Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tuesday Twist - Spooky Edition

I am getting such a positive response on my tuesday twist that I'd be crazy not to continue!

For those of you who don't know, I will list three sentences below for you to see if the first sentence is captivating enough for you to want to know the answer! After you read all three you can click the secret revealed link and it will show you what novel to add to your TBR list!

Be sure to tell me which one's you find entertaining and which one's left you without a feeling! This week we are bringing the spooky one's out of the closest! Thanks Summer Ross for the suggestion!

1. I felt her fear before I heard her screams.
2. On Monday morning, Olivia Morrow sat quietly across the desk from her longtime friend Clay Hadley, absorbing the death sentence he had just pronounced.
3. Wedged in the middle of an ocean of people, I gasped for air, but nothing came. The heat from a million writhing bodies radiated over me, their sweat weighing down the air.

1. Secret Revealed
2. Secret Revealed
3. Secret Revealed

So what do you think? Any of them grab your attention?


Diana Mieczan said...

The first one made my heart beat faster!
Love love love...Hugs and kisses
Wish you a great day, darling

Laura Pauling said...

I love all things spooky esp. spooky stories, so they call caught my attention!

Christina Lee said...

I guess less is more. #1! and I was surprised by #3!

Kelly Polark said...

I think #1 was the most eerie!
I was also surprised by the author of 3. Speaking of eerie, she had to have a ghost writer help, right?!

Jessica Bell said...

No. 2! The death sentence bit was a nice surpise! The first one smells of paranormal and I'm not a paranormal girl. The last one doesn't offer me anything I want to know ...

Leigh Caron said...

Ditto Kelly. BTW, love these posts.

Joanna St. James said...

oh please tell me #3's author is just a namesake.

Lisa Miles said...

I loved #1!

Jaydee Morgan said...

#1 for sure :)

vic caswell said...

#1 was definitely the best!
#3 surprised me! much better lines than what i would have guessed!

Joanne said...

Of the three, I'd pick #2. And I love its title, too!

Hannah said...

I picked the third one! I'll have to put that on my list. Thanks, special lady!

Anita said...

I picked number 2 because it seemed less obvious than number 1 and not quite as dramatic as number 3. Love the post!

Lenny Lee said...

hi miss jen!
for me number 1 sounds really scary so thats the one i picked.
...hugs from lenny

BK Mattingly said...

I chose number 1 :) It definitely grabbed my attention.

Tamika: said...

I loved the short, snappy tension of #1!

j.leigh.bailey said...

I like #1, but since I also loved the book, that might not be fair. #2 didn't do anything for me, but #3 intrigued me enough that I wanted to see what it was...

This is such fun!

Meredith said...

#1 caught my attention, and that book has been on my TBR list forever--definitely time to read it!

LTM said...

#2 & 3 are too too wordy. No surprise what #3 was... ;p

But wow, no wonder those VA books are so popular if the writing's that tight... That's a great first sentence. :D

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Oh, these are good today! I especially love #1 and 3. :-)

Colene Murphy said...

3 got me, and it's already in my TBR pile! So yeay!! Great Tuesday posts!

Bast said...

I chose #1. It's a book I read too.

I can't believe the author of #3. I didn't know she had a book. They let anyone write a book these days.

Ellie Garratt said...

The first and last definitely grab me, though not sure about a book written by an actress. Did she really write it? Emm.

Anonymous said...

I like #2 a lot. I suppose that's because I like my sentences longer. ;)

Jillian said...

JEN!!!! I missed you blog while I was gone lol.

Elixer sounds like an amazing read and the cover is fantastic

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I liked the third one.

Candyland said...

OOHHH #1 sounds good to me!

Southpaw said...

#1, I was surprise to find out the title.

Marieke said...

#2 for me, I think! Though #1 pleasantly surprised me :)

Lisa Galek said...

I've never read any MHC, but the 2nd one caught my eye :)

Talli Roland said...

I really like the first one! Gripping!

Happy Spooky Tuesday!

Tiffany said...

#1 is my pick!

Elana Johnson said...

Oooh, the first one did for sure. I want to read that--going to click on the secret link.

Shelley Sly said...

#2 was my pick! Thanks, I'll have to check it out!

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

#2 caught my attention. #1 not so much and 3 not at all.

Sara B. Larson said...

I liked #1, and I've read that one! #3 surprised me a little, since I've read those atrocious lines on Kirkus reviews from it. Have you read it yet? What did you think?

Jai Joshi said...

The second one interested me the most although I still felt it was a little clunky.

Oh yeah, and you cheated with the third, you sneaky girl. That's two sentences!


Kristin Rae said...

The first one. Simple and to the point.

I actually have that book--haven't read it yet though!

Jennifer Hillier said...

#1 really grabbed me. I actually thought #3 was a bit overwritten... but I was surprised by the author!

Elena Solodow said...

Okay, Hilary Duff. You have officially surprised me!

Melissa Hurst said...

Number 1 grabbed my attention:)

Shannon said...

First one!
Second one left me kind of flat and the third one felt a little forced...overwritten. I am surprised at the 3rd author, though.

Melissa said...

Number one is a great first sentence!!! UMMMM, HILARY DUFF WROTE A BOOK! I'm too shocked to say any more.

Joann Swanson said...

What a fabulous idea! I dug #2 for sure. I love meaty first sentences that get me right into the book. Funny thing is, I've never read Clark. TBR list, here I come!

Nicole Zoltack said...

Definitely #1. By a long shot.

Theresa Milstein said...

1 is my favorite. 2 piqued my interest though.

Last weekend I mentioned Hilary Duff's book, which sparked heated debate.

Diane J. said...

One gets my attention. Two did as well. Three, eh... didn't do much.

Fun! Now I have to go and see what the books they are from.

have a great day