Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Since you stopped by, why don't you grab yourself cupcake... I don't know, maybe one with...

Sprinkles? They're my favorite!

So today I decided to bring back Tuesday Twist, with another twist! For those of you who are unaware of a normal tuesday twist I choose three novels and share ONLY their synopsis, you then choose which one you liked the best, and below the titles are revealed.

Today I wanted to do something even more different. I've selected five novels that I will share the first sentences of, you from there will choose which one's you thought were most inticing.

I want to see if a first sentence really can reel someone in!

1. Gazing out the quiet lake, I know the risk was worth it.
2. I'm choking. I can't breathe. The air as thick as cream and smells like peanut oil. (I know that's three... so sue me!)
3. I wake up barefoot, standing on cold slate tiles.
4. "Finito!" I screamed, not caring if the entire building heard me.
5. The fourteen hour drive from Beverly Hills, California, to Salem, Oregon, had been total Gitmo.

Below I've listed the secret titles! Normally I share them right over this post, but today you'll have to visit the links to find the secret books!!!

1. Secret
2. Secret
3. Secret
4. Secret
5. Secret

Everything is linked back to my favorite bookshop Blue Willow! So share your thoughts, which one's reeled you in?


Diana Mieczan said...

OMG..Totally love this...I found nr.3 the most inticing...How cool:) Have a great day,sweetie
Happy Tuesday

Golden Eagle said...

No.3 I found the most enticing, which is interesting--I just read that book! LOL. I also liked No.1.

Karen Jones Gowen said...

I like the first, because of the lake and wondering WHAT is worth it?

Renae said...

This was so much fun, I loved it. Of course number one reeled me in. And of course it belonged to one of my very favorite books! Great idea miss Jen!

Christina Lee said...


m. said...

i absolutely love number three.

Bast said...

Number one was the only one that made me interested to read more. The funny thing is, I just finished reading that book last week and didn't recognize that as the first sentence.

Christine Fonseca said...

I knew #1 and 3 and # 2 sounded intriguing too.

Misha Gerrick said...

Number two... definitely number two...

Creepy Query Girl said...

Ok, these are just guesses.

1.Life after Yes
2.A Bitch Named Karma
4.White Cat
5. Monster High

I really really want to read a 'Bitch Named Karma' because i've heard so many great things about it. I love the second first line in any case. So descriptive!

Lindsay said...

OMG...I love them all. And how weird is it that I just bought number 5 yesterday! I've also got number one and now I want number three. Oh heck, I want them all! lol.

Laura S. said...

Ooo, love the new twist! I liked all the first sentences, especially #1 and #4. Thanks for sharing your favorite bookshop! I'll have to check it out. :)

Emily White said...

How fun! Number five was the one that caught my eye. :D

Francine Howarth said...


No 4: Finito!

Such expectation with this, so yeah, wanted more.


BTW: I've taken the plunge and posted a chapter to the Mills & Boon New Voices Contest - am I mad?

Hannah said...

This was fun! I picked number one, Firelight! I can't wait to read that one!! Squee!!

Jessica Bell said...

What an awesome idea, Jen! Sentence 3 drew me in the most! Now I'm off to check out which book it is! :o)

Bish Denham said...

#2 pulled me in right away! I had to read #1 a couple of time to understand it so that wasn't a hook for me.

Bish Denham said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Summer Ross said...

Number one got me- and I'm glad it did when I went and looked, the cover even showed something I would read. This was fun!

Jayne said...

I'm quite intrigued by #3, as how can someone wake up standing?!

Leigh Caron said...

Number 4 for sure! What a fun post!!!

Mary Aalgaard said...

I chose #2 because I had a physical response to it. I became aware of my breathing and holding my breath for just a bit. Someone's in danger and I need to know who, why, and how she gets out!

Jillian said...


I found number one irresistable! Go figure it's from Firelight I sooo want to read it.

Awesome post!

Tessa Quin said...

I liked nr. 2 best, but it's written in present tense, which always puts me on alert. Nr. 5 came close.

I haven't read either books.

Colene Murphy said...

2 and 4 got me. I want to know what is cooking and why something in peanut oil could be referred to in a negative way.

4 because it sounds like magic and an intense scene. Both, I love. Great post. Very interesting!

But it was the cupcakes the pulled me in the most. Mmmm.

Melissa Hurst said...

Ooh, definitely # 3. Going to check out the title:)

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Hmmm...they all tempt me, but I'm going to go with #2 and #3.

Off to see what they are now! :-)

Tamika: said...

Too fun:) I loved the first sentence, it makes me want to know more right away.

Candyland said...

Thanks for the mid-morning cupcake!!! Just what I needed. And I think #2

Meredith said...

Ooh, #4 is so intriguing. And I love the voice in #5. Such an awesome idea! I guess a first sentence really can reel you in.

Stephanie said...

SUCH a fun post and not just because my book is one of the 5! ;) 2 sounds very interesting!!

Can you send me a cupcake..I am so in need of sugar right now!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

#3 sounded the most interesting.

Matthew MacNish said...

I like 1 and 3, but I think the simple hint behind 1 makes it the best.


I loved #1! This was fun!

Sara B. Larson said...

I liked 1 and 3 best, and the ironic thing is that those are the two books that I've already read on this list. Fun exercise!

LTM said...

ooo! Fun fun fun--for me it's either #s 3 or 5... now let me go see what they are...

I've been contmplating this, btw. *Should* that first sentence be really strong & grabby or does it really matter that much? Of course, the minute I *try* to be strong & grabby, I get all blocked...LOL! :D

Terry Stonecrop said...

#4 did it for me!

I like this twist, too. Great idea! I love first lines.

I have something for you over at my blog. When you get a chance, stop by.

Sondrae Bennett said...

I love this idea! I admit I've already read (and loved) #4. I can't wait to go to the links and find out what #1 is.

Jai Joshi said...

My favourite was the first one so I clicked on the link to find out what that was right away!

Great post, Jen. I love this idea because it made me think about what's intriguing in a first sentence.

By the way, thanks for the cupcake!

Len Lambert said...

Hello Jen! No. 1 for me - Firelight! Gosh, now I have to get a copy! This is so cool! I love this post! :)

Kittie Howard said...

Jen, I've got a little something for you over at my place. Enjoy!

Nicole Zoltack said...

I enjoyed #1 the most. Thanks for doing this, it was awesome. And mmmm, cupcakes! The virtual kind are all I'm allowing myself right now.

Theresa Milstein said...

I've been interested in reading 1 and 3. After 1's first line, I really want to read it! That was fun, Jen. Thanks!

Carolyn V. said...

I totally want to read #1.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

No idea of any of them.. I need to read more lol. Bu thtanks for the cupcake! nomnomnom

Kelly Polark said...

I liked #1 intro the best.
And I love #5's bookcover.
This was cool!!

RaShelle Workman said...

I really liked #1 the most, then #3 and then #5. I was excited to see #1 is Sophie Jordan's book. I'm dying to read it. =D

Jolene Perry said...

#5 Easy.
That was fun.

Christine Danek said...

How fun! I like the first three. I would totally get sucked in.

vic caswell said...

#1 got me, but #3 would have, if i hadn't just read it, and already known what book it was from! :)

Karen Lange said...

The first one made me wonder what was happening. Will go and check it out. Great idea, btw! :)

Vicki Rocho said...

Based solely on the first lines, I would've went home with #2.

LOVE this idea!

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Very clever, Jen! No. 3 caught my attention....

Jemi Fraser said...

1 & 3 were my faves - and when I peeked I realized one of them is already on my wishlist!

Missed Periods said...

Great idea. I like #4.

Anonymous said...

Looks like it's Monster High for me. This was such a clever idea!

Alison Wonderland said...

Number 1 kinda makes me go "Meh" but the other four sound very interesting and, let's be honest, I'd keep reading number 1 too.