Friday, March 26, 2010

holy toledo batman!

Just so you know this Friday I had a very great post ready to go about bad habits and then POOF all these awards showed up!!! So before I am accused of hoarding the awards I decided today we'd just have another fun day!! Enjoy!

Kimberly Franklin awarded me the Blogger Buddie Award! She is super awesome and if you have yet to check her blog out you should be ashamed of yourselves!!! FOLLOWER HER NOW... no pressure!

1.Nicole over at One Significant Moment at a Time is fabulous!!! An awesome Buddie for sure!!! You must visit her blog!
2.Shelley at Stories in the Ordinary is an awesome friend!! I love her!
3.Kimberly Franklin is always commenting on my stuff... it's kind of annoying! (just kidding nothin' but love!)
4.Carolyn V. is an amazing blogger and I am fortunate to call her my buddie!

Shelley awarded me the fabulous Supportive Commentor Award! Shelley is the sweetest, another must follow blog!

1.Jai Josh is an awesome commentor!!!
2.Summer is one of my favorite bloggers!!!
3.Sarahjayne over at Writing in the Wilderness always leaves me sweet words!
4.Tywo at the Purple Fairy says nothing but lovely things!
5.Crystal over at write because you must is the sweetest ever!!!
6.Shannon O'Donnell over at Book Dreaming is amazing! If you haven't checked out her blog you must!!!

Summer awarded me the Soulmmate Award!!! She totally rocks my socks off!!! I love reading her blog!

This award originated with Christi Goddard at A Torch in the Tempest and is one part gift, one part social experiment! Fun!

The rules:
1. Choose five followers/commenters that 'get' you
2. Write something fake (preferably not too mean) about them
3. Link to them, and link back to this post to comment your receipt of the award.

From Christi,

"This is by no means a popularity thing. It was hard to choose five people, but I still love everyone. But from reading the blogs of these followers, I think we share a common vibe of strangeness. That isn't a rule requirement for who they choose, of course. Maybe they choose five people that 'get' the mystery behind public shaving, for example."

Without further ado, here are some things you may not know about the following people:

1.Carolyn V. & I went to vegas and relived The Hangover
2.Kristin and I recently started a band, she's the lead guitarist and I'm the drummer
3.Lisa & Laura are belly dancers by day and ninja's by night
4.Christine won the competition for whitewater rafting last year in colorado. Prize: $10 gift card to Starbucks!
5.Summer recently had a guest spot on Criminal Minds. Dr. Reed had a serious crush on her. Damn Summer you're a lucky girl!

Yes I realize I linked the person who linked me but I couldn't help myself she's too fun!!

Crystal Awarded me the Prolific Blogger Award, The Scribbler Award and Silver Lining Award!!! Look at this girl handing out awards left and right!!! Also receiving them obviously! See I think this shows how fabulous she is! Check her out!

1.Michelle over at Southern City Mysteries totally rocks!
2.Amber never has a dull moment! Especially with her TMI Thursdays!!!
3.Talli Roland has such a fun blog!
4.Natalie at the Sound of Rain always has an awesome blog!!!

1.Little bird at Finding Neverland always writes something inspiring! I love her!
2.Candice over at Sufferings from Writer's Blog is a new follower of mine but I already adore her!
3.Amy Saia is fabulous!
4.DL Hammons is an awesome blogger! Always insightful!

1.Portia Sisco has an amazing blog that I love visiting frequently!
2.Stina at Seeing Creative has a beautiful blog!
3.TerryLynn always has a fun blog!! Her puppy pictures rock!
4.Kittie over at The Block has some fun stories!


Abby. said...

Haha thanks for taking my trip with me. :)
Sorry I haven't commented yet, even though you comment me all of the time!
Wow, you got a lot of awards, you must be a loved blogger! :)
Have a great day!

Abby. said...

Oh, and I'm following you on twitter. Follow me, I'm Soaplover22. :)

Unknown said...

Wow! You totally deserve all these fab awards and I'm so happy you've been positively showered with blog love! Thanks for thinking of me and passing the love my way. You made my day!

Oh, and I LOVED the Hangover -- wasn't it a GREAT flick??

((hugs)) Nicole

Candice said...

Aw, thanks Jen! The feeling in mutual. :)

Kimberly Franklin said...

My goodness, that's a lot of awards (award hoarder!)!

*Ahem* Sorry, I don't know where that came from.(Hehe)

Thanks for the award blog buddy!!!! Have a great weekend!!

Marsha said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christine Danek said...

Well deserved awards and thank you. I have a whole bunch to give away too and some will be coming to you stay tuned. I'm trying to catch up:)

Unknown said...

Abby - You're welcome Abby! Thanks for stopping by!

Nicole - You're too sweet!!! Thanks for the blog love! Loved the Hangover excellent flick!

Candice - Welcome :) I'm glad!

Kimberly - Hey, watch it! (hehe) Have a great weekend!!

Christine - I'll be keeping a look out!! So many to giveaway so little time!

Talli Roland said...

Aw, thanks so much, Jen! Really appreciate it - I love getting awards!

Hope you have a very nice weekend filled with cupcakes and sunshine.

Katie Ganshert said...

Congrats on all the awards! Super fun! And did you change your blog background? I really love it!

Unknown said...

Talli - You're welcome!!! Awe thank you!!! A cupcake sounds delicious and I love sunshine!!

Katie - I did!!! I'm so glad you like it!!

Marsha said...

Sorry for my wonky earlier comment...

Thanks for dropping by my blog, Jen!

Unknown said...

No worries Marsha! I appreciate you stopping by!

lisa and laura said...

LOVE the new hair!

And congrats on all the awards. Well deserved, friend. But holy cow, I can't believe you outed our belly dancing/ninja secret. I mean, I really thought we could trust you Jen...

Summer Frey said...

Woot! Thanks, Jen! And I adore the truth you spilled about me...That was a steamy episode, wasn't it? :-D

Relived The Hangover, huh? Shweet! Who lost the tooth?

Kristin Rae said...

Lead guitarist!!! woohoo!!!
Thanks! :)

TerryLynnJohnson said...

Hey! Thanks for the award! And I love the new do!
Those are some fun stories - especially Summer's. Too funny!

Amy Saia said...

Whoa, thank you so much!! You're so sweet! And I love the new hairdo- you're so pretty.

Okay, I'll have to hunker down and do an award blog thingy this week-end.

Have a great week-end beautiful girl!

Unknown said...

Lisa and Laura - I'm so sorry *hides* don't hate me (hehe)

Summer - It was my favorite episode of course! Carolyn lost the tooth! luckily all mine are still there... I think

Kristin - You know how to party!!!

TerryLynn - You're so welcome! Glad you enjoyed them.

Amy - Awe thank you so much!!! That is so sweet of you! I'm excited to see your lovely blog awards posted!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Holy cow! That's quite a collection of beautiful blog bling, Jen! Thanks so much for the Sunshine Award! Yellow is my favorite color, and today is my birthday - and you just made me smile! :-)

Unknown said...

blog bling!! I love it Shannon... never thought about it like that!! I'm glad I could make you smile! Have a fabulous birthday!! Balloons, cake and ice cream on me!

Ashley Stone said...

congrats on all your awards!!!!! xoxo

Unknown said...

Wow, so many awards. Congrats, you deserve them.

Carolyn V. said...

Jen, you totally rock!!! Thanks so much for the awards! That trip to Vegas was a riot. I want my tooth back though. j/k =)

Natalie Murphy said...

Thank you!!

DL Hammons said...

Your comment notifying me of my award came just as I was composing my own awards post. It's about to become a blog love explosion!!

You're awesome! Your blog is awesome! Thank you so much for my award. Congrats to the other recipients as well.

Everybody Wang Chung tonight!! :)

Kittie Howard said...

Congrats on your awards. Well-deserved!! And thank you for my award, WOW...!

Unknown said...

Thanks Ashely and Cheree! You're too sweet!

Carolyn - More than welcome!!! I'll always remember the fun time we had!!! We rocked it out!

Thank you for visiting Double Wide Mom! I love new followers! I'll be sure to pop over and say hi!

DL - I can't wait for the love blog explosion!!!

Kittie Howard - Thank you!!! Congratulations :)

Crystal Cook said...

Congrats Jen!!!!

You are the sweeteset!! Thanks for my award :)!!

Judy Croome | @judy_croome said...

Gosh! That;s plenty of awards! Congratulations.

Jai Joshi said...

Congrats on all these awards! And thank you for my lovely award. That's so nice of you!


Leigh Hutchens Burch said...

Wow... that's a whole slew of awards! Congrats. And thanks for passing the prolific blogger award over to me. It's one I didn't have yet.

Have a great weekend!

Kenj said...

WOW.! Congrats on all the awards.!

Tana said...

WOW! Congrats to you and to all the winners! Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

Yay!! congrats on all your awesome awards!! =)

Anonymous said...

Awww...Thank you so much!.
This made me teary.
You are a beautiful person!
I truly love your blog!


sarahjayne smythe said...

Congrats on your awards. You totally deserve them. :) And thank you for mine.

Shelley Sly said...

Aww YOU are an awesome friend, love! Congrats on your many exciting awards, and thank you for thinking of me! :D :D

Melissa Hurst said...

Lol, you weren't kidding about the awards! Congrats on having so many!

A.J. Frey said...

On a day your handing out awards, I swoop in and give you one more. My timing is impeccable. Swing by the blog when you get the chance, and pick it up.

Tahereh said...

yay for awards! congrats to everyone!!

Susan Fields said...

Wow - congrats on all your awards!

Talli Roland said...

Stop by when you get a chance - I've got an award for you too! (Love the haircut, by the way!).

Christina Farley said...

Congrats on all of your rewards! That's great.

Christi Goddard said...

Heya. Followed you over from Nicole's page of awards she gave out this morning. Congratulations.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on all the awards! I bet you're running out of room on your mantel. ;o)

Elizabeth Mueller said...

ooh, congrats! Have a great weekend! :)

25BAR said...

I imagine that it is hard to be a published author. Good luck with your efforts.

Portia said...

Congrats on your awards, and thanks for thinking of me! I'm honored :-)

JournoMich said...

Thank you! So honored! Working on the post now...

Nishant said...

, thanks Jen! The feeling in mutual. :)
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