Thursday, September 16, 2010

Truth Thursdays

Oh.My.Gosh. I've missed Truth Thursdays so MUCH!!! I should never have gotten rid of this!!! Ever!!! This is too good!

So let's get started... why talk about the awesomeness when I can live it.

1. Plain Jane Moments - The perfect burger (meat, pickles, onions, and bun) when I want to live life on the edge I add bacon. I know, I'm a bad ass.

2. Old Addictions - I'm addicted to Susan Elizabeth Phillips novels. She is amazing and I would love to snag an interview (SEP if you're reading, hit me up!). I've read all that the library has offered and I'm currently making my own library filled with SEP books, so if you haven't read her please DO! And if you want to help with my infatuation.. ahem, collection I wouldn't say no.

3. New Addictions - Jersey Shore. Don't knock it till you try it. The Situation will have you wrapped around his finger so quickly you won't ever be able to look back. This cast could all stand to take some courses in counseling and get some real mental help. Seriously these kids are messed up, but for all the right trashy reasons. If you're missing out, you should start recording... NOW.

4. Sneaky Moments - I've become amazing at listening and chatting with people (okay stalking and eavesdropping). I never know I could be so good, it seems that even though people like to have 'private' conversations, sometimes they forget other people are still sitting nearby... then again maybe my invisibility cloak actually works. And they said that Harry Potter had the only real one... what do they know.

5. Moments of Awesome - People like to talk to me. Within fifiteen minutes I can tell you pretty much anything about the person next to me. Is that an ability we have as writers? People like us and want to talk to us... my next question would then be why? Why, when you've warned them you're a writer do they proceed to tell you their life stories. Don't they know that it could be used against them? Makes me wonder... should we be lawyers?

So what are your truths for the week? Any moments of sneakiness, stalking, awesomeness, plain jane? Do tell. I'm interested.


Jessica Bell said...

LOL. I too have plain jane moments. I think I spent the majority of my life trying to be different that plain jane is so much more appealing than to the average joe! ;o)

Vicki Rocho said...

I almost went into psychology / counseling because soooo many people (even ones i didn't know) would just start telling me stuff. I didn't, though, because I knew their problems would haunt me and I wouldn't be able to 'fix' everyone.

And, Jen...Jersey Shore? Really? I'm probably just too old to get it.

Creepy Query Girl said...

I haven't seen jersey shore yet! I like to think that I'm open and friendly and that people are comfortable talking to me. Buuuut I can be kind of shy. It depends on the person I'm with. Anywhoo, your burger made me hungry...OH and I LOVE SEP. I'm pretty sure i've read everything she's ever written.

Diana Mieczan said...

I totally love sneaky moments...hahaha....I always look forward to them...I really have to start watching the Jersey Shore...Everyone says its really cool:)

Have a sweet Thursday

Renae said...
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Renae said...

I have got to start watching Jersey Shore! My husband watches it and loves it. (You did not hear that from me.)

Oh and sneaky moments? I can't leave the house without having one of those. Although my best was raving about the girl in front of us in line at Target. Not very sneaky. She had the most amazing purple streaks in her hair and I of course had to compliment her. I swear if my son could have rode home with another family that day he would have!

Bish Denham said...

No Jersey Shore for me.
Plain Jane Moment? I am one! (How about plain ol' mac and cheese? LOVE IT!)
Old Addictions, rereading some Arthur C. Clark.
Sneaky Moments? As often as possible.
Moments of Awesome? Every day.

Christine Fonseca said...

As much as I LOVE to cook fancy stuff...pretty plain jane at heart!

Summer Ross said...

These were great. I don't watch much TV so jersey shore is out. I havent read you addiction yet b ut I might look her up and see what she's like.
awesomeness- published poem is my awesomeness. Plain jane moment- sitting at my desk catching up on homework

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Truths? I'm a Hulu and NetFlix junkie. Not much of a secret though. And I was brave enough to post something about my book other than the synopsis this week. That took a lot!

Jaydee Morgan said...

I love sneaky moments. I'm always eavesdropping on conversations and sshhhh-ing my friends so I can hear what's being said at the next table. It's a terrible thing - but I call it research ;)

DL Hammons said...

I took my son and his two cousins to the county fair last night and now I wondering why I never saw this before? Is everybody who works those rides and games at the fair a genetic experiment reject?

Sandy said...

Oh, I am envious of your stalking and eavesdropping skills! You can learn so much about people from listening and talking to them. I can listen, but talking is difficult:)

Vikki said...

Ooh, your Plain Jane moment sounds delicious! (and I totally vote for bacon. Bacon makes the world go around.) I haven't yet watched Jersey Shore, but I did watch Real Housewives of New Jersey, which always made me want to scrub my eyes with Borax after. But I had to keep watching! It was like a train wreck...I couldn't NOT look at it.

Summer Frey said...

The only people who ever want to talk to me are either in the grocery store or at the gas pump. And then it's alway ssomething...uncomfortable.

My current truth, as I'm typing this: I'm going to go upstairs and bitch slap the old man above me who likes to vacuum his f*cking floor at 7am on weekends. Not that it's 7am. Or a weekend. But he's vacuuming, and I hate it.


Jillian said...

hahaha I never would have pegged you as a Jersey Shore girl. You are too funny.

People tend to see me as a counselor, even people I just met. They like to tell me their problems. But I like to listen so I guess it's a good match lol.

Leigh Caron said...

I am the sum of it all. No, wait! I mean, you sum it up well.

Olivia J. Herrell, writing as O.J. Barré said...

These were great, thanks for sharing! I have that awesome thing, too. I just thought it was because I'm such a blabbermouth myself.

Love this post! ~that rebel, Olivia

Colene Murphy said...

That one guy with the puffy, greasy hair on Jersey shore annoys me too much to give that show a chance. His hair...ugh just can't get passed it!

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

Really enjoyed this but now I'm off to make a Plain Jane Burger with bacon! lol

Anonymous said...

The perfect burger? I prefer a sandwich, but that’s just me I guess.
Fun post. Thanks for this.

All the best, Boonie

Candyland said...

My truth: I've watched Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam three times this week. Two of those times, I was alone...

Mimi said...

I definitely think that good writers are good listeners and also good at observing and eavesdropping. Stalking, I'm not sure!
My Plain Jane moment- dark chocolate ginger biscuit (or cookie) with a topping of, mix 50/50 raspberry yoghurt and mascarpone, then fresh raspberries. Yum! and sooo good for you!

Anonymous said...

I missed your blog so much!
Oh my, I used to hate Jersey shore. I watched about 2 episodes some days ago, and now I keep searching for show times! haha...I'm addicted to it!
I hope you have a wonderful day.


DL Curran said...

My Truth... like Candyland... I too have watched Camp Rock 2 a couple of times. Each time I was alone. And my writer's group laughed at me when I told them. I cannot imagine why. Oh did I mention my kids are boys - 5 and 3 - so I can't even blame them. Yeah. Uhm... yeah.

Dianne K. Salerni said...

Great idea!

Plain Jane: I like vanilla ice cream best.

Old Addiction: Mary Roberts Rinehart gothic mysteries, written between 1900 and 1930.

New Addiction: Mad Men

Sneaky Moments: Planning free write time for my class so I can write too.

Moments of Awesome: I received a gift from a reader yesterday, a charm bracelet she designed, inspired by my book. (Way more awesome than any 5 star review!)

Anonymous said...

My truth is jumping on the Disney bandwagon. This week I watched Wizards of Waverly Place . . . on purpose . . . on Netflix . . . and I have no children.

Sondrae Bennett said...

Kelly, don't worry...I've done that too.

As for my newest addiction, it's honestly my blog. I've only had it for a couple months but already I'm addicted. I look forward to creating new posts and coming up with ideas for posts (I'm constantly making notes for blog posts). I've found a new outlet for my writing and I'm loving it!

Cinette said...

~sniff~ I'm jealous of your plain jane moment. I can't eat red meat. I'll live vicariously through you,'K?

Lindsay said...

Hmm, I can't go with the burger moment...I'm not a burger kind of a gal. lol. But I get the 'sneaky conversations.' I must have been wearing my invisibility cloak a few times when people have been talking. lol.

Theresa Milstein said...

Jersey Shore... I admit to it too.

Carolyn V. said...

My truth, I've been thinking of watching the lasted movie in Twillight. Shhh, don't tell anyone.

LTM said...

yep, people talk to me. Which is why that whole journalism thing worked out so well... you seriously should give it a whirl. before it's gone! :D

LTM said...

yep, people talk to me. Which is why that whole journalism thing worked out so well... you seriously should give it a whirl. before it's gone! :D

Southpaw said...

I love your plain jane moment!

Meredith said...

Oh, I love the Jersey Shore! Any time I'm flipping through the channels and it's on, I can't help but get sucked in. It's just fascinating :)

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Ha ha ha. I am the queen of Sneaky, plain Jane moments! Did ya like how I mixed those?! LOL. :-)

Shannon said...

Good truths, Jen! =)

Mine for the week?

1. I cannot do it all

2. I love Michael more today than I did 5 years ago

3. I'm addicted to Survivor

Lisa Gail Green said...

I think you're right! The whole stranger telling me their life story thing was always a puzzle. Maybe it is the writer thing..

Private said...

I'm totally with you on the Sneaky moments! I do that as well:)

Amy Saia said...

I like that you're an eavesdropper. I'm totally with you on that one! So fun!

My truth. Tiredness. White rice and soy sauce. Green tea. Doobie Brothers and chocolate. Sleeeeep.

Anonymous said...

Haha, your fifth truth got me giggling. You pose a good question too: who really would WANT to have long discussions with a writer? Unless they're hoping we'll write a biography about them or something...

I work in retail so there's plenty of chances for me to eavedrop on people. ;]

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

That thing where people want to talk to you...that's not a writer thing..that's just you. You have an outgoing personality that comes across as happy and welcoming (across the net anyways). I'm plain jane personified. Not socially outgoing at all :P

Yaya' s Home said...

Oh, I do love those Writerly opportunities. You know the ones; when everybody an' his brother's dog is sharin' the juiciest information. All I can do when that happens is plan how I'm gonna' work this situation into one of my stories an' try to figure out which character is gonna' be the guinea pig. Yup! There are stories all around us.

~ Yaya

You can call me Ant. said...

hahaa, I'm such a conversation eavesdropper! Usually in bookstore cafes I plop my butt down and get the dish on all my stranger neighbors sitting around me, it's great, although sometimes they catch me glaring at them when they are speaking crap that I don't agree with :) All good fun. Oh, and Susan Elizabeth Phillip? If you could recommend one book, your fave from her for me to read which would you recommend? I need some new material to read. I agree with your post on my blog, there are so many great books out there, so why should I torture myself with garbage!

N. R. Williams said...

This week I have been too tired to having any weaknesses except missing out on all the wonderful blogs I usually follow. The culprit was a mighty fine writer's conference last weekend. I have been blogging about it all week.
N. R. Williams, fantasy author

vic caswell said...

oh my goodness! people are always just telling me random personal stuff! people i barely know, people i wish i didn't know so well... well that eventually turns into everyone- because they keep telling me SO MUCH personal stuff!!

i can't take my kids to the park without being stopped by some kid i don't know at least once who tells me something embarassing about his/her family, school, teacher, babysitter, etc. i love kids! but i always wonder why they tell me!

Ellie Garratt said...

You have as much bacon as you like!

Number five is so true, I had to laugh. It doesn't matter how many times I tell them I'm a fiction writer, they still either a) tell me their life story or b) tell me that I shoud write about my life, friends and family! Err. . .no. The clue is in the word 'fiction'.

Jai Joshi said...

Dude, I watched Jersey Shore for the first time on Thursday because one of my best friends invited me to watch it with her Jersey Shore enthusiasts. I didn't know what to expect but, oh my god, I can't even tell you how appalled I was. For the first time in my life I believe the old saying "ignorance is bliss".

None of those guys wrapped me round their finger, especially not 'the situation'.
