Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Killing characters (sort of)

Just want to share something very quickly: I've been a bad blogger. Though you see my posts I know you don't see my comments. I hope to be back after some intense editing. Just know I'm still here and miss you all!!!

Now onto killing characters...

I've been having trouble with my characters lately. It seems they've given up on me. I don't let it bother me. I cope. However I figured you might like to know the evil things I do to keep them from me.

When characters stop talking to you...

1. Create a fighting scene (something you character wouldn't like to be involved it. When they're whining they're talking. It's better than nothing).
2. Threaten to replace them (main characters don't fall easily to this one. That hasn't stopped me. If the main character isn't working they don't get the hot spot.)
3. Killing them off (again the main character will play you. The good thing is they're still talking. It works. The jokes on them.)
4. Give them caffiene (this is used after the not-so-positive approaches don't work. Shove a latte in their face they'll spill).
5. Allow time for good TV (your MC may want to watch Pretty Little Liars, don't deprive them).

So there you are. Next time your main character stops talking tell them Jen came up with awesome ideas. There's no way they'll defeat you.


Jessica Bell said...

Yep, TV does the trick. I kow first hand :o)

Tamara Hart Heiner said...

yeah, when those characters get too comfortable just chilling and gabbing, time to mix it up!

Kristi said...

Way to keep them on their toes!

Lindsay N. Currie said...

LOL this is hysterical. So glad you popped in on my blog so that I found yours:) I recently tore apart my old webs.com one and have been in the process of getting this new blogger.com one streamlined. *pants* It's been a lot of work. Anyway, thanks for your post and I'll follow:)

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Good advice. I like to bring in the black sheep relatives to stir the pot.

Elena Solodow said...

My characters are already cowering in the corner.

E. Arroyo said...

LOL. These are great!

Matthew MacNish said...

Hmm. What about killing of your MC? I wonder if there's a way to get away with that without ending the story ...

Samantha VĂ©rant said...

I'll cut my characters. Literally. With a knife. That shows them who's the boss. See, I roll like Tony Danza. (And I'm thinking I need to get out more. I'm kind of scaring myself...)

Anonymous said...

I like to throw mine into the space that they fear the most. That wakes them up! Fun post, Jen!

Joanne said...

Great suggestions, throwing something completely unexpected their way has a way of testing their mettle and showing what they've got!

Happy Editing :)

Jillian said...

Oh Jen, as alwasy thank you for starting my day out with a laugh. You see I am having a bad morning, I didn't get my jelly donut.... but this almsot makes up for it haha

Laura S. said...

I read a book. My MC gets jealous of the time I'm giving another author's characters and decides to finally give me the time of day. Works every time (for a little while anyway). :)

Jess said...

This is hilarious and helpful! I've been having trouble with one character in my WIP...now I'm thinking that I'll just put her in a random fight scene! I can see it now--she's in the bathroom crying and whining when some WWF wrestler comes in and starts throwing punches so my character has to whip out some ninja kicks...ninja kicks--why didn't I think of that before??? Thank you, Jen :)

Carolyn V. said...

LOL! I'll have to try the caffeine thing for my mc. Hee hee.

Talli Roland said...

I love to do evil things to my characters. Yeah baby! Hit them where it hurts!

Kass said...

Great suggestions. I think it would work for some real people in my life too.

Tracey Neithercott said...

I prefer to strap 'em to a chair with duct tape and force them to watch CSI: Miami.

Fun post!

Nicole Zoltack said...

lol I love to do evil things to my characters. It ups the tension. I'm all about conflict, baby!

Unknown said...

Great advice! I swear, when I fired my main character, she didn't even talk back. Iron-clad proof she needed to go!

Psst...I know you're editing, but I announced a fun, easy blogfest today -- stop over, if you have a sec :))

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Ha ha ha! I LOVE this! :-)

BK Mattingly said...

I've totally done the kill the character so they talk to me thing. AND it works! :) I'm going to have to try the others....I think my characters are on to me.

Colene Murphy said...

Good ol fashioned character ass whoopin! I love your tips!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

What about getting them to shut up?

Misha Gerrick said...

Great tips but I can't use them.

My characters don't ever learn to shut up.


Anonymous said...

Aw, you've got some great tips here!

Kristin Rae said...

give them caffiene--that's hilarious.

Golden Eagle said...

Thanks for the tips. :D

Christina Lee said...

*snort* you're too funny!

Unknown said...

These were humorous! I'll be sure to pass them along to my fiction writing critique partners! Have a great week!

Donea Lee said...

You forgot to get them drunk! That's always good from loose-lips and spilling what they don't want spilled...muah-ha-ha! :)

Kittie Howard said...

These are great, Jen! I'm burning the candle here as well. Wish a day had more hours! Do what you gotta do and keep at it!

Patti said...

Too funny. I'll have to employ some of your tactics.

Sage Ravenwood said...

Killing them off is all good...but, what if they come back to life? Then we're screwed, they won't die ever. (Hugs)Indigo

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

my favourite tip is threatening to replace them ;)

Southpaw said...

Those are really good ideas. Good mini plots!

Abby Minard said...

Good ideas. I've got a character that stopped talking, but I got in his head a little and we're slowly coming to terms.

Kathi Oram Peterson said...

Those pesky characters can be troublesome. Thanks for the tips on how to keep them in shape. :D

Jolene Perry said...

Ha! I ignore them in favor of OTHER characters. Nothing like jealousy...

erica and christy said...

I put mine in the closet and told him to think about his behavior lately, but now he just wants to stay in there forever. >:(

I think I'll try the fight scene, that should lure the little guy out!

m. said...

kill them off.
i love it.

Leigh Caron said...

Bad things happen to my characters all the time. Perhaps they should more appreciative that they're even in my story.

Ninjagaiden78 said...

I have such a hard time killing characters that I have created. Sometimes it is necessary.


Meredith said...

Haha, love this advice! Yes, main characters always need time for Pretty Little Liars :)

Ashley said...

Thats awesome. I will totally have to use that because my character has indeed stopped talking to me... lol Your writing is amazing glad you found my blog so that I could find yours.

Sonia said...

That was funny! I really like the replace character bit. LOL

Regina said...

I like this. I hope it helps keep them in line. lol