Birthday - Thank you for all the sweet birthday wishes!!! The weekend was great, I got had a lot of fun and got plenty of fantastic outfits!!! I took a picture of one so you could see how cute it is! My husband was fantastic and took me out to the cheesecake factory on Saturday evening, the food was great and the conversation was amazing as always!

Writing - I was able to get a great chunk of writing done yesterday!!! Another 2,000 words down! I am quickly approaching 70K and I'm pretty sure within the next week or two I will be finished with my first draft, I'm very excited!!!!
Winners - The votes are in... the points have been added!!! I'm very excited about announcing the winners! One who just the other day told me she never won was selected!!! So without further ado I give you the winners
Congratulations to the winners!!! Sarahjayne & Kimberly please either leave your email address below or shoot me an email at jenniferdaiker(at)gmail(dot)com and I'll send the gift card over!!! Crystal you should be receiving an email shortly!
Woo! Congrats, ladies!
Very cute outfit! And wow, you are rocking the progress on Finding Me! You go!
Yay! Glad you had a wonderful birthday. The new outfit looks fabulous!
That's fantastic about your writing! Way to go!!!
Congratulations to the lucky winners...:)
Congrats to the winners!! And, wow, congrats to you for making such progress on your wip!! Awesome job!
Happy Birthday! I've fallen behind in my blog reading and missed it. I love the Cheesecake Factory but the meals are so big that I always tell my wife that next time we'll have to split one--then next time comes and I'm really hungry and order a meal for myself and can't finish it. C'est la vie.
By the way:
I’d like to invite you and your readers to join us in a blogging challenge for the month of April. Check it out at Blogging From A to Z
That's great, Jen - and 2000 words! Yay!
The outfit is really cute. Sounds like a great weekend! And congrats to the winners.
Whoo-hoo winners!! Congrats :)
Happy Birthday, Jen!!
((hugs)) Nicole
Happy Birthday!
Congrats SarahJayne, Kimberly and Crystal!
Very cute outfit! :)
Good job on your writing!
Happy belated birthday and congrats on the word count
So cool. And I looove the Cheesecake factory. Congrats on nearing the end of your first draft!
I won!!! Yay! I'm so excited!!
Thanks so much Jen :)
And that is a way cute birthday outfit, looks great with your new haircut.
And you are amazing with your writing, I'm excited for you!
Our power's been going out a lot so a belated Happy Birthday, Jen. And that's a really cute outfit. And happy you and hub went to the Cheesecake Factory.
Yay for birthdays and fabulous new outfits! :-)
Congrats to the three big winners!
I'm glad you had such a great b-day!!! (cute outfit Jen! I love the shirt!)
Congrats to everyone.
I can't wait to hear when you finish your 1st draft! Hooray! =)
I missed your birthday?!?! Oh, no! Well, Happy Belated Birthday! Hope it was fabulous!
Happy Belated Birthday! You look great!
Glad you had a nice time. And congrats to the winners!
What??? I won???? OMG!!! I'm so excited! Jen, you totally rock and just made my Monday!!!!
Happy Birthday and that outfit is so cute!!!
God Jen, I'm so jealous that you are such an awesome writer. 2 freaking thousand words?. I have been writing my 1 page lab report for almost 2 hours!! haha..
Also, your outfit is gorgeous!
You look so cute. :) I love cheesecake factory and congrats to the winners. I'll be sending you an email shortly. :) Thanks for running a great contest.
Hey lovely, I gave you an award on my blog.
Stay beautiful.
Happy birthday and congrats to the winners!
Happy be-lated if I'm late on the birthday wishes! & I adore your outfit glad to hear you had a lovely weekend!
way to go with your writing! That's smokin'!
Congrats LADIES!! And your outfit looks totally adorable! I am SUPER jealous!
Congrats ladies!!
Very cute outfit Jen. Hubby must have been proud to have you on his arm.
Glad you had such a lovely birthday. That outfit is cute!
Congratulations to the winners!
Congrats to the winners! I love your new outfit - very cute! Don't new clothes just make you feel great? Almost as great as all that progress on your first draft - good work!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I have heard the Cheesecake Factory is amazing. I would love to try eating there some time.
Glad you had a wonderful birthday. The new outfit looks fabulous!
home based data entry
Congrats to the winners!
Glad you had a good birthday! Fun contest. :)
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