Friday, January 27, 2012

Writing on the wall

Today I'm keeping it simple. There is so much happening in the blogging world, I want to know what you're all up too!

What are you writing?

Have you recently switched genres?

What are you reading?

Should I be adding anything delicious to my TBR pile?

I love to hear what everyone has going on. I think it pulls us closer together as a community! For me, personally, I'm working on a new short story for Still Moments Publishing, working on adoption (can you save a cupcake? Look at the sidebar), and house buying.

Trying to mix both worlds can be so TOUGH! Are you one that's struggling?

Write on the wall and tell me what's happening!


Slamdunk said...

Finishing reading a couple of books and I just started a Goodreads account and started to write my first review. Little did I know the "Save" button on that site actually means "Publish." Nothing like a book review that ends mid-sentence.

Enjoy your weekend Jen.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Getting ready for the release of my second book, writing a third (sequel, so same genre), and reading Jessica Bell's String Bridge.

LynnRush said...

Happy Friday, JEN!! I finished up final edits on Awaited, so I'm super excited. Now to start on Violet Midnight and Wasteland 3!!!! 2012 is going to be a VERY busy year. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen. I'm finding just surfing the blogosphere has been both enlightening and refreshing. I have lots of drafts or sometimes just a couple of lines which I know are waiting for me to give them some attention. Like Alex, I'm just about to make a start on Jessica Bell's String Bridge. Have a great weekend. Jeff.

Tracie Banister said...

Hi, Jen! As you know, I just released my first novel, so I've been in PR-mode trying to get the word out about it. I am itching to get back to working on my Regency Chick Lit (Yes, it's a new genre; I just made it up.) So, I will hopefully be able to do that soon. I, also, need to start doing some proofreading/editing on another Chick Lit that I'm hoping to release this summer as a fun beach read. So many projects!

On the reading front, I just completed Unscripted by our mutual friend, Natalie Aaron, and her writing partner, Marla Schwartz. I really can't say enough good things about this book. It was so funny and entertaining; I can't remember the last time a book made me laugh so hard.

Angie Ledbetter said...

Revising the women's fic WIP, writing poetry with thoughts of a chapbook, enjoying doodling/art/photography, simmering a cookbook, plotting a calendar journal gift book, and ummm, planning a nap!

Miranda Hardy said...

I've been sick. Ugh. But, I've been reading Daughter of Smoke and Bones. Enjoying it.

I'm working on edits for one MS and writing another with a partner. I've been busy.

Stina said...

I'm reading books I bought in 2010 but haven't gotten to yet. *hangs head in shame*

I'm busy working on the first draft of my YA horror. That's a new genre for me to write.

Laura Pauling said...

While editing for polish, I've been writing some short stories, which is new for me. So glad I tried it!

DL Hammons said...

I used the advice I garnered over at Matt's QQQE and will be sending out a brand new query letter this weekend! *Gulp* :)

Cheyanne said...

Hey Jen! I donated for your adoption, I'm so excited for you! (Plus there's 0 calories in adoption and way too many in cupcakes)

I just finished The Unwanteds by Lisa McMann, and although I wasn't sure if I'd like it (its kind of middle grade) I LOVED it. You should check it out!

Kittie Howard said...

Working on my second indie, Jacob's Birthday Party; reading Roland's French Quarter delight; and getting over a cold.

Adoption? What's going on???

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Lots of stuff. :) The pageant is next weekend, so I'm busy with final preparations. I'm brainstorming my next book, while working out edits for my current YA novel and my picture book before I submit.

Nicole Zoltack said...

My current WIP is a YA fantasy adventure romance. It's been a lot of fun to write but I think it might suck. I don't know yet.

S.P. Bowers said...

Today I'm just trying to stay sane.

Anonymous said...

I'm working on a couple of short stories to submit to a YA historical anthology. Having fun and also pulling my hair out at the need to be concise!

Sarah Tokeley said...

What am I writing?
Nothing :-(

Jennifer Shirk said...

I worked on that LAST scene of the book I've been working on forever. This thing just doesn't want to end. LOL

Unknown said...

Hi Jen!

I just started writing the 2nd book in my planned YA Paranormal Series. The title of this one is: THE LATONA. Still looking for an agent for the first one, though...

As far as what I'm reading, I just finished BLOODROSE by Andrea Cremer, and I'm about to start FALLEN IN LOVE by Lauren Kate. If you haven't read either of their series yet, you really should! They're great. :)

Sarah Ahiers said...

querying one book while revising another. Same 'ol.
Ooh, though me, Vic Caswell and Emily White are hosting an awesome and easy blogfest. You should sign up - deets are on my blog

erica and christy said...

Christy and I have gone crazy with a co-project. Pages and pages every day. Let's hope it lasts! (it totally will!)

Charlotte Brentwood said...

I'm working on the business end of the first draft of my sweet regency romance. I also have a cozy mystery floating around my brain which I'll tackle next.

It's a long weekend here in Auckland so I'm also catching up on gardening, housework, lazing with the cats and strolling.

Heather Day Gilbert said...

Finished revising my first book (for now!), hoping for a particular interested agent to sign, started second book, wrote a tritina poem for fun, and over halfway through reading EARTH ABIDES by George Stewart--awesome apocalyptic fiction!

BECKY said...

I got nothin'! I've had the blahs for a few days now. If I don't see some sunshine SOON, like tomorrow, I'm not even going to bother getting out of my jammies. If you have any sun, please send some to me! I don't even care if it arrives with COLD temps! :)

Unknown said...

I'm working on my second novel in my YA fantasy series. Revising my first one to query again. Definitely not switching genres anytime soon!

Reading: Catching Fire, and a mountain of other new ones. And I'd recommend Fly By Night and Fly Trap by Frances Hardinge. Here's a review for Fly By Night:

Kimberlee Turley said...

Working on my third novel, and it's not in my usual genre, but still sort of in the fantasy field.

Just finished a so-so novel, so I won't mention the title. Everyone seems to be doing blog hops and giveaways so I've added a lot to my TBR pile. Hopefully one of those will be good.

Gail Shepherd said...

I'll make some reading recommendations. These are all absolutely amazing books:

Daughter of Smoke and Bone
Salvage the Bones

(lots of bones, there, I see). Crazy beautiful writing in all three. Happy reading!

Abby Minard said...

Right now, I'm writing a new YA fantasy while I work on revising my synopsis for the one I'm gong to query. Keeping myself busy! I'm reading Wither- so far so good! I'm waiting for A Million Suns and will most likely put Wither down once I get A Million Suns in.

alexia said...

Finishing edits and getting ready to query in a few weeks! I'm reading a lot of things and nothing is grabbing me. Got some new books today though, so hopeful. Good luck with your short!

A.L. Sonnichsen said...

Yep, I'm definitely juggling, too, Jen, and I'm not a very good juggler! :) I'm finishing up THE PIANO TEACHER by Janice Y.K. Lee. It's been great so far. Excited to read your short story next! :)

Hope all your adoption paperwork is going well. It'll be more than worth it. :)

Lindsay N. Currie said...

I'm almost finished with The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer and seriously, I LOVE it.

Writing a YA Thriller:)