Friday, September 9, 2011

Can I be famous yet?

Every writer has a dream. Some are looking to be self-published, pushing their own book out in the big bad world of publishing and see how it survives. Some already have the hotties they want playing their main characters and supporting roles in the upcoming film adaptation. Others just want to have an ARC in their hands.

What do I want?

Crap *blushes* you really put me on the spot.

I’d love to be repped by someone who loves my quirky personality and adores my novels. I want to receive my ARC and be the first to show it to the world. I can’t wait to attend a book signing and have people interested in ME.

Fan mail. I think that’s one I’m most excited for.

I want to be an author who does their best to talk to everyone who is moved by my writing, supports me, and wants advice on how to be the best writer they can be. Being able to help writers after certain one’s helped me would just be magical (don’t you think?).

Oh and I’d love to be asked to be in photos. I know it sounds so silly but I want that one girl who is so overly in love with my book is a bundle of nerves to ask for an autograph and picture. I want to be able to calm her down, answer her questions and know that she is going to post the picture of us on her blog (much like I did with my first author) and gush about how awesome I was.

Yes, I want to change people’s lives with my words. Even if it’s just to implore them to not give up on love and don’t forget to enjoy time with friends.

What are you looking most forward too?


Miranda Hardy said...

I look forward to seeing my book in a strangers hands. That's all.

Alison Pearce Stevens said...

I try to write books that entertain and educate, and I'd love for them bring about change (however minor it might be).

Jade @ Chasing Empty Pavements said...

You pretty much just described my dream writing life too! I want someone to feel as passionate about my book as I've felt about certain books I've read like Harry Potter and The Help. I want someone to say, "Wow...that girl has talent." If that ever happens remains to be seen though!

Angela said...

Well, um . . . I'm not looking forward to the pictures. Not unless I lose a few pounds and wrinkles. I know, maybe that's vain, but I'm inching up to 40, so my young and beautiful days are slipping away.

What I really want at this point is to see one of my books on the shelf of a bookstore. That would be cool.

Lindsay N. Currie said...

I really want to see someone reading my book. Seriously, like - might faint dead away excited when I think about that:)

S.A. Larsenッ said...

You are already famous.

I'm looking forward to basking in the influence my characters will have on children and teens. No, seriously...just to know that my written words might have lead a tween/teen to feel less misunderstood - that would be a great achievement for me. ;D

Creepy Query Girl said...

I can't wait to be able talk passionately about my books and advertise them to the world because...They're available! People can BUY them! lol Great post!

Alex Mullarky said...

If I ever meet you, I'll ask to take my photo with you :)

Kathryn Elliott said...

It will happen, Jen! Practice that picture-perfect smile for the adoring fans!

Katie Ganshert said...

Two things right now....

Holding my book in my hands


Connecting(whether that be in real life or online) with readers

kah said...

Aww, that's so sweet. I want one of those excited fangirls too. Just one and I'll be happy. :)

Anne Gallagher said...

I really want fan mail. I think that would be too cool. I'm not really a picture person, but mail, that's the bomb.

Christine Fonseca said...

I love that hit everything I want as well. The whole idea of connecting with readers, especially kids, keeps me going.

Lisa Aldin said...

I would just love to feel the ARC in my hands, turns the pages, run my fingers over my words. If just ONE person liked my book, I would be so happy!

Stina said...

To make a difference in a teen's life. Better yet, have a teen come up to me at a book signing and tell me how my novel made a difference in her life. That would be the ultimate indicator of success for me. :D

Hermana Tiffany Garner said...

I want pretty much everything you listed :) I'm going in to teaching because I want to make a difference in peoples' lives, and I want to do the same thing with my writing. As writers we have such a power to do good, and I see it as my responsibility to fulfill that role and help others see the good in themselves.

Anonymous said...

Those are great wants! I'd like to entertain too. And to cause one to pause in our crazy world and see its beauty, no matter where they are.

Unknown said...

I want to be asked to give writing lectures at Oxford. Is that too much to ask?

Anonymous said...

You go, girl. I'm looking forward to my very first book signing next Saturday (17th). IT's sorta scary and fun all rolled up into a big bundle of NERVES. Not to mention the radio show I'll be on tonight.

I hope people are impacted by my writing, and the few emails I've gotten from people reading my novel have helped me experience that.

So, stay the course my friend, you will get there. Because if I, a girl who never dreamed she'd ever be an author, can, YOU can!

Write on!

Emily White said...

Ah, yes. You described my dream perfectly... :)

Samantha Vérant said...

I'm looking forward to regaining my sanity!

Julianna said...

I think it would be super cool to go into Barnes and Noble and see my book on the recommended reads shelf. I also fantasize about getting the Newberry.

You should consider writing screen plays. :)

Carolyn V said...

I think it would be great just to point to the shelf and say, "Hey, that's me!"

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I'm enjoying the emails and comments from fans (and I'm nowhere near famous) but I don't want pictures!

Emily R. King said...

It's funny how querying has beat the the dewy glow of hoping to be an author out of me. I guess most of all, I just want people to connect with my characters. Everything beyond that is a bonus.

Christina Lee said...

Yep, pretty much me too!

Unknown said...

I look forward to going into a bookstore, pretending like I work there, and then convincing someone to buy my book.

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Um...all that! But with kids. :-)

Leigh Caron said...

OK, now don't judge me...I want my books published and then I'll go on TV morning shows and such and be the spokeswoman for women my age (old) who still love romance dot dot. See? Don't judge me.

Jennifer Shirk said...

Susan Elizabeth Phillips was SO awesome when I asked to take a picture with her! She's so REAL. I wanna be her. LOL

Stephanie said...

That about sums it up!!! LOL!!! I always had this silly fantasy...about going to some store somewhere and using my credit card and having the cashier ask, "Oh, are you THAT Stephanie Haefner?" and I can answer, "Why yes!" Hence, the reason I do not use a pen name. LOL!! Silly, I know. I want my writing to means something to people and I want people to enjoy it. I know how I feel after reading a great book!!!! I want to give that to people! Fame is not my motivator, but, as I said, it's a silly fantasy!

Stephanie said...

Oh..and to be a witness to someone picking up and buying MY book at the so cool. And I think that's gotta happen soon......we might not have book stores all that much longer :(

Jennifer Hillier said...

Keep dreaming, Jen. It will happen. :)

Susan Kaye Quinn said...

All of that. Except the picture part (the camera does not like me). :)

I've always wanted to make people think, to say, Huh, I never thought of it that way before.

Mission Accomplished. :)

Melissa Pearl said...

I want to see my words in official print. That would be SOOOOO exciting!
I'd also love to see my work on film. TOTAL dream come true!
And most importantly, I want to help people jump out of reality for a while and get lost in books. Whenever I go through a tough time, I bury myself in a book for a while - it's a great reprieve. Hopefully people can do that with my books too.

Clare C. Greenstreet said...

I'd like to see someone reading my book.

I'd like it to have a TV Tropes page.

I'd like to see my book as a TV show.

I'd like Transom Hull to have a TV Tropes page and have loads of hits.

Jo-Ann said...

You've just about summed it up for me! All the things listed would be awesome.

My only fear is - a stalker. No, I think I could handle somebody stalking me. I mean me being so delighted with having a fan of my work that I would stalk THEM. You know - foist my (unedited) writing upon them and harass them for more and MORE of those highly addictive compliments!

Meredith said...

Aw, fan mail and author signings--that's such a great goal!

Anonymous said...

I look forward to holding my book in my hands. I also look forward to doing school visits and readings at libraries. Can't forget the fun blog tours.

Shelley Sly said...

Aww, you'll get there, Jen!! :)

As a children's book author, I look forward to inspiring kids to read or write.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Hey Jen,

I must admit... Ditto... you've covered it all. We want the same things.

And add to that... A meeting with JK Rowling and the cast of the HP films... Why not shoot for the moon, right?

Bethany Helwig said...

I'd love to have my books made into movies. Not done like Eragon, but like The Lord of the Rings (sorry to anyone who liked Eragon the movie). I already know who I'd like to have compose the score (Howard Shore). But then I would also like everything you mentioned.

Laura Barnes said...

Me too. sigh. Plus my books being made into books. And then get to go to movie premieres with really hot actors. And then have my picture taken with them. And Jen Daiker, of course.

Tara said...

I want to hold my pretty, shiny book in my hands. *sigh*

We can do it!

A.L. Sonnichsen said...

I love dreaming!!

We had an author visit our school in China and she was really mean and crabby the whole time -- and she was a picture book author, too! (Aren't picture book writers supposed to be the nicest of all?) My little first grader raised her hand to ask a question and said, "I love your books," and the author actually snapped, "That's not a question!" Uh, okay. Even though we still read the books we have of hers, I admit I often have a sick feeling in my stomach thinking about that encounter. Ugh. But, it did show me what I didn't want to be like if I ever got a book published. I guess even negative examples can be useful, right? I mean, I know she was probably jetlagged and had a busy schedule, but I wish she could have dropped it all for the kids, you know?

Anyway, I'll descend from my soap box now. :)


Angela Brown said...

I just did a post titled Fibbin' for a Livin' so I was tickled to see you mention "I love to lie" in your About me.

As for what I look forward to most? Well, I look forward to having a reader so excited about my story that after they post an Amazon review and a Goodreads review they come over to my blog to tell me how they've told others about the story, whether I self-pub or go the traditional route. It's not the popularity...that can be a bit overrated for someone like me. But knowing someone got it, they got me...that's what I'm looking forward to most.

Angela B.

Donna Shields said...

I'm looking forward to the reviews-good and bad, and that one person I might inspire to keep at their own writing.

Author A.O. Peart said...

Although I've been a writer since my childhood, I started to take it seriously just a few short years ago. Writing is an essence of my life and I can't imagine not doing it, ever. My dream is to write and publish several books, not to become super famous or rich, although this wouldn't hurt, but to take my writing to the next level. And, what follows, to feel a sense of my own personal success.

Anonymous said...

I just want to tell a great story and share it with the world. And I'd love to be able to support my family this way. This is what I look forward to!

anthony stemke said...

I want my BW, the education tipster, to have success with her books; that is to say that they are enjoyed by a vast audience who appreciate her works.

Enid Wilson said...

Fortune is fine but fame, I can go without. I don't want my holiday photos in unflattering bikini to be spread around the world. So I'll settle for selling over a million copies of my novels, in over 10 languages.

It's 4 am here. I'm clearly still dreaming. Hehe.

Every Savage Can Reproduce

Nadja Notariani said...

Since this is my first visit to your page, (I've stopped via the shout-out at Angela Orlowski-Peart's blog) I will only say, *wow*! You've got so much to read will def take a few visits to check everything out!
For this visit, I'll let you know that I LOVE your 'inspire' series of women and what they inspire on your side-bar.
Your post(s) - I've only read the most recent three - offer the hilarity that I like to find!
I'm looking forward to following/reading more. ~ Nadja

Anonymous said...

Love this post and blog. I live for the same thing - this is my soul work. When someone loves what I write, I feel like I made a difference. Such a great journey to be a writer!

DL Hammons said...

Just consider this a piece of fan mail of another kind. I am definitely a FAN!! :)

Unknown said...

You're so freaking adorable, Jen! It's your Brenham, TX neighbor! I just wanted to tell you I can't wait to be famous either! I want to do book signing, after book signing, after book signing! At the Blue Willow bookstore! I'll never tire of greeting my fans, and I'll never, ever run out of ink in my pen!
Btw, if you're ever in Brenham, you'll have to come out and meet the hubby and girls, horses, cows, chickens, dogs & cats! And then, we'll go have Blue Bell ice cream!

Liz said...

I want to see my book on a bookshelf -- assuming there are still bookstores at that point! That's always been my dream. Wanting to be famous? NOTHING wrong with that :)

Missed Periods said...

I want to be interviewed on The Daily Show.