I'm gonna be a supermodel
and everyone is gonna dress like me
Wait and see
When I'm a super model
And my hair will shine like the sea
and everyone will wann look just like me
Okay so maybe not, but ever since my sister had asked me to model for her while she tried her hand at photography I couldn't say no. I mean she picked me!!! How cool is that?? So I decided to show off a few of my sexy new photos and how fabulous of a job my sis is doing.
Did you know she had a blog?? Two actually?? Under the Umbrella is one of them and then she has her professional one listed there as well, be sure to check her out and give her some love, because I love how the photos turned out!!! I'm showcasing my sister's work and she has showcased more at her work!
Feel free to tell me how hot I look :)
My new profile picture:

Me with my favorite book series:

Reading Hex Hall:

So now that you see how awesome she is send her some love over at Under the Umbrella!
Great pictures Jen! I like all of them, but my favorite it the one you have for your profile pic now. I also like a couple more I just saw on your sister's blog. Wow!
that is great!
You're so freakin' adorable! I want to squeeze you and pick you up and spin you around!!!Then I'll put you in my pocket.
Great photos Jen :-)
The other day I was going to tell you how much I liked your new profile picture! Awesome!
awesome! I didn't know your sister was a blogger and her pics are awesome! I'll be sure to check her out:)
Great photos! Off to check our your sister's blog...
Those are great pics. And I would tell you how hot you look, but I'm afraid hubs would get his hopes up, hahaha
she did a good job! (esp like the one you chose as your profile pic!)
You make an adorable whore. ;)
lol. Seriously, those are great pics. Kudos to you and your sis!
Cute!!! I love photos.
I am on my way to check out her blog now!
Oh I love the book! You look great, and as a photographer myself, I'm really interested in checking out your sister's site. She has great composition with symmetry in those photos. :)
Great photos!! My favorite is also your new profile pic - so fitting :)
And by the way, you look fantabulous!
I love that...You look so hot..hhahhaha...Those are really cute photos:) Well donr to your sis:)
ps: I am hosting a great GIVEAWAY, so please join in:) ...I bet you will love it!!!
Great photos Jen. Love the profile one with you reading the book.
I'll make sure I swing by your sister's site and take a peek :)
I agree with Jaydee, you look fab btw. :)
I noticed your profile pic a day or two ago and thought it was cool! I love that you're reading Harry Potter!
Awesome photos - she's got a great eye :)
Thank you again for being my go to model & you took on the part rather well i might say! Love you!
& thanks to everyone else for your wonderful comments they are greatly appreciated!!
Look at you, hottie! Ow ow! (Hey, you said to tell you how hot you look. Haha.) In seriousness, you do look nice in every picture, and I love the Harry Potter one. I'm halfway through that very book now!
You look beautiful babe!! And I have to say that I love your attitude, you're so positive and confident :) It's awesome!
I love that Harry, but I STILL cry at the end every single time I read it :)
And Kim is doing a great job with her photography too!
Beautiful pictures!!
How exciting! And I do love your new profile pic.
The photos are great!! I love your sisters blog too. I think the pic you chose for your new profile pic is perfect! I'm so jealous. I want a perfect profile pic like that. I want to be a photo whore too. sigh.
Love the photos, Jen! Especially the first one, the one that's your profile photo! You make a very good model. :) Headed over to Under the Umbrella now!
They are so lovely!!!! I liked all of them, your sister is very talented! But a really good model always makes things easier ;)
Better to be a photo whore than .... opps sorry. lol Great pics. You make the photo not the book - my favorite series too!
Oooo, great photos!!! Love how in the second one you're showcasing THE BEST BOOK SERIES EVERRR!!! But you were hiding your beautiful face!
Awesome pics!! You're a cutie :D
((hugs)) Nicole
You look utterly HOT!!! Great pix:)
Super cool to be your sister's model. I love your new profile picture, and I left your sister a comment to say the same.
i like your new blog picture. all the pictures are neat and youre real pretty.
...smiles from lenny
Looking good Jen! Great photos.
Glad to see another person who appreciates Potter. Good pictures and great blog.
These are some great pictures of you. I will most definitely check out your sister's blog, because I'm trying to get myself into photography.
Write on and say cheese!
I love your new profile pick :)
Hmmm, let's see....new background, new 'bling', new profile pic-girl, you're rocking your blog! The pics are really sweet and I loved all the different poses and locations...cool!
Aww, love that last one with the huge killer smile! You go girl!
Awesome photos!
Nice pix! Hex Hall is on my tbr pile! Can't wait!
I love messing around with pictures. Love the new profile pic!!!
Cutespice photos! I love them. Sigh. Makes a girl wish she could go back to high school and re-do her Senior Pictures.
Or, something.
For real, I just love how these turned out. I hope you'll share more. :)
I love your new profile photo. :D
Off now to visit your sister's blog.
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