Happy Vest
Also known as a straight jacket... I'm sure at times as a writer you feel a little crazy, all your characters talking to you at once telling you what to do. Our fellow writers all understand but our everday families and friends don't always understand where we are coming from. I think we should all just rememeber that even though we live in our alternate universe that we don't need the Straight Jacket... Lets go with the Happy Vest instead... if we've got the ideas and eventually will make a dollar or two on something we love then why not do it?! Who cares if we are wearing Happy Vests or not?

My actual words - Happiness & Heart
Two things that are needed while writing being happy and having a ton of heart! No one else can tell you to have that one idea or to continue to write, only you can. You have to want it that's where the heart comes in, you have to have a ton of heart to be able to sit at your desk alone and quiet and put that pen to paper or type on that laptop you so desperately wanted. After your finished you'll realize that happiness is at the end of the road!!
Do you need a Happy Vest today? What bring you happiness? Is your heart in writing, art, photography or anything else?
Just for all of you here is a picture of Trevor and I having fun in Los Angeles!!
Hee! You guys look so happy. How's that for H? :)
Trevor doesn't look too thrilled to be photographed!
Have you seen Matthew yet? ;-)
Hope you're having fun!
And right now, a nap would bring me a lot of happiness, even if I've only been up for 2 hours...
I have an award for you today, Jen! Happy Friday! :-)
:) Yay for happiness! Great Picture!! and Great Post!
My heart's in writing, and I sometimes find the way there through photography. So we'll add a little heart to that, too.
Have a great weekend!
Thanks for this post. I needed the uplift. My heart is in writing and my family both walking hand in hand.
Looks like you are having fun.
I think you captured it perfectly. In what ever stage we are at we need happiness and heart!
Morning Jen, thanks for sharing about the Happy Vest, what a fun euphemism!
As far as your real words I'm not sure that happiness is required to write but heart most certainly is (at least for me). Happiness probably comes in handy though when deciding whether or not to stick with it.
Shameless promotion for all your reader/followers:
I have an awesome guest post today on my blog by Cole Gibsen.
This one is pure query/submission gold folks in which she shares the ACTUAL query that landed her an agent and the correspondence that ensued.
Please stop by to read, comment and follow.
My heart must be huge because it's in so many things. Writing, family, and just living.
Great post, thanks!
Oh wow the picture of the heart is so beautiful!
Love it! the pics the H words, everything. Happy Friday!
Great post. Yay for happiness and heart :)
You're doing a great job on the challenge. Keep up the good work.
this made me smile SOOOO much!
lots of love
cute post, I'm definitely left smiling (:
Awesome, nice pic too! I sometimes feel like I should perpetually be wearing a happy vest!
Great post! Have a wonderful weekend.
Somedays I need a Happy Vest but most of the time I just keep plugging away.
Awww, these were great words! You have such a wonderful way of putting things into perspective.
Glad you're having a great time and beautiful pic!! Can't wait till you come back!
Happy Vest sounds so much better than straight jacket! Next time The Kiddo catches me talking out loud while I write, and she is looking at me like I'm a looney-tunes, I'll think, "Happy Vest," and not "Straight jacket!"
HaHa! I'm sure we all feel we could use a happy vest at times...I love the name you've picked for it. :)
Love the picture!
I'm happy because I get the WIP all to myself all weekend. I can't wait to start writing. Especially now that we've got a shiny new outline.
Have a fab weekend!
Happy is good, I like happy. I'm happy I have flowers in my yard, that I can still help hubby move 150 pound railroad logs, and that I have my five senses!
I need one of those happy vests!! Haha. I hope you're having a fabulous trip!
((Still jealous.))
I really like happy vest instead of straight jacket. Yes, blogging, writing is always in the back of my mind. Incubating thoughts, formulating, creating.
The person who writes a "How to" book teaching writers how to infuse their words, sentances, paragraphs, chapters and novels with HEART...will become a millionaire overnight!!
Sigh. Trevor was the name of my imaginary childhood boyfriend.
Cute photo!
What a fun and uplifting post! My kids probably think I could use a happy vest...
Awww, happy post! :D Cute picture!
Happy and fun post!!
You guys are looking happy! Glad to see LA is working for you.
What a great Happiness pic! LA's yours....
I love that picture. What a great illustration for a post about happiness.
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