Sunday, October 31, 2010

Oh yeah, I'm awesome.

I've done it!!! I've really done it!!!

31 days of non-stop blogging.

I declare that I'm a NaBloWriMo winner, and it feels fantastic!!!

For all you newcomers I'm normally a M-F type of girl, and that's exactly what I'm going back to!

However something else is in the works for November...


For those of you who have joined and need a writing buddy I'd love to be yours!!! (Username: Jen_Unedited)

What are you going to write about? What is everyone working on that isn't participating in NaNo? (yeah, I'm keeping this short and sweet)


Kelly@ JustWrite said...

Congrats!! I can't keep up with my blog AT ALL but I love reading all of yours!

I am considering NaNo...but I'm a little scared, I must admit!! Good luck!

Mason Canyon said...

Congratulations on finishing NaBloWriMo. Looking forward to see what you have in store for November. Happy Halloween.

Thoughts in Progress

Meredith said...

Congratulations!!!! It was so much fun for us to get 31 days of your thoughts, but I can definitely understand not wanting to blog every day :) And yay for NaNo!

Ashley Hasty said...

Congrats on accomplishing your goal! That is so exciting!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I made it through NaBlo as well (although I counted weekend posts as one) and survived my book launch. Now I'm ready for NaNo.

Miranda Hardy said...

I will be continuing my fantasy for Nano. It's outlined and ready to be written. I buddied you! (DreamyCowgirl) Good luck!

Anita said...

Congrats on accomplishing your goal and I'm looking forward to your November surprise!

Ellie Garratt said...

Welldone, you. I bet it feels good!

I've just added you as a buddie. I'm shatnerstupee if you want to add me.

Joanna St. James said...

good for you, keeping up with a M-F schedule is already hard enough good luck and see u in nano

Jay said...

Congratulations, you blogging MACHINE!! I'll see you on NaNo - I'm Rosylee on there.

KatOwens: Insect Collector said...

what an accomplishment! I can't imagine.

Anne Gallagher said...

Congratulations you crazy girl! I cna't even blog for two days in a row anymore nevermind 31.

Good luck with NaNo. I'm not doing it this year -- too much pressure.

Happy Halloween!

Jess said...

Your persistence impresses/exhausts me! You'll probably finish your NaNo novel next week and be twiddling your thumbs until Thanksgiving :)

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

Way to go, Jen, 31 posts!
Best of luck with NaNo--I'll be cheering you alll on.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on 31 posts! That's definitely an accomplishment.

I'm not participating in NaNo but I will do as Mary is and cheer everyone else on. :o)

Colene Murphy said...

AH!Mazing!! Congratulations and Happy Halloween!

Michelle Gregory said...

congrats on the blog posts and have fun with nano. i added you as a buddy (MichelleGregory)

Anonymous said...

Well Done. That is a fab challenge to achieve. HAPPY HALLOWEEN. If you get a chance do come join my halloween blog party before the hard work begins tomorrow. :O)

Unknown said...

Congrats on 31 straight days of blogging. You're my hero!! Good luck with NaNo :D

Shannon Duffy said...

Wow, holy blogging girl! Congrats! I'm just finishing polishing a MG fantasy novel and query and hopefully will be sending the query out the end of next week. After that, I will be starting the sequel to it. Not sure if it will be two or three at this point. So, no NaNo for me, but good luck to you and all participating! Happy writing! :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats! on surviving NaBlo. I'll be doing nano for the second straight year. I typed 25,000 words last year and will shoot for 50,000 this time. Trying to finish two WIPs this time around.

Bast said...

Congrats on winning NaBloWriMo and good luck with NaNo!

Dionne said...

Congrats Jen on all your hard work, you are Awesome!!! As for nano, I'll be working on one of two stories for it, still trying to make up my mind on which one. ;)

Summer Ross said...

You did it jen! awesome, congrats for writing everyday this last month!

I have no clue yet what I'm writing- i know horrible right? anyway- have a wonderful Halloween!

Amy Saia said...

I guess I only have one day to think about it, lol. Here's to success for you and everyone involved! It'll be a bust month for writers : )

Theresa Milstein said...

Congratulations on your month-long accomplishment.

I'm not doing NaNoWriMo, but I'll check how you're doing. Right now, I barely write because of my new job. It's sucking away time, energy, and creativity. Maybe sanity. But I think about it a lot and have a rough idea of where it's going. I'm at about 21k. : )

Happy Halloween!

Bidisha said...

Congrats, Jen!
That's such a feat. Maybe I should do it too. My blog's being neglected :(

Shallee said...

Yeah for winning! :) And good luck with NaNo. I'm not participating, as I'm hard at work revising my current wip so it's ready for a full novel critique at the end of November. So I guess you could say I'm doing NaNoRevMo. :)

Beth Fred said...


Nicole Zoltack said...

Congrats, that's an awesome achievement. I sometimes struggle just coming up with blog posts for M-F.

Good luck with Nano! I can't wait for November. I'm going write Champion of Valor, the last book in my fantasy romance ebook series. After that, I'm going to concentrate on getting an agent and moving up the publishing ladder.

Oh, and my nano sn is Scarlett9284, if you want to buddy up. :)

Jennie Bailey said...

Congrats, Jen!!! You rock, woman! See you at NaNo! I'll be posting your interview a week from tomorrow. I'll remind you again via email!

Bish Denham said...

Congratulations Jen! And good luck with NaNo. I will be deep in revisionville.

Jai Joshi said...

Congrats on reaching that milestone and good luck for next months Nano challenge! I know you'll do great.


Susan Fields said...

Congrats! Wow, you just go from one challenge to the next. :) Good luck with NaNoWriMo!

Laura S. said...

Congrats on blogging every day this month! Happy Halloween, Jen, and Happy Birthday to your hubby!!! WOOHOO, NaNo starts so sooooon!!!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Congrats completing the's a lot of work to post EVERY day.

Best of luck with your NaNo. I'll be writing a YA steampunk fantasy for NaNo. I'm super excited and eager to get into it.

Melissa said...

Yay for winning!!! You rock Jen!

I know you'll win November too. :)

I hope to join you at the finish line

Jolene Perry said...

Yep. NANO - I'm in.
I cheated and started a week early but I have to quit a week early, so really, that should be okay?
I will see you there!

fakesteph said...

So excited for Nano. I added you as a buddy. (I'm teffie). :)

dolorah said...

congrats on completing NaBloMo, and good luck with NaNo.


H said...

That's awesome. Nano sounds like a lot of work. Good luck !

Lisa Galek said...

Go, Jen!

I didn't make it the whole month, but I only missed 2 or 3 days, so I'm pretty happy overall :)

Good luck with NaNoWriMo next month!

Hanna C. Howard said...

Well done, Jen. I'm so impressed.

I'm buddying you right now! Let's NaNoWriMo! (Username: hannchoward)

Emy Shin said...

Yay! Congratulations. You're so amazing!

And good luck with NaNo!

Donea Lee said...

WTG, Jen! WOO HOO! You go girl!! *cartwheels* :) Seriously applauding you, because I don't even have 31 posts TOTAL!

I haven't officially signed up for NanoWrimo...guess I better do that right now. I'm about 20 pages into a new story, I think I'm going to continue working on that as my Nano project. Another 50,000 words would do wonders for it. Wishing us both luck!! Write on!

Mimi said...

Well done on the month of blogging!
re Nano, I'll just be the reader, they also serve who only sit and read, right? oh, and comment too!

Leigh Caron said...

This is my first NaNo. I have NO idea what I'm doing, but I'm writing whatever is in my head. This morning I wrote 2,000 words. I hope I can keep it up.

Jessica Ann Hill said...

Yay! Congrats Jen!!

I'm not officially participating in NaNo, but I am going to try to get a lot of work done on my WIP. *crosses fingers*

Good luck to you!

Sondrae Bennett said...

Congrats! Good luck with Nano!

Jessica said...

Wow you have done an excellent job with your blogging

alexia said...

Congrats on 31 days of blogging!! And good luck in NaNoWriMo!