Saturday, April 24, 2010

U is for Unpredictable

Life, So Unpredictable. We all have good days and bad days; don’t they say it’s what you make them?

I believe this statement is true. Life is what you make it. Janna had a fun post yesterday; it said “Life is” The first thing that had popped into my brain was, Life is what you make it, however the person in front of me had put Unpredictable. It got me thinking, what did I really think of Life?

So Life is what you make it. If you want to make it fun, and then make sure that during the negative moments you have something positive to help work yourself out of the funk. Play some Aqua and dance like you did when you were a teenager. Call a friend and go bowling, make sure you add the gutters… this is supposed to be fun! Oh and make sure you do the glow & the dark bowling filled with beer and pizza, the point is too have fun.

If your stuck in a rut with writing or life in general pick yourself up with a fun flirty chick flick, or a fun magical read to take you into a different world. Think about it, the world is your playground so what are you do moping around waiting for the teeter totter to lift you up, sometimes you have to be the one to push yourself to have fun.

So life is unpredictable, but doesn’t that make it for one wild & exciting ride? How do you plan on being unpredictable or breaking out of your shell today?


Jessica Bell said...

Stuff my face full of chocolate and watch a ridiculous amount of episodes of BONES!

Candyland said...

Going to see Bert!! Woo!
(And PS T.A.A, I LOVE Bones!)

India Drummond said...

Great advice. I could always use a pick-me-up!

Joanne said...

So much of life depends on our own attitude, and the spin we put on situations, feelings. A great reminder to spin it positive :)

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

Yes, yes, yes!! I agree wholeheartedly. If you feel that life is always dumping on you, then perhaps it always will. Sometimes it is just what you make of it.

Today I will work for a bit, reading for CPs and writing. I think I might also watch Avatar tonight with the fam (just came out on DVD--yay!). Aside from that, not sure what we'll do. Last week, we went to the drive-in on a whim. Hmm, I love doing unpredictable things.

Anonymous said...

That's so true. Life is indeed what you make of it. Sure, some are more fortunate than others, but much of your happiness depends on your attitude.

I'm terrible at doing unpredictable things, but I'll try! :)

Anonymous said...

I love how you say "the world is your playground". That's a brilliant line.
Today is the international fair in my college. I'm not taking part in it because I didn't have enough time to gather the African's together. Anyway, I'm going to show up wearing an African dress!
Hmmmm, that's probably predictable. haha


Abby. said...

♥ this post!
It's all totally true. Life is what you make it, and if you want life to be as good as possible, make good decisions and think of the consequences before you do something stupid.
Have a great weekend!
And you're almost done with the challenge!

Unknown said...

Too true. If you always think negatively, things will go negatively for you and you'll be stuck in an endless cycle of pessimism. (I would know, it's something I'm working on lol.)

Great post!

Amy Saia said...

I plan on cleaning and hopefully working on editing and some art.

There doesn't seem to be enough time, but it's worth a try!

Hope things are well with your edits!

Christina said...

I always wake up with a plan for my day and most days I just end up going with the flow because (with my kids) everything is unpredictable.

Great post today!

TerryLynnJohnson said...

fun post. I actually like it when life is unpredictable. I like change. Today, I sang a song to the cleaning lady at work. I don't think she predicted that.

Jai Joshi said...

You got me motivated when I read this.



Talli Roland said...

Well said! I love the unpredictability of it all. Ten years ago, I'd never have imagined I'd be living in London and writing full time. Now I wonder where I'll be in 10 years time?

Jaydee Morgan said...

Well, I spent my morning being totally predictable - I hit the golf course and now am settled in with the laptop to cruise blogland and get some writing in.

I promise, I'll work on the unpredictable part.

Lindsay said...

I spent the day relaxing in the sun. Tonight is blogging and tomorrow is writing. Hmm, not very unpredictable.

Saumya said...

By eating a doughnut. Wow, I'm pathetic.

I have an award for you over at my blog!!

Eva said...

Today will be a predictable day, so I think I'll work on this tomorrow :)

Christopher said...

Last night was unpredictable enough, today I'm just going to crash.

Missed Periods said...

Just got a phone call asking if I want to go the UCLA Festival of Books. Off I go...

Laura S. said...

Absolutely! Loved this post. Today I went to my nephew's Teeball game. If that doesn't put a smile on your face, I don't know what will! It's so funny watching the kids turning cartwheels or playing in the dirt instead of paying attention to where the ball is going, hahaha. Watching 5 and 6 year olds with baseball bats is always unpredictable!

Have a great weekend, Jen!

Eeleen Lee said...

if i want to be unpredictable, i do what people always expect from me.

great post btw!

Kimberly Franklin said...

So true! Although, my life is kind of predictable, every now and then I do get a few surprises. :)

Have a great weekend!!

Crystal Cook said...

Jen!! How did you know I needed to hear this;)? You are exactly right, and that's something I really admire about you, you are bursting with optimism and fun!

What shall I do. . . Must think about that. :)

Bish Denham said...

No matter how much in control we think we are, we aren't. I believe it's a good thing to live as though this day were possibly the last, that way we remember to appreciate all that we have.

Eric W. Trant said...

Shouldn't U be for Unedited?

- Eric

Leigh Hutchens Burch said...

I was unpredictable yesterday by going to bed before 10:00 on a Saturday night.

Which means I was umpredictable this morning by waking up at 8:00.

It feels strange to be awake this early on a Sunday morning.

Shall I spend the majority of the morning hours at my laptop, writing and reading?

Kirsten Lesko said...

I'm not being too unpredictable today! LOL. Just writing writing writing before my husband goes back to work & leaves me with the pipsqueak again. I suppose I'm writing something unpredictable... I hope I am, anyway!

Anonymous said...

I'm definitely in need of some fun right now. I think I may take your suggestions to heart. I need to locate my "Now" CD and crank up the Aqua.... ;o)

Hannah said...

I've been blessed with a boyfriend who delights in torturing me and therefore, forces change upon me often. I need it. I'm a little OCD with my time.