Thursday, September 23, 2010

Truth Thursdays!

Back again! Another installment! You know they're my favorite!!!

So let's get started... why waste time!

1. The Great Blogging Experiment happens tomorrow (you should stop by) and it's going to be huge. I mean bigger than big, like bigger than Brangelina and Pam Anderson's breasts combined. Too much? Think not.

2. Lisi Harrison visiting Blue Willow... crazy teen fun! She dressed to impress with black and pink to match her adorable novel Monster High, the girls went crazy over her! Asking such excellent questions. It really makes you realize how intellegent young adults are!

3. I'm a caffiene addict. It's ridiculous, Saturday I went five hours without any soda (not by choice... apparently coffee shops sell more coffee than soda... I mean what's up with that?) anywho, I thought I might actually die. I didn't (obviously, but I thought I would).

4. My home cookie (yes I said cookie) Rose Cooper has some creative crap up her sleeve! She's finally folded and allowed her main character Sofia to have her own blog, with rules of course. Adults, teens, and tweens are all welcome and should scoot their tush on over, a huge giveaway is happening, you could become a character in her next novel Gossip from the Boys Room!

5. My new blog buddy Serena is having an adorable blog fest. It's all about location! She gives you a list of places, you choose one and on October 1st you'll draw, writer or whatever you desire to describe this place. Let your imagination run wild, then you will see how off you are!!! Too fun right?

6. Yes I added an extra... so sue me. I just wanted to tell you we are approaching October. The best month of the year (and it's not because of my birthday... my b-day is in March) It's the month I was engaged and married, it's my husbands birthday and it's Halloween! We also attend the Texas Ren Fest which never disappoints! What's not to love!

So what are your truths?!


Christine Fonseca said...

I am a skinny-decaf-vailla-latte addict. NOt a good thing!

Artemis Grey said...

1. I'm going to be involved with The Great Blogging Experiment... Squee! It's going to be EPIC.

2. I have an ms out and I've reaching the 'Sicilian hair-rending' level of anxiety in waiting to hear back... not that I want to hear 'no'... but I'd even settle for a Tarzan bellow... just as long as I hear SOMETHING...

3. For the first time ever I'm having trouble working on my WIP (which I love and believe in) because I'm positive the ms I have out will get rejected and it's making me doubt myself.

4. I got into a verbal fight with both the refrigerator and the last bottle of Guinness it was trying to hide from me last night... I won.

5. I'm going to Sirens and I CAN NOT WAIT TO GET THERE. All of ya'll should come too!

6. I love October too. It's my sister's wedding month, my bro-in-law's b-day month and Halloween is my favorite holiday EVER.

Creepy Query Girl said...

All great truths- I love that she's giving Sofia her own blog- that's genius! You reminded me I haven't had my afternoon coffee yet and thanks for the blogfest heads up! I just joined Elana's experiment (I can't believe I hadn't heard about it before now!)

Candyland said...

I LOVE Sofia's blog! So cute! Rose is definitely a home cookie for shizz.

JE said...

Oh, I am totally #3, too. If I don't have caffine, just get out of my way. LoL.


Diana Mieczan said...

I am also a caffiene addict....Big time!!!
I love the real Autumn starts then with all the colourful leaves and pumpkims:)
How is your week so far?

Meredith said...

I've tried to keep my coffee addiction under control, but now that I've started writing in coffeehouses, I'm definitely slipping. Oh, well. So happy it's almost October! Fall is my fave.

Hannah said...

I'm a tea-aholic. I have a variety of about forty teas in my kitchen. It's true. But I love them all and drink it all day. :D

October is one of my fave months too!! That's why I'm dedicating every post to all things scary and having a big contest. Yay for October!

I've heard that the Texas Renfest is awesome. Have fun! Take pictures!

Joanne said...

I cast my vote for October too. It's a great month!

Chris Phillips said...

I really want to go to the Texas Ren fest. I imagine it is a magical place full of sirs and maidens wearing tunics and boots with spurs saying things like, Come annon, ya'll." Please take pics and post!

Jaydee Morgan said...

Five hours without caffiene is unthinkable!! I'm glad to hear you survived ;)

Lisa Potts said...

I'm so looking forward to the Great Blogging Experiment too! Also, fall is my favorite season because of October.

Even though we are supposed to hit a record 100 degrees here today, I am thinking of crisp air and pumpkin carving.

Beth Fred said...

If a few hours w/o a soda is a long time for you and you are still as thin as that picture in the right corner, I'm so insanely jealous I don't know how I will ever recover.

Bish Denham said...

Alas, I cannot drink coffee any more. Hubby still drinks it. The smell of it brewing in the morning is pure torture.

Colene Murphy said...

Great list! My truth: you make me crazy jealous that you know for sure youre going to the ren fest!

Can't wait for tomorrow!

Laura S. said...

October is one of my favorite months, too! It's my bday month AND I love love love Halloween! When's your hubby's birthday? Maybe we were born on the same day! (Mine's the 20th.)

Happy early anniversary, Jen! My bff is getting married on the 23rd... autumn in October is a beautiful month to celebrate love and happiness!!!

Rose Cooper said...

Okay, prolly a dumb question but i'm not from TX--what is a Ren Fest? Is is like a Ren Faire? I have to have my coffee ever single morning. Or I can't move. literally.

Last week I donated blood. I gushed a pint in 4 minutes. Go speed racer me!

Awww, Home Cookie! I love it! You're the best. Ever. I totally heart you.

Oh, and there's no S on my blog today :)

Serena said...

ello you super star you, Thanks for the shout out about the blog fest!
I to am a caffine infested shark but i dont do coffee or tea, gotta be a cool fizzy pop drink that you might have heard of Coca Cola! which im sure is no good for me seen as its natral color is green (if you take ot all the colorings) and its apparently better than bleach for cleaning the loo??
I guess Coca cola is to blame for my sugar rushes, and crushes... i mean crashes..... Thats my confession for the day :)

Unknown said...

I'm a total caffeine addict too. Especially in the mornings! I NEED coffee to function. I'm trying to cut out sugar but it's not going so well....

Amy Saia said...

Ooh, did you have a headache? THat's rough to go without!

Yay for October! Have fun at the Renfest!

Leigh Caron said...

Yes, thanks for the reminder about blogfest. October? Not so much. It means cold weather is around the corner. I'm a 90 degrees, high humidity kind of gal. I guess there's a woman for all seasons.

Anonymous said...

Jen, your energy leaps from your words! Truth, sadly, I can't do blog fest as I need to put time into my full-time work. But happily can enjoy reading others who are! Have fun.

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Caffeine addict? Um, yeah, in a big-time major way! But I'm not giving it up. LOL. :-)

I'm in for tomorrow's fest.

Jessica Bell said...

Aha! That's why you use so many of these: !!!!!! ;o)

Crystal Cook said...

Seriously who would have thought that coffee shops sold more coffee than soda?? ;) LOVE your truths Jen, and I'VE MISSED YOU!!!

I have been behind the blogging times because I don't know anything about this blogging experiment thing. I'll have to go check it out :)

Have a great day Jen!!

And I love October too! One of my favorite months:)

Carolyn V. said...

Hey! October is my fav month too. Oh my gosh. I think I'm a part of the Great Blogging Experiment and I'm so not prepared! I've gotta get on it!

Matthew MacNish said...

Truth is I wish I was better at blogfests. I love them but always forget to do my own post.

Does Rose rule? Why yes, she does.

LTM said...

I haven't shaved my legs in a week... D'OH!!!

OK, off to the showers~ ;p

Sandy said...

I've just signed up for the Great Blogging Experiment. So excited for it! :)

I also love October -- it's such a fall month, and autumn has always been my favorite season. :)

Elana Johnson said...

Love this! I love October, mostly because it's finally COOL.

And I can't wait for the epicness of Brangelina!

Vicki Rocho said...

I love October because it IS my birthday and I got engaged on Halloween 1992. Awwww (I typo'd that. I typed Assss instead. Woops)

Terry Stonecrop said...

So much excitement! Keep the caffeine coming!

Arlee Bird said...

I'll be a part of The Great Blogging Experiment. I tried to get to your site via the link on the linky list but it didn't work. I had to go to my sidebar instead.

Tossing It Out

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I'm all ready for tomorrow!

Misha Gerrick said...

I just signed up for the Great Blogging Experiment...

Wonder what I'll write...

Nicole Zoltack said...

I actually can't stand soda or coffee. The only caffeine I ingest comes from chocolate. But I'm trying to lose weight right now so I'm really missing my chocolate. :(

Kittie Howard said...

I'm not one for coffee, don't understand why all the fuss, but I will pop a Diet Pepsi now and then, so a saint I'm not. Yep, Fall is purrrfect!

lettucehead said...

I have a truth that may burst everyone's caffeine bubble. I used to be a coca cola addict for about 80% of my life and now I no longer drink ANY soda! Also, can't wait for tomorrow for thee Great Blogging Experiment AND for October to start off amazing with Serena's blog fest :)

You ladies come up with some enjoyable ideas. Glad to be a follower!

Samantha Bennett said...

Whoo-hoo for October! Bring on the candy corn and pumpkin spice muffins and fall air and... Wow, I'm so ready.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I'm a chocolate addict... hmmm...chocolate.

Karen Lange said...

Going to be in The Great Blogging Experiment tomorrow. Looking forward to it.

Thanks for all the info and links!

Kimberly Franklin said...

I love October too! And there's not even any significant date in the month. Just love it! :)

Christine Danek said...

Yikes, I'm part of that experiment tomorrow. I'd better get writing.
I'm a chocoholic.
I think I'm a bit tired-- I tried putting the milk in the pantry and the cereal in the fridge.
I also tried pouring cheez its in the cat bowls.

I think I may have too much on my mind.

The Words Crafter said...

I am loving the cooler nights. I look forward, eagerly, to the RenFest here. I need to get to bed earlier!!! And good for you for breaking the rules :)

Len Lambert said...

Hello Jen! 1. Same here - too much caffeine today too! 2. I've just published my post for The Great Blogging Experiment - yay!!! My first time ever to join a blogfest so I'm both excited and scared!!! 3. Too exhausted after doing a lot of DIY with husband today, ahhhh!!! 4. It's getting cold now where I am!!!

Oh, thanks so much for the link to Rose Cooper's blog! I love her! :)

Wendy S Marcus said...

I avoid caffeine, makes me jittery. But I was married on October 16th. Go October!!!

Kelsey (Dominique) Ridge said...

This blogfest is going to be epic!

October sounds like a great month for you. Happy almost October, then. :)

Anonymous said...

I devour Starbucks' mocha frappuchinos even though they give me the jitters afterward. They're SO good while they last!

Jennifer Hillier said...

My truths:
I'm addicted to Starbucks.
I love cats, but only mine and not other people's.
I hate using public restrooms.
October is my favorite month.

Angela said...

Thanks for putting the entire list on your blog, that's very helpful.

And as for characters, the crazier the better--OK, so maybe there is a point where the character can be too crazy. I mean, they need to have some rational thought holding them together.

Kristina P. said...

Haha, you crack me up. Love the Pamela Anderson/Angelina line.

Donea Lee said...

Hi Jen -

First off, thanks for running across my sad little blog that noone else but me reads. :) It's nice to know that on occasion I can write something that a total stranger can stumble over and find mildly entertaining!

Also - your comment gives me an opportunity to run across other blogs, like yours, and can I just say "wow". I came across Elana Johnson's as well and I LOVE that these both deal with writing and followed by fellow writers.

My truth to add... I believe I sometimes overdo praise and try to be too clever with e-mails and responses to people that I'm trying to impress a little that I come off as a total freak. (Don't's at least a weakenss I'm aware of...) :)

Thanks, again!