Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tuesday Twist

I'm pegging this week as Writing Week.

In lieu of all those participating in NaNoWriMo, and all those who are just writing I figure what a perfect month to have some fun with writing!

This weeks Tuesday Twist is a bit different, everything will be my writing.

Yes, I'm sharing. It won't be up for long, I've recently gotten a little superstitious with everything I write. However I think these are fun to share...

So here they are.

First Sentences
1. At our best we are invisible.
2. Society and it's traditions are overrated.
3. Midnight neared, my first test run moments away.

1. Tully from The Traveler's
2. Stella from Getting to Peloria
3. Fina from Dreaming of Raslina

Feel free to share your own favorite lines!

In extra news: Rebecca Talley is having a contest! If you pre-order her novel The Upside of Down you'll be entered to win a $50 Amazon giftcard! Her book sounds amazing!


Jessica Bell said...

I absolutely LOVE the first one, hon! So intriguing! Nice work! ;o)

Diana Mieczan said...

Im loving nr.2...Thanks so much for sharing it with us sweetie and you really shouldn't be superstitious with your writing...because you are amazing!
Hugs and kisses

Diana Mieczan said...

about not with..haha

Lo Hughes said...

Loving number one!!! That would hook me for sure.

Anita said...

I have to say I'm liking number one. Very intriguing!

Christina Lee said...

OOOh intriguing! I love #1 and #3 best!! This one could have been a good blogfest too--ha!

Alex Mullarky said...

My favourite is definitely the first (:

Signe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Signe said...

Best of luck with NaNoWriMo and I LOVE you Harry Potter countdown :D
I am sooo looking forward to that movie!!

edit: Just sorting out some typos ;)

Jessica Ann Hill said...

Love that first one! So intriguing. They're all fantastic. Great work!

P.S. I have something for you over at my blog today. :)

Meredith said...

Such a fun thing to share! Hmm, #1 is intriguing to me, especially since I know that's the creepy one :) Great first line!! The others have me hooked, too!

Kristin Rae said...

Wow, you have a lot of stories going on!

Let's see... I recently started reworking an old story of mine, and I changed the first line to "That first kiss changed everything." I like it so far (though it will probably change, because I'm just like that) because it opens up so many possibilities and the reader will have to keep on reading.

Summer Ross said...

The first one is a great line! With NaNo I've read alot of great lines from other writers, its too early in the morning to give a specific one though.

Bish Denham said...

Oh I like that first line the best!

Felicity Grace Terry said...

I've just realised that there are several of my followers who I haven't yet met so thought I'd stop by to say hello and thank you for following. Good to meet you, I've enjoyed visiting.

Matthew MacNish said...

Are all three of those opening lines from different WIPs of yours? If so they're very intriguing, freaking awesome, in fact.

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

Super first lines! My favorite is the first one. It says so so much in just a few words. I'm with you on the writing week! Will do my best, although technically, I'm revising, so I won't get as far as I would with actual writing. But, fun times ahead...

Leigh Caron said...

Number 1 for sure, and I think I'm sure who wrote it.

Sarah Ann said...

I might steal this idea, love
I'll credit you, definitely

Golden Eagle said...

I love the second one!

Kelley Vitollo said...

I wanted to do NaNo but I'm in edit mode. Finished a book toward the end of October so November is being spent editing!

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Can't wait to chat more.

Bast said...

Number 1 is great! And, number 2 follows closely behind.

BTW, I gave you an award on my blog.

Colene Murphy said...

Love the first. Great choices!!
The counter looks fantastic up there!

Jillian said...

Great choices Jen!! I look forward to these all week!

Carolyn V. said...

Go writing week!!! Those are awesome 1st lines! =D

Unknown said...

Ooooh how cool! <3 the first.

Jai Joshi said...

That first line is so good! It immediately made me want to read on.


Talli Roland said...

I like the first one, too! Good stuff!

Hope you'e having a fantastic Tuesday!

Rose Cooper said...

I love the first one too! This is a great twist to read from your own stories!

Jolene Perry said...

"Somebody really should have told me you can't always get what you want. I mean, I know the saying is out there, but when you get to twenty-three and have gotten almost everything you really wanted - it starts to feel like it was said for someone else."

Love yours, thanks for sharing!

Rebecca Talley said...

I love the line about being invisible. Awesome!

Thanks for the plug on my contest.

Love your blog! My blog wants to be like yours when it grows up.

Terry Stonecrop said...

Love these lines! The second one is my favorite.

Melissa said...

Thanks for sharing Jen!

I love them! Each and everyone. You know a thing or two about strong first lines my friend.

Krispy said...

Yay, thanks for sharing! I LOVE the first one!

Also, I can't believe Harry Potter is out in 9 days. Ahhh!

Nicole Zoltack said...

Oh I love them all. If I had to pick a favorite... #2.

Jess said...

I love the first one too. It reminds me of a Lao Tsu quote regarding leadership:

...As for the best leaders, the people do not notice their existence. The next best, the people honour and praise. The next, the people fear; and the next, the people hate ... When the best leader's work is done the people say, 'We did it ourselves!'"

Elana Johnson said...

Nice lines. Last night I wrote, "Some choices are impossible." And I kinda liked it.

Marieke said...

I LOVE the first one!

Jemi Fraser said...

The other two really are terrific, but that first line is pure gold!

Donea Lee said...

I feel invisible all the time - but, I have a feeling it might be literal in your story? :) GREAT lines!

I'll share - here's the first line to my Nano project:

"I kidnapped a boy when I was seven-years-old."

I think it might be a keeper!

Unknown said...

Cool. You tell us enough to whet our appetites and leave us wanting more.

Anonymous said...

Love, love, LOVE the first one!

Michelle said...

#2 is my favorite because it's a truism that you will need to prove. The line pulls me into the story.

Emy Shin said...

I like all three, but really love the first one. So intriguing!

Jennie Bailey said...

Love love love all three of them, but I think #3 is my fave! Isn't it funny how we all have different favorites??? CONGRATS on being soooo close to 1000!!

Abby Minard said...

#3 is my fav- very intriguing! Love those first lines, and it hooks us right away. Thanks for sharing!!