Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Swapping Lives with Authors

What if you had the opportunity to be on an episode of Author Swap (similar of Wife Swap <-- Yes, I watch a lot of TV). Who would you choose?

Lately after watching episodes of Celebrity Wife Swap it's had me thinking who I'd swap with. You ready? Here.We.Go.

Talli Roland. She's MADE OF AWESOME. Not to mention her blog posts are always whisking me off in the beautiful land she lives in. I'd be reading her non-fiction novels 24 Hours in London & 24 Hours in Paris running all about town seeing if her life really is as lavish as it seems.

Emily Giffin & Sophie Kinsella. Women's fiction geniuses, these ladies are! For Emily, it'd be all about her house and what it's like to have her book made into a movie (since Something Borrowed was just released). For Sophie Kinsella it'd be all about finding out what this Shopaholic's writer is all about.

J.K. Rowling. I think everyone would add this one to their list. There is just something magical about the world she'd created, it would just be interesting to see how life is AFTER Harry Potter. What does she do?
What would they look forward to swapping with me? Zumba and Kick Boxing classes. Eating out (BONUS... they wouldn't have to cook). Blogging and working on edits.

In all honesty, my life would be boring in comparison, I'd think.

Who would you swap with?


Lindsay N. Currie said...

Oh my goodness, I don't know who I'd swap with. Actually, I'd like to swap lives with George RR Martin just briefly so I could see his writing space. . . it's in a castle he owns! *drools*

Laura Pauling said...

Interesting idea! Right now it would be Nova Ren Suma for all the awesome blog series she's been hosting. :)

LynnRush said...

Oh gosh. Good question. I'm not entirely sure. Maybe Gena Showalter? No....I know. It'd be RICHELLE MEAD!! I loved her books in the Vampire Academy. *le sigh* so yeah, I'd swap with Richelle Mead. :)

Great post. LOVE It.

Creepy Query Girl said...

JK Rowling is definitely tempting. Maybe Charlaine Harris. It would be awesome to get upclose and personal with her hot vampires from her perspective.

Meredith said...

Oooh, Talli is such a good choice! Or JK Rowling. What magical lives!

Carolyn V said...

I have no idea! There are so many good ones and so much to learn.

Unknown said...

Well I was going to say J.K. Rowling, but after the post about George R.R. Martin being in a castle, I'd TOTALLY switch with him!! I have an obsession with the medieval and would love to write in a castle!! :)

Johanna Garth said...

Hmm?? Certainly not Stephen King because Maine is cold in the winter. Maybe Snooki? It might be fun to be a Jersey Girl for, like, a day!

Laura S. said...

Elizabeth Gilbert! She's seen so many wonderful, amazing places. It would be so cool to do all that world traveling and then write about it. She might even like my life because it is so uneventful. She'd get some peace and rest for a little while!

S.P. Bowers said...

Interesting question. I'd have to think about it but probably someone not too famous unless I could pick one of the non-publicity days. I wouldn't want to be stuck in front of a crowd full of questions that I don't know the answers to and have them all be disappointed it's me. That's usually when the riots start.

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Wow...good question! Um, my first and obvious answer is JAMES DASHNER--duh. LOL. Others might be Brandon Mull, Carrie Jones, Sarah Dessen, or Rick Riordan. :-)

Matthew MacNish said...

I'd probably switch with Jessica. Just so I could live in Greece, and go to Ithaca.

Talli Roland said...

AW! Jen, you rock! Hello from Cairo, where I've been busy fighting in a revolution! :) :) Must admit I do have a pretty great life. You sound like you do, too!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Talli if I could drink that much wine and still look good!
I think I'll just remain me though.

Carrie Butler said...

I think I'd go with Jennifer Hillier. (Have you seen her writing space? I want it!)

Nancy Thompson said...

That's easy: Greg Iles, my absolute favorite author!

Karen Jones Gowen said...

I'm with you. I'd swap with Talli in a minute. She lives in London, is really cute and funny, and I love how totally focused she is on her writing career.

E.D. said...

That is a really tough question! Laurie Halse Anderson comes to mind and Agatha Christie.

Anonymous said...

Fun post. I think I'll have think a bit on who I'd like to change places with. There are so many authors to choose from. : )

Sarah Tokeley said...

Wait, what? No cooking at all? Hell, I'd swap with you in a heartbeat :-)

Unknown said...

I would swap with Oprah, have access to her empire, and see how a master plan super empire is run. Why settle for just being successful with a book or two when you can see how a real go-getter gets it done?