Monday, September 13, 2010

If You Give a Writer an Idea

Happy Monday Morning! Just wanna let you know this is my favorite blog post ever! Hope you like!! I thought of Lenny when I wrote it! If you don't follow Lenny, follow him now! He even made me a fun sparkle badge, go check it out!

I was thinking about If You Give A Mouse A Cookie by Laura Joffe Numeroff and it got me thinking. That happens a lot, so I decided to make my own story up, this time about a Writer... so this is what I have!!!

If You Give a Writer an Idea by Jennifer Daiker


If You Give a Writer an Idea.

They're going to ask for a pen.

When you give them a pen, they'll probably ask you for a sheet of paper.

When they have the pen and paper, they'll ask about the characters.

They'll want tons of details, more about the main character, villian, and all the major plot points.

When they begin the story, they'll get stuck.

They'll ask for some help.

When they receive help, they'll begin again.

They'll work through Chapter One and revise some of their ideas.

Once the chapter is completed, they'll move to chapter two.

Half way through they'll become hungry & tired and ask for a snack & nap.

They'll grab a small plate and grab a brownie, make themselves a glass of milk and crawl into bed.

They'll want a story to fall asleep to, they'll read whatever is on top of the TBR pile.

When they begin to read, they realize they aren't as tired as they thought. They'll want to get to work again.

Climbing out of bed, they walk back to the computer. Continuing each chapter. When they finish they'll want to tell the world and treat themselves.

They log onto blogger and sign in, telling the world (also jumping from twitter to facebook) that they completed yet another novel, and now will celebrate with a glass of chardonay (pick your poison).

They'll look back at their manuscript, as proud as can be.

They'll grab the glass of wine and remember the good times they had while writing the story.

They'll see the pen and paper, and when they see the pen and paper chances are they'll ask for a new idea.


So there you have it!!! I loved this book so much and feel so lucky to have found inspiration to go wild and make up my own story! I hope you enjoyed!!!

PS - I won't be commenting Monday or Tuesday! I still love comment love, and when I get back on Wednesday you'll be hearing from me :) It's the special fun giveaway announcement! Regular posting will take place!

How do you celebrate finishing a novel?


Jess said...

Such a cute story Jen (and true!). I celebrate finishing a novel by heading to Starbucks (my dark nemesis...I love her, but she wreaks havoc on grocery money) for a vanilla latte and pumpkin scone. Then a big fat nap.

Leigh Caron said...

I've never celebrated. I walk around in a stupor wondering if I really did finish it and try not to let negative editing thoughts take over. Guess I'll celebrate when I sign with an agent.

Misha Gerrick said...

So true!

You even reminded to share my newest post on facebook :-P

Christine Fonseca said...

Cute! I just recently learned the value of celebrating - now I take some time for myself with my family. So nice!!!

Christine Danek said...

This is great! I took my kids out for milkshakes and I had a glass of wine after they went to bed.
Have fun!

Terri Tiffany said...

I celebrate by begging my critique partners to read it!

Lorna said...

A few years ago I'd have celebrated finishing a project with a wild night out. Now I'd celebrate by having a cosy night in watching films with wine and takeaway and possibly the boyfriend. I'm only 21 - sad isn't it? =P Hehe, I loved your post xx

Laura Pauling said...

Totally cute! I love that book too.

Alison Pearce Stevens said...

Love it. :D

Where's the part about lying in bed, trying to get a little sleep, but not being able to shut off the voices in the head? ... or is that just me. ;)

Vicki Rocho said...

I love that book! Cute adaptation, and sooooo true!

vic caswell said...

my boys love those books!

Ellie Garratt said...

I can see why this is your favourite post! Brilliant!

Jaydee Morgan said...

A job well done!

Finishing calls for a night out - far, far away from my computer.

Kelly Polark said...

Super cute!

Diana Mieczan said...

Well done...Love this post:)...Hope you had a fun weekend,sweetie..See you later

Heather said...

So cute! I love this!

Colene Murphy said...

Oh goodness, that was Great!

I decided a while ago to celebrate my own triumphs with a gift to myself. Anything, big or small. When I quit a job I hated I bought myself a quilt and curled up to watch a girly movie while I would usually have been working.

With my writing, I celebrate with a nice dinner with the hubs or something fun I would usually not be doing because I would be writing.

Lenny Lee said...

hi miss jen! i went and read that mouse story and its really fun. i like how it gets from one thing to the next and ends the same and starts all over again. thats a pretty tired mouse for sure. ha ha. now you did it about writing and its just really just right for that. im gonna save it cause its soooo cool. bunches of thanks for thinking of me. :)
...hugs from lenny

Ella said...

I love those books, I fondly remember reading them to my kids. "If you give a Moose a Muffin" was another one, they loved~

Great did a marvelous job~

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That was clever!

Samantha Vérant said...

Where is my cookie?? LOL When I finish a novel...I rest.

Summer Ross said...

this was a fun post! Thanks for sharing When i write I usually just want pen paper, quiet and coffee! LOL

Matthew MacNish said...

What a fun anecdote! When I finished my novel the first time I celebrated by starting to query it (what a dummy). Then one day I finally learned and began to revise (properly).

Thanks Jen.

Beth Fred said...

cute story.

Lisa_Gibson said...

That was totally adorable! How I miss the "If You Give A Mouse a Cookie" type books. My kiddo is now 13 and way beyond those. :( Loved this one though.
Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Ha ha ha! It's perfect and I love, love, love it! :-)

Nicole Zoltack said...

I love that series so I absolutely love this post. So awesome, all the more because it's so true.

Talli Roland said...

Aw, this rocks! Thanks, Jen!

Funny, I used to celebrate with a glass of wine and dinner out. Now I don't do anything! That sounds so sad, doesn't it!?

Jillian said...

Oh Jen you never fail to make me laugh. Great post!! You are alwasy so creative and energetci with your writing.

Have a great day!

LTM said...

this is the most awesome, sweetest post about being a writer ever. I LOVE it. You were right~

when you get back, scoot over and tell me about your first smooch! :o)

Anonymous said...

When I finished my first novel, I called anyone I thought might possibly in some kind of universe give a crap. (It didn't take a lot of time.) I'm so looking forward to finishing a second novel so that my bloggie friends can celebrate with me. They may be more understanding.

Enjoy your Monday and Tuesday and I'll look forward to seeing you Wednesday! <3

Meredith said...

This is so my writing process! Love it. Especially asking for a snack and a nap--both are crucial :)

Sara B. Larson said...

So cute, and so true! THanks for sharing your story with us. :)

Terry Stonecrop said...

Haha! Pity the poor people who give us ideas:)

Rose Cooper said...

Love your creativity Jen! always look forward to post each day, and this one was super fun!!!

Tamika: said...

After The End, I plan to have a romantic dinner with my husband at my favorite restaurant:) And lots of dessert!

Bish Denham said...

LOL! The only thing I might add is that some ideas/characters/plots don't shut up and won't let you get any sleep because they talk and yak and make suggestions all night long!

Shallee said...

I love it! If you Give a Mouse a Cookie is one of my favorite kids books, and I LOVED your clever twist! Thanks for sharing. :)

Sondrae Bennett said...

I love this! I especially like the part about wanting a nap, starting to read something, and realizing you aren't as tired as you thought and needing to get back up. Happens to me all the time.

TerryLynnJohnson said...

Love it!
Celebrating for me usually involves brownies. And dancing.

Anonymous said...

This is my favorite post, your really creative. I have never commented on your blog because I am biased, but as your husband I have that right. Love you baby.

Crystal Cook said...

Awww, what a sweet comment from your husband :):)

And I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your story :) So cute!

Jolene Perry said...

I celebrate finishing a novel by allowing myself to work on the next one.

Private said...

Great story!

I haven't finished anything yet, but when I do I'll do something great - like taking a grand afternoon tea or buy an expensive bag:) Or maybe both:)

Btw, I have a contest, I'd really appreciate it if you would link to it:

Kimberly Franklin said...

So true! Have a great day!

Sandy said...

This is so true and so, so adorable! <3

P.S. I love your header! :)

Carolyn V. said...

LOL! That was the best story ever! Way to go Jen! I celebrate a finished book by going out to dinner with my crit buddy. =)

Lindsay said...

Lol. Love it. Lenny's so great to make you a sparkly badge. :)

What do I do to celebrate writing the end? It usually involves eating some form of chocolate, or buying a new book. Or maybe both at the same time. But since that's pretty much the same as when I write (haha) I've just bought myself a gorgeous ring off Etsy.:)

Rachel said...

What a fun post. Have a couple nice days off from blogging/commenting! It's nice to have a break every now and then! You deserve it!

Luna said...

Love it! I haven't finished yet, but I imagine there will be shopping. And cake!


This story made me smile :)

Anonymous said...

I loved that book as a kid! This is a wonderful post!

Erinn said...

There's nothing about the self pity spiral.

You won the Awesome Music Month Contest over on my blog. YAY you.

Head over to my blog and shoot me an e-mail. It's an AWESOME mix with over 50 songs.

Anonymous said...

I actually haven't finished a novel-short stories only. I think I shall decid on how I would celebrate (maybe brownies in bed) and then be inspired to finish! Fun post, Jen!

The Words Crafter said...

I love her whole series and I'm so glad you did this one. Seriously, you should see about getting it published!!!!! Love love love it! Fantastic job! I'm thinking I will print this off and put it on my bulletin board....

Laura S. said...

Cute story, Jen!!!

DL Hammons said...

I celebrate the completion of my novel by sleeping for a week!! :)

Cute story!!

Jemi Fraser said...

I love If You Give a Mouse a Cookie! You did a great job of showcasing the writing life! :)

You can call me Ant. said...

hahaaha i laughed out loud to myself reading your story! :) Thanks, now I feel like a crazy person. I haven't actually finished a novel yet, but I'm guessing wine will fit the bill.

Kristin Rae said...

Very cute! :)

Amy Holder said...

This is SUCH a fun post!!! I love Laura Numeroff picture books, and this was such a cute & creative spin!

And the answer to your last question is chocolate. Lots of chocolate. :)

Melissa said...

You were right when you said I'd love this. I do, for sure. It was fun, true and absolute adorable - a lot like you. Your voice practically screams through this piece. LOVE.

Natascha said...

Loved the story. The way I celebrate is by printing out the entire MS, putting it in a three-ringed-binder and setting it on the shelf. Once I'm finished with that, I start again. Just like your story :)

Jai Joshi said...

This made me smile. It's so true, Jen! We writers can't help ourselves.


Christy said...

Cute! I love the hopping around to twitter and facebook part. I am supposed to be writing right now, actually. :)

Lissa Matthews said...

Absolutely fantastic! I love these books and that is so true about "If you give a writer..."
