Monday, May 9, 2011

If I snag an Agent

You read the post right. If I snag an Agent.

Karen Hooper and I are in the querying trenches together right now and decided it'd be fun to add a little fun to the possiblity of being agented.

Her and I will get to meet each other in November when I make a trip to the Wizarding World and we've decided that if we are both agented by then we will do something nutty (not unusual for me, I know). Her and I have become fabulous online friends and now we'll be making the real life relationship as well!!

What's fun about this is that you, the reader, will get to decide what crazy stunt we do!!

Here are the options:

1. Disney fun: Dancing around disney like nutjobs (complete with costumes - or at least some Mickey Mouse ears).
2. Dancing down the street to The Dog Days Are Over (Yes, Karen and I will be hand in hand with my hubby graciously taping the whole thing - most likely unwillingly).
3. Going to Writer's Stop making our own books and pretending to sell them to strangers (this one I think it an amazing idea).
4. Other ideas.

Now I would love to hear your thoughts on what you are rooting for to win in the comment section! On top of that there is a poll on my sidebar, could you pretty please (with sugar on top) go and select the option you most want so it's counted! Let's get some good numbers people... it's going to be Epic!

If you have another suggestion provide it in the comment sections and as the months progress I'll add it to the poll to be considered!

SO again, if Karen and I reach our goal of agenthood come November we will do some crazy stuff!!


Lindsay N. Currie said...

LOL wow, I love #3 and I can totally you guys getting some serious laughs. Adorable, energetic girls making fake books? You might actually sell some LOL! And FYI. . . not "If I snag an agent", it should read "When I snag an agent."

Emily White said...

#3! #3! Hehehe! Now where is this poll of which you speak? Hmmm...I'm looking...I'm looking...nothing. Oh dear. I must not blog before I've had my morning tea.

Laura Pauling said...

I'm all for watching you guys dance around at Disney! :)

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Dancing the dog days being over sounds perfect!! Video....

Unknown said...

Dancing around Disney could be a blast, but I am going with Number 3 -- Fake books. No matter which one you choose, You need to tape it so we can all see your well deserved excitement.

Vicki Rocho said...

Love the idea, I just need a moment to come up with something even zanier. LOL.

Melissa said...

That's so awesome that you and Karen are going to get to meet! Hopefully you both get an agent so we can all get some laughs. :)

Miranda Hardy said...

Get matching tattoos with your agents name on them. Lol all right, the dress up dancing thing is good, too. Or you can both do the sky coaster in old town. That would be video worthy. Lol

Sarah said...

This is a great idea, and I'm rooting hard for option 2, but they're all great. Here's to making fools of yourselves for an awesome reason!

Jessica Bell said...

haha. Sounds like fun! Well, I might have to come back when I think of something a little crazier! :o)

Samantha Vérant said...

Could you combine 1 and 3? Please??/

Anne Gallagher said...

I'm thinking Disney. Instead of mouse ears how about a duck bill? Donald? Daisy? With pink painted lips?

Unknown said...

Number 3, for sure :)

And I can see you both selling away already!

Leigh Caron said...

Oh, dancing in the street for sure!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Whatever you decide to do, be sure to post the video of the aftermath!

Unknown said...

It's between 3 and 4 for me. I can't decide!

Unknown said...

I think seeing the video for #2 would be fun.

Talli Roland said...

I'm gonna go for number three! That was be hilarious, Jen. :)

Samantha Sotto said...

I'll be visiting Wizarding World next week - I'll let you know if anything crazy comes to mind :)

Nicole Zoltack said...

I think 2 and 3 are awesome! I definitely wanna see whatever you end up doing!

Jennifer Hoffine said...

I love number three has the benefit of getting you ready for your next steps into the publishing world.

Jennifer Hoffine said...

Oh, and you should definitely print up business cards to put in your books. If anyone buys them, they could end up worth something someday.

Catherine Denton said...

This is too fun. I voted!
My Blog

Thomasina said...

How fun! I voted...I'm all about Florence and the Machine lol.

Hannah said...

I voted for #3 because it sounds like something I would do. Good luck!

Laura said...

Excellent - it'll be so much fun for you guys to meet. Am going to vote- but am going to think of more naughtyness and email you soon

Anonymous said...

Hey! You have a really awesome blog :D Just wanted you to know :D

LMB said...

3 for sure...It's so cool that many of your blog friends become real life friends.

Jennifer Hillier said...

Ha! I love your number two (I'd pay to see that!)

Sara {Rhapsody and Chaos} said...

omg The Dog Days are Over is MY getting an agent celebration song! SO I definitely vote for number 2 :) :) :)

You're going to lovelovelovelove meeting Karen. She's amazing. I heart her.

Jennifer Prescott said...

I have given you an award! Come and claim the item at:

Jai Joshi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jai Joshi said...

I'd put a wild fancy dress costume on and have fun watching people gawk. (If you wear shades no one ever realises you can see them staring at you.)


Colene Murphy said...

What a fun idea! You'll be there, my friend, so gear up for something nutty!

Elizabeth Mueller said...

I wish you two the best! It's fun to throw caution to the wind--especially when you have a buddy who shares the same passion as you do and you get to do it with! I voted! :)

Can Alex save Winter from the darkness that hunts her?
YA Paranormal Romance, Darkspell coming soon!

Pauline Barclay said...

love number 3, so go for it! Wishing you great success...and of course looking forward to seeing stunt 3...laugh! x

Angela said...

I hope you get agented. When you go to Disney, take pictures!

Stephanie said...

So when will this be taking place in November?? I will also be in Orlando in November- 12-19th! I would so love to be a witness!! Good luck! :)

Donea Lee said...

You crazy girl ~ :) Sounds like a lot of fun and I think you'll definitely have to follow through!! It's a long few months between now and November to get THE call!! Best of luck, Jen!! My vote is for #3!!

Sarah Ahiers said...

Yay for also bringing back deals with the universe! I also had a post about this a little over a week ago and should have my own decision posted on my blog sometime soon. Off to vote on yours!