Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Worthy Wednesday

Since I don't post here on Tuesday's any longer I thought it would be fun to still incorporate one of my favorite posts (tuesday twist).

Super simple, I choose books that either interest me (and I want to read them) or those I've read and loved.

I give you one sentence, you decide if you'd read it or not and then I reveal the secret at the end! So fun!!!

Let's get started!

First Sentence
1. Here is everything I know about France: Madeline and Amelie and Moulin Rouge.
2. Large Nonfat Four-shot Caffe Latte Cocky sex-deprived butthead guy drink.
3. Frankie Perino and I were lucky that day.

Secret Title
1. Secret Revealed
2. Secret Revealed
3. Secret Revealed

So I think all these are worthy of your reading time! What do you think?


Diana Mieczan said...

Ohh now I really want to read the first book:) haha
Have a great day

Ps: I am hosting a great home decor GIVEAWAY later today, so please join in :)

Christine Danek said...

These sound awesome. I will put on my list of neverending books.
Thanks. Hope you are well.

Laura Pauling said...

I recognized the first one right away because I just read it. But if I were going off the opening line, I probably wouldn't read further. I really liked the book, so thankfully, I did. :)

Samantha VĂ©rant said...

French Kiss? Twenty Boy Summer? Do I sense a theme going on? Srsly. I've heard great things about both books. I downloaded the sample chapter of Anna onto my NOOK and it was great. Twenty Boy Summer? She so has me beat.

Angela said...

1. is Anna and the French Kiss. 2. I have no idea. 3. Well, it sounds familiar, but I can't put my finger on which book your quoting here.

Summer Frey said...

Number 2 (which I read the description of) sounds fun. I've worked in 2 coffee shops, and it's strangely true what you can tell about people. I always liked to try and guess what they'd order before they ordered. I was scarily accurate.

Leigh Caron said...

No, yes, maybe

Sarah said...

I didn't solve any of them. Then I opened the reveals, and realized I didn't know any of them. And since my resolution involves not buying any books, I may just have to plan to read #2 in 2012..... I love that sentence description.

Stina said...

I know the last one without checking. It's one of my fav YA books. :D

Chris Phillips said...

I liked 2 the best.

Melissa said...

1 & 2!!!!! Especially 1!!!

Anna and the French Kiss??? I'm not getting my copy for a while yet (got forty books in December I have to make a dent before I get more!) but I cannot wait!

Anonymous said...

One and two look especially great!

Meredith said...

I heart #1 so much. But I have to read #2 now--absolutely hilarious!

Nicole Zoltack said...

#1 definitely griped me!

Elena Solodow said...

#2 does it for me...which sounds really weird when I write it out like that.

Jillian said...

hahaha number two just made me laugh, Esspressologist!!! What an awesome title.

Glad you are still posting these.

Have a great day Jen!!!

Laurel Garver said...

I thought #2 had the most voice coming out of the gate, and reading the description, think it looks like a really fun read.

Melissa Gill said...

I've heard about Anna and the French Kiss on about a dozen blogs over the past couple of weeks. I've got to get this on my crazy long list.

Carolyn V. said...

#1, I'd totally read that book! =D

Heather said...

I'd read on for #2. #1 doesn't get a fair shot because I don't like France. #3 just isn't a strong enough beginning. I've got to admit, I was shocked to see what the books were! If I had known what they were my answers would have been very different!

Shannon said...

The first one. Definitely.

Donea Lee said...

#2 jumped out at me, but I keep hearing that I NEED to read #1. It's on my list! :)

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Ha ha ha! How could I possibly resist #2?! :-)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I've not read any of those, but the third one's line caught my eye.

Jennifer Hillier said...

I find #3 really intriguing! And now I know why... it's a book in my TBR pile!

Colene Murphy said...

Number TWO! LOVE these posts...wish they would come back more often...;)

Julie Musil said...

I've heard of these books, but haven't read a single one! They ALL look worthy of my reading time. Thanks for the fun game!

fakesteph said...

Just requested number 3 from the list. Would have bought it if I hadn't just purchased number 1. :)

Amie Kaufman said...

Wow, talk about great first lines! Thanks for the guessing game!

Clara said...

Number 3! Loved number 3! =)

Bidisha said...

Even Though I haven't read #1, I totally guessed which book it was :D

Love #2 as well.

And book #3 is a favourite!

Jessica Ann Hill said...

That last one really grabbed my attention. I think I'll have to check it out!

Abby Minard said...

Knew what number 1 was even though I haven't read it yet. I have #3 on my TBR pile too, and the second looks cool! Thanks Jen!