Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Life As A Princess

Happy Wednesday!

So last week I told you I was giving away a signed copy of Sophie Jordan's Firelight! Well today I chose the winner!!! That lucky person is...

Laura Marcella

Congrats! You can thank my husband, he was my random number guy! I'll be emailing you to snag your information!

So onto something super special! I decided to email Lindsey Leavitt to tell her how fabulous I thought her novel Princess for Hire was, she was so excited that she said she'd love to give away a SIGNED COPY! Isn't that sweet?!

So I decided to ask her a few interview questions in lieu of the celebration!

1.If you could sub for a princess anywhere in the world where would it be?

Bora Bora. My goal in life is to live in a screen saver. And let's not get into the lack of Bora Bora princesses. I'd be fine as apuppet monarch. A puppet monarch who lives in one of those cool huts on the lagoon and wears a tiara just for show.

2.Ever crushed on a boy that didn't like you but you never bothered to accept it?

Remember his name?MOST of my crushes in my younger years did not recipricate my feelings. Unrequited love was a theme for most of junior high. So were The Bangs of Big, which might have had something to do with my one-sided adorations. But I was happy with these crushes. They were safe... ideas. Good practice before I got into the dating/kissing drama (and okay, so there was this one boy John. I nicknamed him Bob so I could write about him on my notebook so he wouldn't know. Then I tried to make John jealous with Bob, but the real boyfriend and the imaginary inevitably didn't like me)

3.What's the worst job you had growing up?

I worked for five weeks as a physical therapy tech for a practice run by my now-father-in-law. He was a great boss, yes, but I had to massage hairy backs and some of the patients had hygiene issues and... suffice it to say, health care was not my field.

4.Any interesting experiences at book signings, yours or someone else's you've gone to?

I had a pretty poorly attended book signing that began with three little old ladies sitting in front row for my reader. Other customers came and went, but these three stuck it out all night. We talked for a good hour, and in the end one asked, "So wait, this is a CHILDREN'S book?" They admitted that they came because the cover was pink, and asked if it was still okay if they read the book (um, yes please?). They ended up buying one for each of their granddaughters, but I'll always have that experience to reflect upon should I start to Diva Out.

Fun & Random Questions
Cloud Princess or Mermaid Princess: Mermaid. Sashimi is yum. What substance do cloud princesses have, anyway?
Lip gloss or Lipstick: Lip gloss! I'm an addict.
Beach or Mountains: Mountain beaches? Like in Hawaii.
Pizza Outfit Girl or Pet Shop Girl: Um, wow. You ask the hard questions. Pizza. I love smelling like garlic.
Favorite Food: Whatever I am eating. Presently: carrot cake.
Favorite Book: To Kill a Mockingbird or East of Eden.
Favorite TV Show: Modern Family is my most recent favorite, but I love me some Bravo reality TV
Favorite Writing Snack: Diet Coke and lindt dark chocolate.

So now, for the giveaway! If you'd like to win a signed copy from Lindsey leave me a nice little comment below and you'll be entered! Brownie points are always welcome for tweeting, sidebar love, facebook love, you know the deal. Winner will be chosen next Wednesday!


Christina Lee said...

Yes please! Aww Lindsay is so sweet (love her bob and john crush story)and this book has been on my (looong) list for awhile! :D

Natasha said...

After reading the interview, I want the book, pink cover and all. And I am craving garlic now :-(

Diana Mieczan said...

Congrats to the winner and I love this interview:)...She is such a sweetheart! Hugs and kisses,sweetie
Fingers crossed:)

Ps: I am hosting a sweet GIVEAWAY later on today :) Hope you will join in :)!!!

Candyland said...

Aw, she's so cool! Great interview! (As usual)

Vicki Rocho said...

This is my kinda book! I am totally a princess mistakenly born into the wrong family at the wrong time. I'm sure there's a royal family somewhere looking for me.

Renae said...

Congrats to the winner of Firelight!

I have got to read Princess for Hire. That pink cover is just gorgeous! It's on my list! Great interview Jen as usual!

Lindsay said...

Congrats Laura on winning FIRELIGHT.

I so need to read Princes for Hire. How can I not read something by a fellow Lindsay (even if she spells it differently.) :)

LMB said...

Great interview- I always love your random questions at the end…And, as a side note to Lindsey, I once ‘lived in a screensaver’ & have to say the experience is overrated. There is something to be said for the conveniences of the ‘developed’ world. Although, the tiara part still sounds awesome.

Meredith said...

Haha, I love this interview! I would totally love to be a puppet monarch in Bora Bora :) And the book looks so cute! Love that the old ladies wanted to read it because it had a pink cover!

Bish Denham said...

LOL! You ask great questions and the book sounds charmingly funny.

Emily White said...

Princess for Hire?? Sounds like one great book!

Chris Phillips said...

I loved the book signing memory.

Leigh Caron said...

Great post. Hmm? A screensaver life? What a concept. I'd SO be into mine with the Caribbean with palm trees swaying, and turquoise water waving.:)

Hanna C. Howard said...

Great interview! I've been wanting to read Lindsey's book, and I think this settles the deal. Fabulous post, Jen.

PK HREZO said...

Aww... love this interview. Sounds like a really great book too. Would love to win... Tweeting about it now. :)

Beth Fred said...

Facebooked it
tweeted it
blogged it
So in the words of my junior high self, "Pick me, pick me."

Summer Ross said...

I'm hungry great interview. I'd like the but I'm a girl at heart and have to blossoming princesses... :)

Colene Murphy said...

Awesome interview! You have some great fortune! Thanks for sharing.

Jillian said...

The title alone is enough to make me want to read this wonderful book!!!

I loved the interview!!! Bora Bora would be nice huh?

Sooo Jen did you know that I am totally a self proclaimed princess... my husband, the darling man that he is, encourages this fantasy of mine haha. Sometimes when I am home alone I watch tv with my tiara on hahahah shhhh don't tell.

Serena said...

Great interview as always. Loved the john bob story great!!

Stina said...

Great interview! I still have to read the book.

Tamika: said...

Fun interview ladies:) I'm like the little old ladies, I love the pink far too much to not want to have a copy of my very own!

Laura S. said...

THANK YOU, JEN!!! And thank your awesome hubby for me, too! Tell him he totally ROCKS!!! I wanted to win "Firelight" (and it's SIGNED!!!) so much and I can't believe I did! YAY!!! Thanks a bunch!

Lindsey's novel looks really good! That experience she had with the old ladies is funny. I wouldn't be surprised if, instead of giving the novel to their granddaughters, they kept it for themselves, haha!

Lindt chocolate is my favorite, too! I love the milk chocolate truffles. :)

Unknown said...

She sounds so cool! Thanks for the awesome giveaway (pick me, pick me!)

((hugs)) Nicole

Golden Eagle said...

I love this interview! :) I really want to read the book now and find out more about it!

Anonymous said...

That is soooo sweet. I love the story of the three grandma's. I hope Laura's book signing expereinces have improved dramatically since then though.:O)

Shannon O'Donnell said...

How cool! I love it that she offered to do a giveaway on your blog - she is so awesome. Great interview, Jen. This one's in my TBR pile, and I can't wait to read it. :-)

Hannah said...

Congratulations, Laura!!

Great interview, Jen!! Another book to add to the TBR pile!! :D

Jolene Perry said...

Don't we ALL want to live life in a screensaver...
Yea Laura!

Bethany Elizabeth said...

What a great interview. :) I've been wanting to read that book for awhile, maybe now that I'm moved in I'll have time... haha. :)

Elana Johnson said...

Lindsey is the greatest and bestest! I've bought and pimped her book...because it is fabulous!

Jai Joshi said...

Cool interview, Jen!


Jai Joshi said...

You have an award at my blog!


Loretta Nyhan said...

This is so much fun! Great interview!

Suzie F. said...

How wonderful is Lindsey to give away a signed copy? And thanks for the interview. I can totally relate to the unrequited junior high crush - his name was John, too :)

Diane J. said...

Loved the interview. The little old ladies cracked me up.

Carolyn V. said...

Great interview!!! I love the cover of the book. =)

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Love the title. great interview!

Sara B. Larson said...

I've really been wanting ot read this one. What a fun interview! She seems really great and fun.

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Jen, that is so cool! Loved the interview...It sounds like a great book and Lindsey sounds awesome...

Jemi Fraser said...

Congrats to Laura!!

Living in a screen saver sounds pretty nice - great image! :)

Tracy Loewer said...

I've been eyeing this one for a while. Great interview! I'll put it up on my blog tomorrow and tweet it right away!

Anonymous said...

Jen, your interviews are always so much fun! I love that you don't ask the typical questions. This was a great one.

Kathy Habel said...

Great giveaway. Cute cover on this book!
bkhabel at gmail dot com

Scoot said...

I would love to win this book, it sounds great! Thanks. seescootread[at]gmail[dot]com

Anonymous said...

Cute interview!


Anonymous said...

Great interview. Carrot cake is really good too! Lol with the crushes things! I love doing that sometimes!

Lisa Galek said...

Enter me please! Sounds like fun!

Jackee said...

LOVE Lindsey!! She's such a funny person. Thanks for the interview, ladies.

Don't enter me though, since I've read the book and would much rather the prize go to someone who hasn't. :o)

Have a great weekend!

Kristi said...

Great interview! I love it, please enter me. ;-)