Tuesday, March 2, 2010

are they here yet?

Books, Books, Books!!! I love a good book, and I know all of you do as well! I am patiently awaiting three books that I can't wait to get my hands on!!!

Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins
Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver
The Body Finder Kimberly Derting

Now I am super excited for all three of these and I would like to thank Sherry from Flipping Pages for All Ages for awarding me The Body Finder for a contest she had!! I am very excited to read the book and I plan to do a review on it when I am finished! Check out Sherry's blog if you haven't she is really awesome and always has the scoop on some great books!

Another book I would like to showcase is Loves Me, Loves Me Not it is a book compiled of 40 stories ranging in different styles of romance. I'm very excited to open this book, and this was another one that I won thanks to Jan Jones, I have been so lucky to win these books, and I am truly thankful to have my name drawn! Jan Jones has a fabulous blog so please check her out!

I have the copy of Loves Me, Loves Me Not, but I am patiently waiting *secretly stalking the mail-man* so I'm sure you will all know when I receive them because I'll be going bonkers over blogger!

And yesterday Kristin over at Kristin Creative had her birthday contest and I won a $10 Amazon gift card! What book to choose, what book to choose?!

FYI - A contest is being held over at Writing in the Wilderness for a $20 gift card to Amazon, Barnes & Noble or borders so check it out!

Are you waiting for any books?! What are they?


sarahjayne smythe said...

Congrats on winning Kristin's contest and thank you for linking to mine. Hopefully we'll both be waiting for more books in the near future. :)

Christina said...

Congratulations!! And, I love getting leads on new books to read. Thanks!

Karen Lange said...

Congrats to you! I am awaiting Liz Curtis Higgs' new book, Here Burns My Candle. My review copy should arrive any day now. Can't wait.
Have a great day,

Christine Danek said...

Congrats on your winnings! I just love a new book. There are too many to name.

Southpaw said...

Congrats. It's always amused me how exciting it is to start a new book, but it really is.

Samantha Bennett said...

For our writers group Christmas party we did a white-elephant gift exchange... with books! The excitement level was a little ridiculous; servers and diners kept staring. :)

Unknown said...

What a fantastic idea Samantha!!! I never thought about that, but I will have to make sure to have a book exchange for this years christmas party! I bet they were staring... I would have been ecstatic!

Unknown said...

Congrats on winning Kristin's contest!!!

Unknown said...

Ahh, nothing beats new books in the mail! I stalk the mailman too. ;) Love the cover of Hex Hall. I've never heard of the author, but I may give it a looksee.

KA said...

I have a big list of books I'm waiting for. One is Mockingjay, the third Hunger Games book. Another is the next book in James Dashner's 13th Reality.

Mariah Irvin said...

I'm waiting For Mockingjay and Linger. *sigh* I'll be waiting a while.

ali cross said...

Wow, you've been the Queen of Win lately, haven't you? Congrats on all counts! ♥

Sarah said...

Ditto with MOCKINGJAY!

Robby said...

I'm reading Before I Fall right now and really loving it. :]

Anne Riley said...

I just got a book I was waiting on - Wench is the title, I can't remember the author's name right now, but I got a free copy for review. Hooray!

Kimberly Franklin said...

Ugh.. I'm so jealous. I want The Body Finder... like now! I'm not sure I can wait, but I guess I'll have to. : (

Unless you want to send me your copy?? LOL. ; )

congrats on winning Kristin's contest, you lucky duck!

Luna said...

Yay! Congrats to you! I hope you get your books soon. Happy reading!

Alissa Grosso said...

I'm waiting for more time to read some books. If anyone can figure out how to send me some time, I would be eternally grateful!

Oh, and on that ever-growing list of books I want to read are Hex Hall and Before I Fall.

Daisy Whitney said...

I'm really eager to read Before I Fall too!

Melissa (My World...in words and pages) said...

Congrats on your wins! I am waiting for three books to come. I am excited to get these; Blue Diablo by Ann Aguirre, Dead Undead or Somewhere in Between By JA Saare, and Steamed By Katie MacAlister. I am looking forward to all of these! Hope you get your books soon :)