Thursday, March 17, 2011

Truth Thursdays

I love the blogging world. It is amazing, heart warming, and kind place to be. The support of all the people on the blog continue to amaze me, so today my truths are all about the bloggers.

1. Yesterday's post rocked. Being apart of something that EPIC is why I love blogger and all my besties. Did you answer yesterday's question? (Yes, I'm cryptic for a reason, go check it out).
2. Stalking bloggers keeps me from stalking my neighbors. Thank you peeps for keeping it interesting, without you I think my husband would have already had me institutionalized.
3. Those who talk about food make me hungry. No, I am not complaining just make sure when you do talk about food you include pictures (because I like the torture).
4. Fun titles make me skip everyone else. Yup, I'll skip you for the girl who talks about balls... you know who you are.
5. Vlogs don't scare me and neither do mad libs... this girl keeps me on my blogging toes with her awesome.

There you have it... what I like and love about blogging. Share your truths... come on, you know you wanna.


Candyland said...

Balls balls balls.

Renae said...

Candace talks about balls? Who knew!

I'm also glad we can help you out with the whole stalking thing...I know blogging has helped keep me out of trouble as well!

Unknown said...

When isn't Candyland NOT talking about her balls... or lack thereof!

Matthew MacNish said...

OMG CBGB has the biggest ballz of them all!

And I love her for it (them).

Miranda Hardy said...

The blogging community is great! Love it!

Kelly Polark said...

I just wanted to join in on the conversation. :)

Unknown said...

I love that Candyland has become the main attraction... or actually her balls comment has.

Thank you for joining the conversation Kelly! We were glad you give us your take on balls.

Unknown said...

Candace's comment made me snort coffee into my nose. Heehee. I love all of you guys.

I wish I could plan a blogger slumber party. :)

Unknown said...

How much space you got? Gotta keep the guest list hot! Make sure all the fun is invited... do you have a backyard? I'm thinking we could set up tents as well...

We need time to plan ahead so we can incorporate some awesome blogger friendly games.

Oh yes, the awesome has begun.

Unknown said...

My yard is basically an acre built like a long football field. We have plenty of room for tents! (Especially wizard tents but then we would need some sort of enchantment to keep nosy neighbors out.)


Elena Solodow said...

Thanks for the shout-out, Jen!!!! Love ya.

Samantha Vérant said...

My truth: I don't have balls, never did. Er, before this blogger slumber party...I think we should all meet for coffee first. Or at least tequila shots...

Karen Jones Gowen said...

#2 and 3 are so Funny. I really must start posting pics of cookies to make you salivate. For me it's the title AND the first couple lines as I scroll thru my dashboard. Sometimes I scroll for a really long time before stopping. It's like blogger roulette.

Karen Jones Gowen said...

Hey you got rid of word verif! What changed your mind?

Angela said...

Yeah, well . . . my parents gave me this telescope when I was a kid. But since I didn't know anything about looking at the stars, I pointed it at the house across the street that always had their windows open, shame, shame.

T.D. McFrost said...

My Thursday truths:

1) I love a man in spandex. Well, half true - I do, however, love superheroes. :D

2) I hate carrots.

3) I love Snooki and Jenny from the Jersey Shore (I think I wrote that before?).

4) I love the feeling of serenity when I write something worthy.

5) I love steak but hate ham.

6) It is an inconvenient truth that I am not the safest person to be around in the morning. Seriously, unless you want to be scolded with hot coffee, I suggest you run!

Carolyn V said...

Hee hee. My neighbors should be glad I'm not stalking them. lol!

Nicole Zoltack said...

When I saw the first comment, I literally laughed out loud. Too perfect!

Jillian said...

hahahaha Jen I laughed so ahrd at number two I almost... almost.... peed myself.

Your sense of humor is certainly one of the reasons I just love reading your blog.

Unknown said...

Party at Anne's house people! You heard her! Apparating at 7pm!

Elena - Lot's of luv for ya girl!

Samantha - Don't want to be easy? I think we're past that point... I mean Candyland started off speaking in balls. Just bring the tequilla shots :)

Karen - If you post them you must also send them Karen. You make fabulous cookies... I know.

Angela - You had the telescope for stars? Heck I had in hopes to find out what my neighbors were up too... Disturbia anyone?

T.D. - I'm so disturbed by your man in spandex post I couldn't read any further... so Superheroes do it for you... nice... what about wrestlers?

Carolyn - Stalking is a way of life... embrace it.

Nicole - It's a thursday, this is where the truth comes out.

Teenage - You're fabulous Jill!

Jess said...

I agree- pictures should always accompany posts on food!

Unknown said...

I have to agree that blogging has fed my urge to stalk from a safe distance without fear of a restraining order. Food posts are like sweet torture for me as well. I am a bit confused about the balls thing but will go check that out in a few :)

Anonymous said...

Fun titles definitely receive my attention before others. That's why I try to keep my titles interesting, too. Perhaps I'll start plugging "balls" into it somehow. Hahaha.

Lisa Gail Green said...

Doh! Now I'm hungry..

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Fun titles? Is that why my naked post got so many comments?

Thomasina said...

I love truth thursdays! You always keep it interesting and exciting.

Sondrae Bennett said...

Food blogs always make me hungry, too.

Candyland said...

This post needs another set of balls.

Donea Lee said...

Jen, I think you get out all your stalkery tendencies in very creative ways! That's a good thing ~ :) Oh, and I guess I need to add, "BALLS!"

Unknown said...

Jess - Now I'm thinking about the types of foods I want to have posted!

K.D. - Thank you for your stalkery ways, it's people like you that make me feel less crazy!!

E - Balls are definitely the way to go.

Lisa - Sending cookies your way!!!

Alex - Umm why did you not link me?! I am interested in this nakedness. (That came off wrong... I think).

Thomasina - You are too sweet!

Sondrae - I promise to share less food on my blog... which should be easy considering I never do.

Candyland - Makes me think. Saucy Balls. Thanks 'The Next American Restaurant' on NBC.

Donea - Why thank you *blushes* thank you for sharing your balls with us.

Diana Mieczan said...

Hahah..if you are up for some good food torture, you will get it on my blog today..hahah. Such a great post, sweetie. Hope you are having a great Thursday

Marsha Sigman said...

I go for the titles too. You have to grab my attention...balls will do it. Not really sure why.

Diana said...

hahaha! Great post :) you crack me up!

Krispy said...

I've been spending way too much time reading blogs. Oh, you reminded me of a few I've missed...

Len Lambert said...

I love the blogging community. You all ROCK! and YOU, Jen, you ROCK! :) Happy Truth Thursday! :)

Southpaw said...

Yep, titles can be so enticing. Now we all know what to put in our titles. ;)

Jemi Fraser said...

Yesterday's non-blogfest was awesome! Loved the stories I read everywhere!!! :)

Unknown said...

Diana - You're a little devil! That looked delicious! My stomach is empty and hungry now!

Marsha - I think most of us are quirky enough to run over when we see something as simple as BALLS.

TLG - Thank you! You're a doll!

Krispy - Glad I could help! You can get lost in blogs, dividing your time is hard sometimes!

Len - You're a sweetheart! I think you rock too!

Holly - Yes mention balls, food, or sparkles and I'm there...

Jemi - It was! So touching!

Colene Murphy said...

Balls to you ma'am!! Happy SPD!! I need to go check out yesterdays post, me thinks!

Kelly H-Y said...

Your list cracks me up!

Dianne K. Salerni said...

Let's face it, none of us are ever going to match Candyland's posts on balls, toilet glasses, fart pants, and etc.

And as for stalking your neighbors, Jen, bloggers are probably more interesting!

Margo Berendsen said...

I was too busy READING like Mandarin to participate but now it's fun reading everyone's blogs (I finished the book... about six hours after starting. I am VERY tired today).

I agree with you, fun titles are wonderful! You just reminded me of the funny funny chpater titles from Rick Riordan's books. "Men ask for directions and other signs of apocalypse"

Wellington Artist said...

You truly are awesome. I adore your quirky style. Everything I read made me smile - I'll be back often.

Mimi said...

Did I hear "tent" and "cookies" and "balls".
Count me in!

Unknown said...

Colene - You're hilarious and SO MY GIRL!

Kelly - Glad I could brighten your Thursday!

Dianne - I don't think I want to be like Candyland, she's just too awesome for me. I like standing on the sidelines of awesome.

Margo - A girl after my own heart. Loved Like Mandarin, it was so good.

Sandy - You're so sweet!!! Thank you for visiting and I hope you continue for sure!

Mimi - So glad! We'd love to have you :)

Hannah said...

Mmmmmm, balls.

I haven't posted as many food pictures as I like to lately. I will remedy I'm hungry.

Eva said...

Lol. Stalking bloggers is so much more fun.

Anonymous said...

You may salivate over my last photo blog post. Includes 'ball's' of ice-cream! Tee hee.

Meredith said...

Totally saves me from stalking the neighbors. Yay for productive uses of our stalking skills!

Samantha Sotto said...

Ah, yes. Blog stalking rocks. So much easier than hiding in the bushes :D

Anonymous said...

Blogging is writing for me. Nothing in the world gives me more pleasure than stringing words together into a sentence which makes my heart skip a beat.

Blogging is how I get day to day feedback to hold me over until the novel is complete.

Unknown said...

I keep saying I'm going to vlog. One of these days................................................................................................................
