Most of you guessed blond hair, most everyone else chose red hair but the one you didn't choose so often was dark hair, brunette which is what my dear Stella is!
So what does she look like? Who was the closest to correct?
Creepy Query Girl : I think of a dark haired girl with a light complexion and hazel eyes. The name and personality also make me think she's willowy and graceful on the outside but sharp and sarcastic on the inside. Fun game- can't wait to find out what she looks like!
Below is the lovely Stella!!!

She lives in the 1800's so she has to dress in those very Marie Antoinette style dresses and a very elegant and sweet attitude/appearance but a very sarcastic and opinionated inner dialogue. She was a blast to write and I'm having fun revising her!
So how did it feel to be right? To be wrong? Do you find yourself wondering what people would say about your character? Then you should play along!! I'm going to be setting up a blogfest for this and I would love for everyone to join in!!! Stay tuned for the upcoming details!
I missed this but sounds like it was fun. :)
I would love to play along but I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get ready for RWA. Maybe I'll do it next week when things settle down.
Miranda Kerr! Nice.
Wow, she looks so different than I thought! But I love Miranda Kerr....and she just got married to Orlando Bloom. Lucky her!
Ack, I forgot to mention the clothes. For the record, I was off base on the looks, but I TOTALLY nailed the time period...just forgot to document it. sigh.
Word verification: phedgbol...sounds like something you'd hack up doesn't it?
Uhhh did I miss this???!!!
Awesome. It's fun to see how we imagine our characters. :)
I guessed dark hair, so I guess I was close - ish ;o)
I think I was close. At least I was in the ballpark! :)
I got the dark haired part at least (kind of). :D
Definitely got the wrong time period. Guess I was thinking the Princess Diaries.
I think I'll definitely love your character. :D
this was fun!
Nice!!! That was such a great idea, I'm thinking of doing it too! I guessed red hair btw! ;--)
That is wonderful...She is perfect!!!
I loved that game:)
It's funny what I thought when I read the snippet and now that I've seen her, yes, this is exactly what Stella should look like.
And also funny, I didn't realize you were writing an historical, I wondered about the diamonds. It sounded like something a grandmother would say.
Great stuff Jen. Stumped me.
So much fun! I think I love this character already.
Stella is not quite how I pictured her but not that far off either. If I watched a movie version, I wouldn't be thrown off. Good job!
well I was way off haha. So fun though thanks so much for the great post I really enjoyed it!!!
I missed out on this, but I love the idea. I'm giving you this snippet of my MC, Samantha, as a sample of what I'll post on my blog:
“Señorita, I take you somewhere?” A taxi driver held open his trunk for my luggage as I stood on the curb obviously looking helpless and American.
“Sí, gracias.” I handed him a piece of paper with my new address on it.
The driver eyed it for a second and then nodded his approval. He tossed my two bags haphazardly into the trunk, slammed it closed with more force than was necessary, and ushered me quickly into the back seat. “Traffic get bad soon. We go fast.”
As we zoomed through traffic and weaved from lane to lane, coming precariously close to other cars and proving that Seville cabbies were probably even more efficient than New York drivers, I sat in the back seat of that taxi feeling a sensation I’d never felt before. Confidence. It was the most daring venture I’d ever set out on, a time when confidence should have been the last thing I felt. It seemed fear, doubt, and even indecision had forgotten to find their way into my luggage when I packed up for my life of drinking coffee in streetside cafés and strolling Spanish calles.
So, what does she look like?
See, I knew it was Jane Austen style clothes. And I went for brunette too! But I certainly love the way Creepy Query Girl put it.
I will definitely do this. Perhaps this week, I'll let you know when I do!
P.S. You should just make it into a blogfest!
Amie you are so smart!!!! Oh my gosh I've never done a blogfest but I think you just opened up a world of ideas!!! Thank you!!! I think I will so hold off!
Blogfest would be fun! Especially since I've finally found the perfect picture for Lily!
Despite the hair color, I don't think I was too far off! She looks a little like Reese Witherspoon, I think!
woohoo! This game was so fun and yes, I think I'm going to copy the idea and do a character guessing game sometime soon! I'd love to see what people come up with for mine. And it feels good to have been the closest! *grins*
Blogfest! Blogfest! Blogfest!
You're MC is quite lovely, by the way.
Too bad I missed. But how fun! It is always interesting to see your characters through others' eyes.
I was close - at least I had the dark hair right! This sounds like an awesome idea for a blogfest - I love it! Just today I started toying with the idea of having my own blogfest...not sure I'm that brave though. :)
I was actually pretty close! I said curly dirty blonde hair (almost light brown)....and she has wavy brunette hair...I think I should earn a couple of points! Right? :) That was lots of fun, thanks Jen! Can't wait to hear about your blogfest!
OMG. This would SO be the best blogfest ever!! Do it! Do it! Do it!
Nothing like peer pressure.
Cool picture.
Have a nice day, Boonsong
I was so off! But I got one of the dimples right! haha this was so much fun, Jen!!!!
it IS Belle! ;p OK, does Belle have hazel eyes?
But she does look like Miranda Kerr... Good stuff~
Weird. The first time reading through the snippet, I saw brunette. The second time, I saw blonde. I should have gone with my first impression! (See? That's why you're only allowed to make one.)
I did this with my blog series. It'll be interesting to see what others come up with when you get to hosting your blogfest. :o)
Woah, I was way off, lol!
At least I got the dark hair right. Maybe not so wild, though;)
This was fun!
how fun!! great post!
Wow! I was so off the mark lol!
I was completely wrong! Your Stella is much prettier than the one in my head. =)
That girl is beautiful! And now I can totally picture your MC!
Ah, I was close with Anne Hathaway! But I love this choice much better. This was fun, I hope we get to do it again!
Wow I got that way wrong! I'm terrible at this apparently :) This was a cool idea, Jen.
She's not too far off from my guess, but I pictured her modern day instead of starring in a period piece. Fun!!!!!! Have a blast writing her, Jen!
What a neat game! I've been guarded about telling people how I visualize my characters - ie. who I would cast in a film version, etc., because I hate it as a reader when I've pictured a character one way and then hear something that tells me the way I pictured them was wrong. But I have to say, I pictured your character very much like Miranda Kerr.
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