good, some days are bad, but know that I always love the experience and what it's already taught me. I've never met a better group of people to be involved with and I thank Elana, Alex and ALL OF YOU for supporting me in my blogging and writing life, you are all an inspiration.

A Little Extra:
I hope each of you takes away a little something. Just remember that what Elana, Alex and I have written is just about OUR experiences, it doesn't mean it works for everyone, but if you can take a little something extra then you should!


Diana Mieczan said...

So cool that you met a blogging buddy...Its always fun to do that, right?
I so agree with what you said...Blogging is such a great addiction...hahah...I always try to find as much time as I can to pop over and say hello...Its relaxing, fun and it feels like a coffee with friends...If you know what I mean...Ok...I am off to have a coffee...kisses and hugs and enjoy your Friday,sweetie pie

Christina Lee said...

Yeah...sigh. I can relate. When I started this over two years ago, I blogged seven days a week, always had vaction posts scheduled and never took three day weekends. It became exhausting (And not fun).

But I've modified all that. Only five days a week, short posts, and I do take vacations and long weeknds to recharge my batteries! And you may find that you will too, Jen!

Have a good weekend!

Terri Tiffany said...

I think you are one of the most upbeat bloggers I have met! You tire me out reading how well you do it. I try hard to catch up on the weekends and have cut my posts to twice a week so I can get around and visit.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I'm fortunate I can blog at work, but it still consumes several hours a day. I finally realized I can't comment on everyone's post, but I try to hit every blog at least once a week.
Thanks again for including me in this series! I've learned a lot from you and Elana.

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

This trifecta has been full of ideas and answers--entertainment, too let's not leave that out.
Thanks for coming up with the idea.

Vicki Rocho said...

and just like that the trifecta is over (sigh). Lots of good stuff!

I would like to add my endorsement to your idea bucket! I can email post ideas to my blog draft folder so whenever I think of something I type it up and send it. Sometimes it's just the title, and sometimes it's a rough draft o the post. I've got over 50 half-baked ideas in the books now so if I get stuck it's my own danged fault.

Christine Fonseca said...

Your series was FAB!!! Thank you.

Laura Pauling said...

Thanks! And yes, it really is about the relationships. That's why I like blogging.

JB said...

It was a pleasure to read of your experiences with blogging and what works for you. Keep enjoying the journey! Janelle

Bish Denham said...

You are just so up-beat Jen. I'll be dipped in hot oil if I'm lying when I say you have a bubbly personality and it comes through in all your blogs.

Samantha Vérant said...

Ditto, Jen. It's an addiction, this blogging. Once you can't stop

Erica Mitchell said...

You are one of the most enjoyable and fun and caring bloggers. More than that I know your a friend to so many people and you deserve all the love you get on here 'cause you give out so much to all of us.
The blogging trifecta has been awesome and very well done to all of you!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend m'dear and I will be emailing shortly. =D

Alison Pearce Stevens said...

I'm relieved to hear that you spend hours blogging. I'm in awe of people who can comment on 50 or more other blogs in a day. I just don't have it in me (must be getting slow in my old age). :D

Jared Larson said...

Great post, Jennifer. You guys have put up some amazing posts that have helped me a ton. Thank you so much.

Jess said...

This series was fun to read, and very educational for a relatively new blogger like me. Reading your posts makes me wish I had/made more time to spend on posts, commenting, etc. Thanks so much!

Talei said...

Hi Jen, thanks to you and Elana and Alex for putting together a great series! I've enjoyed reading all your posts! And - I've learnt alot too. I like the idea of having posts ready on the weekend to go! You all are amazing! ;)

Have a lovely weekend!! ;))

Summer Ross said...

Blogging takes alot out of my days too. I'm glad I'm not the only one who blogs in advance...though I can't say I go as far as two weeks, but sometimes I will a full week. and I have extra stuff sitting around just incase I can't come up with a decent blog...or I end up having finals for the weeks. lol

So very cool you got to met a fellow blogger!!

Matthew MacNish said...

You make a great point about time Jen, and you are one of the most supportive and prolific commenters out there, so it shows how organized you are. Well done!

I should really write more posts ahead of time, so that I would have more time to visit, read, and comment on other blogs, but it's just not me. I'm too spontaneous, which is a great euphemism for being disorganized as hell.

JE said...

You said it all with one word: addictive.

Do you think they have a support group for people like us? ;-)


DL Hammons said...

This has been a great series and a wonderful way to wrap it up. You are truly one of the blogging queens and you should wear your Tiara proudly!! :)

Arlee Bird said...

The Trifecta was an excellent Blog Event. Thanks to all three of you. What you stated here in your closing could mostly apply to me as well. I do most of the things you are talking about and I will attest to anyone out there that this is what works if you want to build and maintain an active and loyal following do what Jen says. She's right!

Tossing It Out

Meredith said...

This blogging trifecta was one of the most helpful things ever--you all gave such awesome advice! And I think you're right that you shouldn't feel guilty about not getting to everyone every day. It's just impossible sometimes.

So happy I got to meet you!!! Can't wait for the Sophie Jordan event!

Amy Saia said...

I think many of us could honestly say how much of a gift you are to the blogging community. You gave such great tips and I know I appreciate it so much! Thanks for that, Jen!

Colene Murphy said...

Fantastic Finish!! Thanks so much for posting all this. Been a huge help! Blog Trifecta FTW!

Carolyn V. said...

I'm so glad you guys did this series! I have wondered how other writers do the blogging. It's good to get ideas for my own time. =)

M. said...

i spend wayyyyyyy too much time blogging and most of that time is spent mesmerized by you :)

Stina said...

I never thought blogging would be an addiction but it is. I get up at 5 am M-F to blog (on the weekends I get up at 5 am to write). I spend 2-4 hours a day (except weekend) on the blogs. This doesn't count the time I spend writing my posts. Those I try to do on the weekend, except for Cool Links Friday. That I work on Thursday night. :)

Colene Murphy said...

And thanks so much for the represent on your sidebar! (and the awesome blond joke. How did you ever know i loved them!?)

Anonymous said...

An addiction or a way of life even? Your sentiments and advice are very welcome and quite lovely. Thanks :O)
My blog could certainly take a visit it's feeling all lonely out there in the big wide world of cyberspace. I do hope I haven't been committing all the no-nos that you've mentioned in your blogging trifecta! ;O)

Cinette said...

I love your voice. You feel so sincere and giving! I'm so glad I found you this week!


Amie Borst said...

sometimes i feel like i spend more time blogging then i do writing.... 'nuff said.

Lenny Lee said...

hi miss jen! thanks for all the cool stuff on being a good blogger. youve always got something neat that people could learn. i got 85 followers and i cant even think how i could go visit them all. i want to for sure but yikes it could take the rest of my life to do it. ha ha. i hopeyou have a real fun weekend. im gonna be the first one to read your blog on monday :)
...hugs from lenny

Nicole Zoltack said...

Loved these blogs on blogging. I've definitely become obsessed with blogging the past couple of weeks. Following more blogs than ever, leaving a lot more comments, trying to post more on mine, gaining new followers... *sigh* It's a lot to keep up with but it's so much fun too!

Anonymous said...

You're amazing.

I wish I had more time to blog but with work and all-around real life (which I refuse to admit includes "work") get in the way.

I so admire how you're able to keep up. I mean, not to enable your addiction or anything.... ;o)

When I grow up (in the blogging sense), I want to be just like you!


Sondrae Bennett said...

Let me just say, I'm jealous! I love Sophie Jordan! Also, I think it's awesome that you're going with a blogging buddy!

Candyland said...

Yay for a great week!!! I wish I had time to comment on everyones blog every day, but it's just not possible.

Lindsay said...

Yay to the Trifecta. :)

I'm with you on loving blogging, but sometimes we can't comment on everyone's blogs.
You're a rockstar for all that you manage to get done...and still find time to write. :)

Have a fabulous time at the Sophie Jordan signing. I soooo wish I could go. I'm trying to plan going to Becca Fitzpatrick's and Maggies Stiefvaters in October. I so hope I can make one of them :)

KA said...

Yeah, if I were organized like that, I would blog ahead and do automatic posting too. It would be really good for me. Or so I keep telling myself.

Theresa Milstein said...

I love my blogging buddies. There a resource when I'm down or have a question. And I'm a resource for others. I don't know writers did before blogging. Maybe more people gave up? Drank too much?

I'm a little addicted to blogging too.

Have a great weekend!

Elana Johnson said...

That's all the time you spend? I didn't even address time. I have before, and people sort of were like, "Well, YOU can do that, but I can't." Which is so true. Maybe I'll do a follow up post or something.

Great stuff here, Jen!

Suzie F. said...

This has been a great series. Especially, since I'm new to blogging world. I've picked up some great tips from you, Elana and Alex this week. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Funny you mentioned having a Type A personality. I wonder if that's what makes me feel as if I need to read EVERY SINGLE blog I follow? But of course I don't have the time so that's a no-go unless I pace it out.

I try not to blog for more than an hour a day but today I've already broken that rule! xD

Connie Keller said...

Thanks! I wholeheartedly agree with you that one of the things that I've appreciated about blogging is the support I've gotten as I've worked on my books--even from blog readers who aren't writers. It means so much!

Ellie Garratt said...

I'm learning all about that addiction word LOL.

Rose Cooper said...

You're so awesome! I love the community of bloggers that I've met. It's the biggest reward of blogging. And of course meeting people like you :) I know, I'm such a kiss up, lol. and to think I only started seriously blogging a few months ago. Where would my life be without a blog?? yes, very addicting!

Jolene Perry said...

Hey, it's been a fun week and we're all glad you take the time...

Anonymous said...

I hope blogging stays about connection and never becomes too stressful for you Jen. Always nice to see your support at my place and I hope I can continue to give it back to you.

Jemi Fraser said...

I've really enjoyed this week visiting the trifecta - you folks rock! Thanks for all of the great advice this week!

I'm another Type A working on letting go of the guilt. :)

Unknown said...

I'm so envious, I wish I could blog like you...but sometimes, just feel like doing other things, like cooking, or just reading and shutting out the world, and at times like now, thinking about my story while I should be doing something concrete...glad I came to your blog today, so much to learn!

Melissa said...

I love that the best part for you is building relationships - and boy are you ever good at it. You are sweet and open and always so interested. You are all the things you say you are (this is rare. People say they are a lot of things and it is hard to find people who really are all they say they are.)

This week has been so informative and I really want to take a lot of it into account. I've already started a blog folder for ideas. And I'm going to try to reach out and broaden my circle of awareness more, as soon as I get settled in school. So in a week or so. I really appreciate all the thought and effort you put into this!

Trust me, HP world lives up to the hype. HP has never let me down. I am so relieved to say that this time is no different. I'm glad you enjoyed the photos. I'll be posting even more on facebook if you have the time or inclination to look through them. I'll message you when I do.

Anonymous said...

Brava! This has been such great series, full of positivity and insight. Thank you Jen!

Clara said...

This was awesome Jen! Thanks for that! I wish I had your talent to blog!

The Words Crafter said...

You're absolutely right about this being an addiction. I bet there's as many of us out here as there are in world of warcraft! And that's saying something.

I love the way you always give shout outs and links and news. It's very sweet of you and reveals a lot about you as a person.

And I couldn't agree more. The blogging community is filled with the best people. And you're one of them!

LTM said...

good stuff, Jen! and while it is a small addiction, it's so great to meet funny, smart, interesting, thoughful, intelligent (oh, tell me more!) people out there who share my love of words.

yay, blogging! ;o)

DL Curran said...

This series has been fantastic, though this is the first time I've commented here. I've only been poking around here for a few weeks, and the more I explore the more fascinating people I 'meet'! Thanks for the blogs-for-a-week idea... hadn't thought of it, but hopefully I'll be able to explore even more! I'll stop by again. :)

Jillian said...

I would love to have dinner with all of my blogging buddies especially you! This was a great post to wrap up the trifecta Jen.I hope you an awesome weekend. I agree that blogging is an addiction. It is just so rewarding. Say hi to the hubs for me haha.

Love Jillian

Manzanita said...

You have given me encouragement and good ideas about bloging and I know there are many others who can say the same. I've always liked the feeling of sisterhood and the bonding that stems from it. That's exactly how I feel about bloging, too.

Enjoy the weekend.


Blogging is a wonderful addiction, isn't?

great post!

... Paige said...

well, well looks like this post has approved, at least by the comment count. and that also tells me you must be doing something right. I too do post ahead, although not as many as you; I have no excuse, it's just my way and as all mother's know...

it's my way or the highway

happy blogging

TerryLynnJohnson said...

WOO! Great ending to a fun topic. It's truly amazing how many blogs you visit and how many great posts you publish. I guess that's why you have over 700 followers! Way to go.

Laura S. said...

You're doing an awesome job with your blog, Jen! This was a really great series. I liked hearing about your blogging techniques!

Jai Joshi said...

I can't wait for the pics, Jen! It's always cool to meet cyber buddies. I've met several over the country and it's always a wicked experience!


Tamika: said...

This blog chain is great:) It's nice to hear what blogging is for the gurus!

I admit that it is addicting, and one of the reasons I could not see myself stepping away. EVER:)

Mimi said...

On a day when one of my favourite bloggers announced that she's quitting, due to time pressures, it's interesting to see exactly how much time you spend blogging.
I don't measure how long I spend, and most of my posts are just quick, random stuff (basically no editing!) but still it does take up a fair bit of time.
But there are no rules here, and so far everyone has been really nice, nobody gives out if you don't post, or comment. So it's good, as far as I'm concerned.

Unknown said...

Thanks Jen! I plan to use many of your suggestions. I've been trying to figure out how to increase traffic to my blog and now I have some great ideas.

Christine Danek said...

how fun to meet a blogger buddy. Addiction--so true. I know the feeling.