So last night I went to Blue Willow for the Maggie Stiefvater book signing and it was even more fun than I imagined!
First off she is crazy just like the rest of it, although unlike the authors I've met she lets her freak flag fly high!!!
Wanna see?

TOLD YOU SHE ROCKS, didn't I?! Don't you already love her??
So I know I told you this was truth thursdays, and I don't plan to disappoint. Here are my truths for the day!
1. Blue Willow Bookshop is my favorite bookshop!
2. Maggie Stiefvater rocked my world with awesomeness!!
3. My sis and I were #1 in the signing line and couldn't have picked a better number!
4. We ate at the best local burger shop beforehand which was DELICIOUS!
5. Oh and Maggie & I are besties! Don't believe me?? Just look at the picture below.

Don't you see it? She's sitting super close to me... it's a sign isn't it?! Truth be told the "photographer" was kind of pushing the line along, and apparently we weren't moving quickly enough! So if you don't have your copy of SHIVER or LINGER, get your buns of steel over to B&N and snag a copy pronto!!! You need to be ready for when the next installment (FOREVER) comes out! And no, she will not tell you the color of the cover or print inside, that my friends you'll have to wait for!
Awesome. I see she put pants on just like she promised on her blog yesterday. LOL.
word verificaton is: dayojoy. You had yourself a dayojoy. My new favorite word.
Nice! I've heard about both these books and as soon I have the time (and I will be picking them up!
Wow, she does kind of rock. I haven't read her books yet. I might need to check them out.
Um, you forgot to add your truth "I wished Candyland's headless body could have come" !!!
She seems completely awesome.
That's so awesome! She's one of my faves, and those pictures are adorable. I can't wait to read Linger!
She was awesome! Hilarious!!
Awesome! are so funny:) She is soooo cool:)Love those photos...:) Kisses,darling
Glad you had fun--not that I doubted you would. I just finished reading Linger a few nights ago. Have you read it yet?
This was great! I love the photos. I have got to read these. I have both of them on the shelf, but you know how that darn TBR list tends to take on a life of its own!
Clearly, you guys are BFFS. It's written all over that picture. :) I'll have to read her books!
Yeah, I too would rather be #1 than number 2.
Lucky y'all and nice photos :-)
Yay! Lucky you!!! Great pic!
Lucky girl! I am so happy you had a great time!!!
Great picture!! I was there too, she's awesome!
You and Kristin (Kristin Creative) were both there! Did you run into each other??
Great pics! Lucky you. Love the books :)
That's awesome. So jealous. I never get to meet cool writers.
She rocks! - and she's closest to you. This is a good omen.
Have a nice day, Boonsong
total cuteness! Looks like fun~ ;p
Blue Willow Bookshop looks cool. You're a bookstore fan... check out the Village Books link under "Flow-encouraging places" on my blog. It's a huge, awesome independent bookstore that sponsors 300 events a year. They make me so happy.
Lucky you!
I enjoyed Shiver and look forward to Linger.
AWESOME! I wish I could have been there!
I am SO behind! I still need to read those books. And it's so obvious that you two are besties. Can you believe I've never been to a booksigning and ever met a cool author?
2 days left to enter my Art Giveaway!
So cool! Yep, it's obvious that you are besties!
You make everyone you meet love you, don't you! What a charmer. You look so cute in your picture and maggie looks awesome too!
I love authors who let their freak flag fly!
hi miss jen! sounds like you had a really fun time. the pictures are sooo cool. you look really happy.
...smiles from lenny
Maggie has awesome signings! I went to one a few months ago, before Linger came out and she was so sweet and down to earth and... um... Hysterical!
Besties, for sure! Love the photos. Keep flying that freak flag:D
Thanks for making us your favorite bookstore. It was a blast last night!
You are so lucky to get to meet your favorite authors! I want a picture with my favorites....How long did you have to wait to be first in line?
How cute! I love your picture! You're so lucky. Sounds like a great signing! =)
Neat! I love the pictures. She seems like a fun, goofy person. :-)
love in Christ,
All of you look so happy :)
Sounds like you had so much fun! It's great when authors are so 'available'.
Glad you had fun. I'm all shades of green you met Maggie. I cna't wait till she comes to the UK, and I can get my copy of Shiver & Linger signed. :)
Ahh! I'm glad you had a blast and got a photo. That's so awesome. I haven't read the books yet, but you'd better believe they are on the TBR list. :)
Very cool! I'd love to meet her. She seems so down to earth.
Fun photos and glad you had a good time, it looks it! Truth-I haven't read either of the books. Another truth-B & N is my fav place alongside Hobby Lobby. Last truth-gonna go to B&N and pick up one of the books this weekend!
Yay. It sounds like you and your sister had such an awesome time! :D
She does look like a lot of fun! I haven't read these yet - guess I'll have to get my buns of steel over to B&N! :)
eeks! how exciting! i just started shiver yesterday- and i'm already a hundred pages into it- and i worked a twelve hour shift today- and i can't wait to get through all these blogs so i can go back to it! :)
haha, I bet you're never going to wash your T-shirt again ;o)
I'm almost finished with Linger. I can't wait to see how it ends! And I think you know how much I love Maggie!!
Ahhh! I'm jealous. ;) I love Maggie Stiefvater! That's so awesome! :D
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