Happy Monday!
Let's start this week off right! Join me for breakfast in your favorite pair of PJ's! It's the perfect start to what we can say will be the perfect week!
After having quite the stressful week last week I had realized I was running out of steam and needed a mental break and since my muse was already telling me this I realized I was the one standing in the way of the relaxation time! Once I noticed the problem I drew
a bath, made some cinnamon rolls (my favorite), and snuggled with the hubs. There was no sense in worrying about something that would work itself out. I needed rest!!
So today even though I am back at work I'm still taking the relaxing approach by picturing myself in pajamas eating pancakes and naturally what happened was that I got my mojo back!

Tonights plans: Pen and Paper!
Revising will be happening, my muse an I hashed out a compromise, forever page I revise I will take time to work on the second installment of the series for my muse, though she isn't super happy about she respects my wishes!
So what plans do you have for tonight? Are the creative juices flowing?
Hee! I love PJs and pancakes. And pens. Great post about some of my favorite things. :)
Yes, a break away (even a little one) is truly necessary sometimes!
Those pancakes look yummy! I'm glad you took a break! I did as well this weekend and started typing away on Sunday night and it did my WIP a lot of good!
A break is always good. I hope to look at some critiques. ;) I also hope to finish up my chapter 2 revision.
Big goals.
I love to balance writing with reading. That's always a good break for me!
Plans...hmm...does obsessively checking email count? Oh and House. Love me some Hugh Laurie. That's about as creative as I feel right now.
Taking a break, good idea!
I wish I was still in my pj's!
Tonight will see me working on my manuscript - which one? - that's yet to be seen.
Hmmmm. PJs and pancakes. I like. But to be really honest I LOVE waffles. Have no idea what I'll be doing tonight. Too far into the future. :)
Sorry about the delete. I wrote my comment backwards, lol.
Usually a little breather is the perfect solution to a problem.
PJs + Pancakes = WIN. However, here in Wales we don't have pancakes that often! Not like those in the picture, anyway. Which are making me rather hungry.
Tonight I'll also be (hopefully) going over some of the novel. I really need to get my ass in gear as this month is crucial! Thanks for another great post :)
Yay!! Your mojo's back!!
I love that photo with the pen, it makes me feel like Jane Austen!
Good luck with the goals for tonight, I'll be working on mine too :)
I did handwrite a page and half while I was at the beach this weekend. Maybe I'll play with New Story Idea... *evil smile*
oh, no! I'm too late! We already had french toast over here .. .and on a P for pancake day, too, drat!
I'm tweaking revisions based on my betas feedback. It's good stuff.
Pancakes??? Want some, too :)
Wish you a great day
I am planning on getting in my sweats and reading "The Artist's Guide". I hope SOMEONE can help me defog my business brain!
Now I'm hungry. Love it when the muse comes back. I plan on looking over the first three chapters again and do some edits on Chapter 4, although that plan will probably be extended to tomorrow.
I'm glad your mojo is back! Mmmm, pancakes, my favorite. Maybe I'll go make me some right now.
yummm im hungry now!
I've got to sit down and finish that last chapter!!! (Can you believe it Jen? My last chapter! Whoop!)
Your post motivated me to revise today!! Beautiful blog!
Yummy, those look good! Great post, sometimes all we need is a little break to get us back in the writing chair again!
Mmmm, maybe pancakes for dinner tonight...!
Man, now I want pancakes.
I love that picture of the pen and paper. It's just so pretty.
My plans for tonight, unfortunately, are to work from 2-11ish. Oh well.
There are two scenes of my wip that I really need to 'get out' of my head but I haven't had the time. It's driving me crazy! If hubby is patient enough to let me settle down on the couch with my laptop (again) than hopefully I can get them out. If not, probably watch a movie with a hubby with eyes wandering longingly towards my closed laptop:( :(
pancakes are wicked! all your posts regarding food always make me so hungry :P
Well now, my plans are to eat pancakes.
My creative juices are flowing! Finally. I go through these phases where it's just impossible to think of anything fresh. But tonight I will revise, revise, revise.
I've got a writers meeting tonight so I'll be going to that and getting opinions on one of my chapters.
I'm glad you got your mojo back. I'm in a pjs with you!
Tonight = Babe Ruth Baseball. That will take up most of my evening. I hope my son's team wins this time. :-)
Pancakes.... Yum!! I want some of those tonight!! Good luck with your Muse!
It's interesting how sometimes all you need is to walk away to bring the inspiration back. I'm glad you found it again!
Working on revisions...i have a lot of work to do.
those pancakes look divine!
We're going out for pizza and fun tonight with the children. Should be a blast! We'll see how successful I am at not putting on tons of weight this week...
Great P words, Jen! Two of my favourite things!
As for tonight... it's already 9:30 pm here in the UK and I've just had Red Thai Curry and wine, finished off with tarte au citron, and now I'm yawning and chatting with hubby! All in all, a great Monday night!
Good luck with the revisions!
i'm staying home...it's 23:40 in greece...i went shopping today.tomorrow morning they say the volcano cloud will come over greece...
i loved your blog as well as your writing skills...
I love that pen. I also love pajama days. I haven't had one in awhile. hemmm. I think I feel a pajama/Jane Austen day coming on. This evening, it is make the dinner, walk Louie and hope for a good nights sleep.
YUM! i crave a pan cake now!
Yum pancakes:)
A little break is good. My creative juices are simmering until next week. Or maybe tomorrow.I have no willpower not to revise. lol.
Ohhh you made me want pancakes! My favorite food!
No plans for writing tonight, unless I miraculously get some energy. I know, I sound like a neglectful writer, but when I have a tiring day of work, all I want to do is hang around and, well, do nothing. :-P
Let's see, today is Monday. I think that I will have supper around 5:00 to 5:30 PM.
Then I will watch an episode of Boston Legal, Season One on DVD.
Then it need to catch up on my reading in The Institutes of Christian Religon by John Calvin with a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon.
Since the wife likes to sew or do craft work while I read, I know that intermittenly we will have a nice evening of conversation.
Then if I am lucky I will be out like a light by 9:00 pm.
Just like you, I have a LOT of editing waitting for me...oh boy...=)
Pancakes, pen, paper - gotta love alliteration and yummy combos. :) My creative juices are flowing again after three week break. Ah, fresh perspectives.
I so need a pancake and pajama day but only if it's raining. And it's Sunday.
Tonight, beta reading for a friend.
I <3 pancakes so much...especially if they have bananas inside :)
I wish I had more pen and paper time!!! Instead, I think I'll do more pancakes and pjs.... :)
Wow. Eating pancakes in my pajamas is one of my very favorite things to do!
I'm also working through my wip. I've just had a discussion with a crit partner, so new energy for it. And I'm wearing pajamas.
ummm.. i haven't stopped salivating over those pancakes. you TEASE!!
hehe i wanttttt
(best of luck with everything, bestie! ;D)
mmm pj pancakes.
Wait..that would be sticky! and hard to chew!
(I swear I'll answer the e-mail sometime~ ^^;)
My plans for this evening are to...finish writing a debate, talk to my friends who live far away, and eat chocolate?
Nice pic and love the PJ idea!
Enjoy the pen and paper, I hope it
was productive!
With Hubby away for a few days it means more pen and pyjama nights for me! As much as I'd love the pancakes I must sadly restrain from those calories because.. aw, to heck with it, where's my maple syrup?
Thanks for the vision of pancakes. I could use some right now. Up way too early. Happy editing!
Look at you and all your comments! That's awesome. :)
Pancakes -- now on the list of "foods I hope I'll crave."
Seriously, I have no idea what your post said after I saw the pancakes...I just thought...mmmm, pancakes. Why you gotta tempt me like that?
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