So the past two days I haven't been writing. Not because I don't want to, but because I just haven't had the time. With the stress of life in general sometimes its hard to get my head screwed on straight, at this point I would much rather have my head in the clouds. However I am happy to say that this evening I plan on writing, and it is the perfect day to do so, it's cold and rainy. Normally I am not a fan of this weather during the week, but when I am working on my Natalie story and The Collector I find that I work best when it is dark and rainy, gives me more of an eerie, terrifying feeling.
Now depending on the weather this evening I might make a visit to my local coffee shop. The Daily Brew, it is my favorite, now I am not a coffee drinker, but they serve cinnamon rolls!!! I must make an exception since as you all know that is my favorite snack! I also find that when I take my writing outside of the house I can concentrate more on just the work at hand, rather than the laundry that needs done, kitchen counters needing to be clean, catching up on DVR'd shows, you know... daily life. It's also very quiet and peaceful, they choose a light blend of music and it just adds to the inspiration!!
Where is your favorite place to write?
PS - Due to my busy schedule I have yet to be able to comment on several blogs, don't worry I haven't forgotten about you, I plan to take a look at your blogs sometime this week :)
At the moment my couch, where I can relax and concentrate at the same time (is that weird?) with my puppy laying on my feet to keep them warm
I like cinnamon rolls too! I write at my computer with all my fantasy pictures and my fish tank of guppies nearby.
Hey Jen! Thanks so much for coming to my blog:) I love your blog and what you have to say about writing, very inspiring. How long have you been writing? Cinnamon rolls, yum, now I want one too. My library has small private rooms that I really like to use if I can to write. But usually at home on the couch when kids are asleep. But I agree it is easier to concentrate away from home :)
Most of the time it's my desk at home. But I also love Gardener's Used Bookstore coffee shop.
Winged Writer
my desk,although its very messy,i get my things perfectly done there
Small private rooms?! I'm jealous, I need to look into that around my area! I've been seriously writing for about 8 months, but since I was young I've written several things!
I think I might have to have a book/cinnamon roll giveaway or contest!!! Perfect combinations to utter bliss!
Mmm...cinnamon roll. I haven't had breakfast yet, but damn, I don't wanna go out to get one. But it sure would be good. There's a Cinnabon store at the Mall of Georgia, which is only about 15 minutes from my house...Decisions, decisions...
Oh, there was a question. Um, I'm honestly pretty good at my little desk, when I have music playing and my candles lit, especially if it's rainy outside and I have the blinds open on the french doors beside me so I can watch the birds at my feeder. Though somedays I wish I could write on my desktop while lying on the couch. The netbook just isn't the same.
I usually write at home but I would rather write outside of the house. You are right there are too many distractions. Good luck!
I love to write in the dining room at the table. Words just seem to flow through me there.
Oh my...I absolutley love things here! And that picture..I cant decide whether I want to drink it or swim in it ;)...heavenly! So nice to meet you!
My favorite place is on the couch in front of our TV, scrunched up in the corner of it in a really unnatural position that makes my family shudder ;)
Oh goodness, where haven't I written? I think right now my favorite place is on my bed with my back pillow and comfy blankets!
Mmmm, cinnamon rolls!
Wait, what were we talking about? :D
Oh, yes... My favorite place to write is at my desk. I sit cross-legged in my chair with my coffee between me and the keyboard. It's not highly original, and I don't have any kind of view, but it works for me.
mmmmm that picture made me THIRSTY!!
I have to say... My husband gave me an awesome desk for my birthday last year. I can write in bed/on the couch and frequently do, but my best work always comes from typing at my desk!
I mostly work at my desk because I don't have a laptop (sigh - crossing fingers for one soon). I think getting away from the house would be my favorite spot.
And I absolutely love cinnamon buns.
I haven't written at a coffee shop, but I'm sure that'd be the best place to be. Coffee. Quiet. Writing. What's not to love?
My favorite place to write is here, at my desk. All my books and notes are handy.
Okay--I don't know how I've missed your blog for so long, but I found you now! (*cue ominous music*) I love connecting with other writers--especially ones as busy as I am (ironically my post today is about how pathetically disorganized and overworked I am!) so I loved this post! Hope you don't mind that I'm following your blog now and I hope your writing goes well tonight!
Definitely my home office is my favorite place since I have all the comforts of home and my comfortable personal space. I have no human distractions usually and when my wife is here she does her things while I do mine. It would not be as easy if my kids were still living at home.
Ultimately, my favorite place to write is at home sitting on the sofa. But lately I have been spending more time at shcool doing school work and when finished I take the extra time there before class to work on the book.
The ipod, headphones, and a cold diet pepsi work very well to keep the world out for just a little while.
I love getting out of the house to write! I always feel more productive. I miss the days when I had cute independent coffee shops around the corner... now I'm about a mile away from a Panera and Starbucks (side by side, conveniently) so I head there at least once a week to write.
Usually, I'm on the couch in our living room. We need to get to work on our office!
Ohhh... that coffee looks yummy. I'm in need of a whole pot full right about now. : )
Happy Thursday.
Hi Jen!
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I'm thrilled to have found yours! Except that now I'm craving a cinnamon roll--big time. Thanks for that. (Urrggh!)
I do tend to write at home - at my kitchen table in front of my woodstove, but I do go out to cafes and restaurants to write from time to time and I love that too (just gets expensive if I don't keep it to a minimum). But even just today, I was out at a local haunt and had a GREAT aha! moment there, so it's good to change things up sometimes, for sure.
Again, thanks and glad I found ya!
I usually write at my desk in the study. I have all of my writerly related stuff in there. But sometimes I take the laptop to the kitchen or dining room for a change of scenery. I wish I could get to a local coffee shop to write but we don't have one:( The closest one is about 30 miles away, then there's the problem of no babysitter. Maybe one day...
I didn't mean to make you all hungry for cinnamon rolls!!! I can't help it, they are my fav! It is also super nice to just sit on my couch with laptop on my lap and both my kitties cuddled close to me!!
I tend to write in bed, which isn't a good idea because I often fall asleep. When I write at home there are always too many distractions. I like the idea of going to a coffee shop to write. Hey, it worked for J. K. Rowling!
I usually write in bed on my laptop. If it's noisy up here, I'll go downstairs to the couch. I have a writing desk but it is currently in my basement because our spare bedroom is our bedroom. The basement is cold and spidery... ewww... maybe if I ever write something spooky, I'll write down there. Nah. Maybe not. :)
I usually write in bed before I sleep, but sometimes I too love to escape to the local coffee shop to read, write, or just sit by myself and sip a latte. Great place to think and be creative!
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