Tuesday, October 11, 2011

When comma's destroy you...

So all those who read my work know that my lack of comma usage can be annoying. I write run-on sentences like nobody's business. If you met me, you'd get it.

The good thing about avoiding comma's is that I don't make silly mistakes. Here are some of the fun one's I made it and came across while searching Google!

1. My interests include:
Cooking dogs, shopping, dancing, reading, and watching movies.

Yeah, not sure how I feel about cooking dogs.

2. Slow children crossing.

I don't think that's for us to decide.

3. Let's eat Grandpa.

Let's eat, Grandpa. <-- Correct punctuation can save a person's life.

Care to add any to the list?? I am still giggling.


Samantha VĂ©rant said...

Bahahaha! Let's eat...

Sarah Tokeley said...

You forgot the classic eats, shoots and leaves :-)

Lindsay N. Currie said...

Oh god, these are funny! I use a TON Of commas, but I also write very long sentences. This was just the laugh I needed this morning! drop me a line when you can and let me know how you are!!!

Unknown said...

I totally leave out commas where necessary but it's fun because when you edit you are in for a laugh and really what's the matter with long run on sentences they save the full stop button period and personally I think you totally get what I'm saying don't you?

Anonymous said...

I tend to overuse the comma - I have to re-read my work later and see how many I can delete. And the em-dash, as you can see from my blog posts and comment here!

Bish Denham said...

LOL! Cooking dogs. Too much.

Vicki Rocho said...

Poor Grandpa. Hope he's not served up with the dog....

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Slow grandpa crossing makes more sense.

Slamdunk said...

I am a comma overuser.

I can't think of any examples of the top of my head, but I used to enjoy it when periodicals like Readers Digest would offer funny examples as you did.

Now where is that dog...

BBC said...

Yeah, I've got a sign on my door that says Let's eat grandma! It's too funny. Yes, commas can kill you. Plan old word check always gives me a giggle too. I had a student write one time about the 6 dicks CD player they had in their car.

E. Arroyo said...

LOL. I'm the opposite. I add them everywhere. Funny.

Sher in Albuquerque said...

..looks like 'apostrophes' are also a problem?

Mariah Irvin said...

Haha! I read an example a little while ago that changed "The strippers, Stalin, and Hitler came to the party" to "The strippers, Stalin and Hitler came to the party."

Oh, oxford comma!

Jess said...

Love that Grandpa one :)

Nicole Zoltack said...

The difference between having a comma and not having one and sometimes be huge (and hugely funny)!

Jessica Bell said...

Yeah, these are funny. I've heard that grandpa one before :o)

Leigh Caron said...

HA! Thanks for the laugh. I think commas should be like spit...that is you're not even aware of spit when you swallow all the time. But misplaced spit in your throat can cause choking, as can misplaced or no-placed commas.

Matthew MacNish said...

I think I use too many.

Luna said...

So funny! I'm guilty of using too many. :)

Carolyn V said...

lol! Let's eat Grandpa. That's just awesome. hee hee. Stinkin' commas.

Anonymous said...

Bahahahaha!!!!! LOVE this! You just made my morning.

Connie Keller said...

My personal comma pet peeve how everyone is leaving out commas before nouns of direct address that come at the end of sentences. For example, Happy Birthday Grandma. It should be Happy Birthday, Grandma.

Writer Pat Newcombe said...

That's so funny! I love the eating grandpa one. I'm not very good at commas either but I don't think I've done these kinds of bloopers... But then again, I probably have...

Bethany Elizabeth said...

I love humorous grammar mistakes. :) hehe.

Carrie Butler said...

Hah! I love it. :)

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Love the cooking dogs one! :-)

Jennie Bennett said...

A panda walks into a bar, eats shoots and leaves.

A panda walks into a bar, eats, shoots, and leaves.

Big difference!

Kathryn Elliott said...

Diet Coke spewing from nose!

Unknown said...

Haha! I love it! Poor grandpa... May he never get eaten again.

Golden Eagle said...

LOL. I've never seen the cooking dogs one before!

Lydia Kang said...

Those are too funny. Poor dogs, they didn't stand a chance.

Jennifer Hillier said...

I love that grandpa line!

Angela Brown said...

E.R. King posted a blog that had this hilarious cartoon depiction of the importance of the Oxford comma. (http://getbusywriting.blogspot.com/2011/09/laughs-tags-and-awards-oh-my.html)

With the Oxford comma:
We invited the strippers, JFK, and Stalin.

picture two old men in suite standing beside a pair of strippers.

Without the Oxford comma:
We invited the strippers, JFK and Stalin

picture two old men dressed as strippers.

The importance of properly placed commas was riotously clear.

Southpaw said...

These are so great. I either leave all commas out or add them everywhere.

Ashley Stone said...

we have signs around here in neighborhoods that say "SLOW children crossing." It drives me crazy that there is no comma! haha

A.L. Sonnichsen said...

I'm kind of the opposite -- I use too many commas. :)

I never knew commas had different names. I must research this. I'm a grammar addict, unfortunately.


Amie Kaufman said...

Oh, I use sooooo many commas. At the end of my life, I'll have a big pile of full stops left over! That's one reason I have to read my work out loud before I'm done--to check for all the places the sentence goes for too long!

Jessica Salyer said...

Commas are my nemesis. Have you read my blog? I literally cringe every time I put one in. I fear another reader is going to come by and critique me. Lol.

TirzahLaughs said...

LOL...commas aren't as bad as apostrophe's.

Oh and they changed the rules on commas a few years ago to be annoying.

Now: His name is Bob, Tom and Rob.
Then: His name is Bob, Tom, and Rob.

The Then is how it was, the Now is how it is.