Monday, October 31, 2011

Fight to Write

Blogging and writing go hand in hand for me. I for one couldn't imagine not blogging five days a week OR not being able to write when the moment strikes.

When you feel like your blocked the world crumbles all around you. I, personally, find it hard to bypass the stress to get to the de-stresser.

For the first time in a long time I started running last week. I never felt more alive. My feet hitting the pavement put life back into me. It put the fight back into me. The needed inspiration to get my butt in gear.

I'm still querying for 30 GUYS IN 30 DAYS, and in doing so I lose the ability to write anything I like. It wasn't until a month ago I found that if I have faith in myself I can write anything.

Suddenly short stories have crept in my life. Little moments of heaven creeping in. I love writing about holidays and the small moments allow me to capture all my favorite parts!

I also love it because I don't feel pressure. I'm not having to submit to anyone. I do it for the love of writing.

I'm getting back my fight to write and those are the days that make me the happiest!

Have you dabbled in anything lately? How do you fight to write! Taking little moments to write a few words?


Stina said...

I love writing just for me. Sure publication would be great, but if that were my only goal, the fun would be sucked out of the process.

I love running. I get all kinds of blog post ideas and solutions to plot problems when I run.

DL Hammons said...

Then I think it would be perfect for you to take part in WRiTE CLUB! I'm just saying. :)

Laura Pauling said...

For me, writing the first chapter of a story that I know I'll never finish, just to have fun, just to practice. And querying does that to you!

Anne Gallagher said...

I agree with Laura. Querying somehow sucks all the desire out of you to write. But I'm glad you found something to take out the stress. And congrats again on your short story pub!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Yes, I'm struggling a bit to write. Hope it doesn't get worse when I start querying.

April Plummer said...

I write, first and foremost, to write. I love it, and I can't say I've ever been blocked. I usually get to a point somewhere in the middle of a novel where I get stuck trying to get my characters from point A to point B. Knowing where I want them to end up but not quite sure how to get there. Then, all of the sudden, it comes, and I'm on a roll again.

I don't run, but I workout daily. I love my Jillian Michael's videos and my elliptical. I find that working out, keeping in shape, toning and strengthening my body, helps give me confidence in ALL areas of my life and helps to free my mind of other stress so I can write.

Keep up that fight!

Anonymous said...

I write for me too. I just hope
that a reader will be interested
in it. I can't imagine writing
anything so tedious you want to
pull your hair out instead. Right
now, I'm editing a story I love, so
that makes me happy.

Unknown said...

I NEED to write...but fight constantly with insecurities....
and, I just got back into running - totally agree, it puts the fight back into me too. thanks Jen! Great post.

Leigh Caron said...

I cannot NOT write. It's why I love to blog...instant gratification. But submitting does suck the life out of my time to write my novels. It's all such a juggling game.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Good for you, Jen, and keep up that fight. I know what it's like to 'misplace' that writing mojo. That's how I wrote my first shortie and now picture books. :)

Creepy Query Girl said...

Whenever I start a book- I don't like to tell people about the premise because I always write best when I'm writing for me. I can change it, trash it, or keep going until it's done and no one will be the wiser. I do it for the pleasure and if I do go all the way and end up with a finished product I think people might enjoy- that's when I revise and edit and finally let others read. Not before. So glad you've been inspired!

Bish Denham said...

I do struggle to keep a groove. I can have long periods of great productivity and then wander in a desert hardly writing anything at all. I'm in the desert at present but I see an oasis up ahead.

I glad that running is working for you!

Cynthia DiFilippo Elomaa said...

Exercise is great for the mind, spirit and creataivity! Great job!

Unknown said...

Running always gears me up for writing. Glad you found short stories. So good to have a variety of projects to work on.

Emy Shin said...

I haven't begun my querying journey yet, but I'm certain I won't be able to write then. But I'm so glad you're able to find faith in yourself and write again. :)

Angie Paxton said...

Good for you, Jen! I also find running does wonders for my creative life. It's funny how two seemingly unrelated things can affect each other so much.

Emily R. King said...

Congrats for pushing through the downer time. It's hard, I know! I'm glad you're getting your groove on with your writing. Keep me posted in your querying!

LTM said...

Awesome, Jen! Rock on and good for you! I haven't dabbled in anything new in a while, but I think I'm about to... Best of luck and congrats again!

Happy Halloween!!! :o) <3

Sarah Allen said...

You are so inspiring! Keep it up. I adore short stories. If you do end up wanting to submit them, is a great resource. Just in case :)

Sarah Allen
(my creative writing blog)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Maybe that's the problem - I'm feeling the pressure to produce.
And I run. When chased.

Nicki Elson said...

Glad you've found the joy of short stories and got your write back. :) I agree with you about writing for the love of writing---it's why we all started to begin with. I'm "dabbling" in a novel-length manuscript right now, but I find taking it one chapter at a time takes the pressure off and I'm having a great time w/ it.

Yaaaay...I see the title of the post beloooow...

Angela Hood-Ross said...

I enjoy writing lengthy novels; however, my most favorite thing to do is take my writer's journal and just add ideas. Small scenes, random character names and personalities, or just the way I'd picture a house in one of my novels. Then after a year or so (or when I hit a road block on a WIP) I go back to the writer's journal and read all the silly, sad, or actually pretty good snippets I've written.

Kathi Oram Peterson said...

I've had to step back from writing for several weeks. Even from visiting blogs, but now I'm ready to put my gloves back on and get in the mix.
Great post!

Laura S. said...

I'm glad to hear it, Jen! I hope you have a happy Halloween, and happy birthday to your hubby!

Laura said...

Run, Jen, Run! Congrats of getting your mojo back. I love a good short story, and my fight to write moment is with a torch in one hand and a pen in the other under the duvet at night. It makes me feel like I'm a kid sneeking behind my parent's back - and I love it

Michael Di Gesu said...

Catching up with my LATE Rule of 3 posts was a fun dapple in writing for me lately.

I haven't really written anything new in a while, so this was great exercise for me...

Sophie Moss said...

Nothing like querying to zap the confidence. Good idea to write something completely unrelated. I'll have to try that next time!

Anonymous said...

Excellent this post i like it
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