Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Dreaming works

Author note: Two days ago I got a very special emailing of a publishing house requesting my full MS! I'm elated, overjoyed, ecstatic, and superstitious (as Jess now knows). I'm sure she will be sweet and keep my blonde moments private. After all what is said on gmail chat, stays on gmail chat.

Now to the post...

You're allowed to dream.

Some people tell you to be realistic but if you are ever feeling lost or stuck dreaming is the best way to cope. Here are ways to cope while in a rut. Who knows, this book could be the next Harry Potter (unlikely, but a good example for dreaming).

Fairytales can't always have happy endings. Everyone loves the original to Beauty & The Beast, Cinderella, The Little Mermaid but change is good. Open up that blank document and make your own fairytale.

A used idea isn't stealing. So what if you borrow your favorite authors story. Rome wasn't built in a day. Use a template (wizarding world) and add your own little twists (sparkly vampires) they can't say it isn't original.

Snooki isn't the only published idiot. No. I'm not calling you an idiot. In Snooki's case it pays to know people. Join a reality tv show, be a begger on the side of the road in LA, attend acting classes in New York. Be a Snooki - Get a book.

Help no one. The more time you spend helping people the better chances they're doing getting published. You're not here to give hand-outs, you're here to get them. Ask for interviews, make random calls to important people. Get your name out there, be a pain. It sells books.

Author Note: Readers views are open for discussion. These options may or may not be helpful in the publishing industry. Consult someone who knows more for real advice.

Author Note.Note: This was supposed to be funny (I know... apparently I'm a little low). Seriously don't take this information seriously. This is what I would call bad advice (half bad).


Laura Pauling said...

I agree, we're all here to help each other out. Can't go wrong with that!

Theresa Milstein said...

I'm happy you received a request for full. I hope you get your dream!

The best part of the blogosphere is the support and help we receive.

Jessica Bell said...

LOL, honey. :o) Just LOL.

Christine Danek said...

Good points. Congrats. :) One day I'll get there, maybe. I'm not sure anyone would want to interview me. Maybe after I get that agent. See I'm dreaming. :)
Congrats again--so happy for you.

Renae said...

Great tips Jen and congrats on the full!

Diana Mieczan said...

That is such a great news,sweetie...Yay! Btw: those tips are great:) Wish you a fantastic day

Ps: I am hosting a natural cosmetics GIVEAWAY later today! Hope you’ll join in :)

Candyland said...

Congrats bestie:)

Wild Child said...

Congrats on your full MS request. Fingers crossed and good luck!

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Fingers and toes crossed!!

Stephanie Lorée said...

Congratulations! I will send good vibes your way!

Angela said...

I love your little author note at the end. It makes your blog appear totally professional. And congratulations on the request of your MS. :)

Lindsay said...

Yay. Congrats on the full. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

kah said...

Very good news. :) I hope they LOVE it, offer you a deal, and you all live happily ever after. xoxo

vic caswell said...

whoo hoo!!!!!!!!! congrats! best of luck!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you! That's so exciting! :)

Janet, said...

congratulations on your full manuscript request! I just sent out a few chapters of my manuscript to a publisher, I sure hope I get a full manuscript request. I just read an article on Readers Digest called Why It's Smart To Be Optimistic. It was a very good article. I ran it off and taped in on the wall above my computer, it's kind of like dreaming.

Courtney Barr - The Southern Princess said...


Wonderful - you are so right about so many is funny how you walk into a bookstore and say "They let him/her publish a book?" Really? But then when you think about it, we are all SO different that someone out there will LOVE that book, will tell friends about it and who knows...

Love this!

Visit My Kingdom Anytime

Matthew MacNish said...

Good for you! Is this the Jules thing or another novel? Either way you're awesome.

Anne Gallagher said...

Congratulations Jen! That's fantastic news on your full. All the very best of luck!

Carolyn V. said...

Woo hoo! Way to go Jen! That is such awesome news! =)

Chris Phillips said...

congrats on the full.

Melissa said...

Jen!!!! I LOVE this post. I love you so much sometimes...just saying - so glad I get to call you my writing bestie! (Blood bonds forever!)

I'm so happy for you girl! You know I'll be preordering your book the second I can.

Clare C. Greenstreet said...

yay on the MS reguest!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Woo-hoo!!! I hope only GREAT things for you and your MS!! :-)

Vicki Rocho said...

I'm not sure I should be encouraged to dream...have you heard some of the twisted stuff my brain comes up with while I'm sleeping? hahahaha...

Melissa Gill said...

Congrats on the request for full! And dream until you can't! It's free!

StaceyW said...

Congrats and best of luck! That's so exciting!

Krispy said...

Congrats! And yes, I believe in the power of the dream (and reality TV deals...).

Shannon said...

Congrats, Jen. Best of luck with it.

Interesting points. Can't say that I agree with the "help no one" point, though. I'm a firm believer in getting back what you put out there. =)

Diane said...

I like your list and would do each in moderation.... :O)

Congrats on the request!!!

Hannah said...

OMG!! I'm soooo excited for you. Hugs and confetti in your face! It makes my day to hear this!

Golden Eagle said...

Congratulations! That's awesome.

Anonymous said...

Fingers crossed for you.

Talli Roland said...

Woooooo! Just: wooooooooooo!

Go girl go.

And a giant LOL.

Elena Solodow said...


Meredith said...

Yay! So excited for you!!! And these "tips" are hilarious!

Elana Johnson said...

Love this post. I think we need to design a "sarcastic font." Then you could've written this post in that, and everyone would know you were kidding. :)

Donea Lee said...

Congrats, again, on the full!! They will LOVE it! Of course ~ :) And, dang! That advice wasn't good? And here I was ready to audition for The Biggest Loser, hoping it would catapult my success in publishing as I talked Jillian's ear off about my Snow-White-meets-Sweeny-Todd novel...

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

Way to go on the MS!
You had me going for a minute with your advice column -- it didn't sound like you. :o)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Congratulations, Jen!

BK Mattingly said...

:D congrats and thanks for the smile.

Nicole Zoltack said...

Congrats on the full! Here's hoping you hear back even better news. :)

Jemi Fraser said...

"Be a Snooki" - words to live by! :)

congrats too!

Pinecone Stew said...

What a wonderful Blog. Thanks for sharing, Jen!

erica and christy said...

Be a Snooki-Get a book. I think erica and i should adopt this as a new inspirational motto. love it. christy

Myne said...

Congrats on the full MS request, that is great news!

Lacey Devlin said...

Congrats on the full request! Fingers crossed for you Jen!

Jai Joshi said...

Congrats on the full manuscript request! Woo-hoo! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you, Jen!


Ellen Brickley said...

Oooh, a full request! Sending you lots of Irish luck, Jen!

*crosses fingers*

Heather Dixon said...

Wow, congratulations!! I'm sure they will love it :)

Leigh Caron said...

wooHOOOO! on the request for a full. :)

alexia said...

Congrats on the full request! That's awesome - good luck!

Amie Borst said...

squee!!! that's awesome! congrats!