Justine had asked me to talk about Zebras, and since we are secret twins (so you can't tell anyone else!) I thought I would share with you that I think Zebra's ROCK!!! There you are Justine ;) Laura over at Wavy Lines also requested zebra considering it is her favorite animal, trust me I would know she has the coolest zebra picture on her blog!!
Okay so my word is really not Zebra in fact until yesterday morning I had no zero ideas of what I was going to write about, how I was going to wow you for the last letter in the alphabet, of course it had to be the hardest.
Lately I had been having some mediocre weeks, nothing was happening, life was dull and time was just passing me by. I hate when I don't look at life in a different light to get myself out of a funk. I needed a wake up call, that is when I was handed my word.

A much needed pep in my step. The word struck me like lightning, a jolt of excitement shot through me! I could finally feel the breath of fresh air I had been longing for all week.
So what did I do to put a little zest back in my life you ask... I bought rollerblades. Yup, one of my many plans to get the zest and spice back into my life. I used to be a very active person, ran cross country, outside all afternoon and then the electronics took over, all my favorite shows I couldn't possibly miss, my laptop calling my name and now even blogger has fallen into the mix. Which ultimately means I lost a lot of me time, well I'm taking me time back.
Rollerblading rocks, I felt free, like I could do anything. Running really isn't my thing anymore but rollerblading is something I can see getting into.
What other things do I have in store for a more zesty life??
1. Girls night this evening, margaritas and chit chat!
2. Movie day by myself
3. Cruising the library for some much needed book action
4. Me and Muse sitting out on the patio working on the internal conflict blogfest that The Alliterative Allomorph will be hosting May 12th (Oh yeah, I just pimped her blog!)
See? I have a plan, and hopefully now that I've got the zest for life back, and I've talked about zebras the pep in my step with continue!!
So what your zesty plans for the weekend??
pics from Google