Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Awesome First Sentences... or are they?

For all those who are new, Tuesday Twists are where I’ll select three novels and share their first sentences and a link to reveal that said title. From there rather than judging a book by its cover you’ll instead you’ll judge a book by its first line.

Here we go!


1. I wait.
2. Talk about random.
3. I am ninety.


1. Secret Book Revealed
2. Secret Book Revealed
3. Secret Book Revealed

Author note: I got luck choosing three books that had such short sentences. I wanted to add a second sentence but that would be cheating so I refrained. For my opinion I believe #1 is the best book I've read this year so far!

So what novel would you choose?


Lo Hughes said...

Hi Jen! I've missed this feature! These are all really snappy opening lines. I had never heard of number 2 (which was the one I was drawn to first), so I just ordered it! It looks right up my alley.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

For some reason #2 hooked me. There's something about the word 'random' that makes it specific. (hee...)

Thomasina said...

My favorite line was #2. I didn't really like line #3, and yesterday in a blog I read that Water for Elephants was quite boring.

Laurita said...

I love "I wait" as an opening line. The character waits. And so does the reader.

Samantha Sotto said...

Number one does it for me :)

Robyn Lucas said...

I recognized #1 and #3 immediately, but #2 has such a great voice right out the gate.

Anonymous said...

I'd have to say I like #2 the most with #1 a close second. I'm surprised how short these are. They're interesting enough, though. :)

Jess said...

I love these~ they're so much fun to guess. It's funny, because the first one kind of goes against everything we hear about not having passive characters. Love that about it :) Break those rules, honey, because sometimes it works! I really want to read Water For Elephants now :)

Sophia said...

I didn't really love any of these but I like Laurita's point that the first opening forces the reader to wait alongside the character and creates tension (what are we waiting for?).
- Sophia.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

The second one catches my eye first.

Heather said...

I chose number 3, and what do you know it is a book I actually want to read!!

Cute idea!

Nicole Zoltack said...

1 and 2 both caught my eye. I definitely want to read 1!

Anonymous said...

I'll choose #3, because the book is already on my bookshelf, just waiting to be read.

Jillian said...

hmmm hate to say it, but none of these sentences really captured my attention.

Chris Phillips said...

I liked 3 the best.

Kristin Rae said...

I'd say number 1 out of these three. Best book you've read this year huh?! It certainly has an awesome cover! It's on my list.
I've already read #3 and just saw the movie this weekend (the movie was quite good--i actually enjoyed it more than the book because of the icky parts they had to leave out :)

Unknown said...

I picked #1. I knew I had already read #3.

EC said...

Easy...(1) - there is tension, emotion, a hook, suspense, and even a hint of backstory in just those five letters! Three is close to that. Two is cliche.

Southpaw said...

Interesting that they are so short but it still builds a curiosity about what comes next.

Jessie Harrell said...

Wither was awesome. Everything about that opening chapter made it impossible for me to put the book down.

Carolyn V said...

Ohhh, I love #2! =D

M.J. Fifield said...

I have to go with #2. It has voice and character. I've already read #3's novel so there was no mystery there.

#1 though is on my TBR list.

Dafeenah said...

I would definitely go with #1. So much said in so few words. So many possibilities in its meaning.

Vanilla Mama said...

I have #3, want to read #1 just based on the line.

Hart Johnson said...

I like the first... though it sounds written in present tense, which bugs me, but as a first sentence, that has some promise. I think first sentence is a little over rated as a judging technique, but that's probably just me...

Myne said...

Loved 3 and will watch the movie this weekend. I may check out number 1, sounds interesting.

N. R. Williams said...

Based on the first sentence alone, I wouldn't choose any of them. But in life I do a little more research. Is it a fantasy, science fiction or mystery? Those are my favorite books so I might over look the first sentence. I didn't go look at the books because I wanted to give my honest opinion without knowing more than what you shared.
N. R. Williams, The Treasures of Carmelidrium.

Jennifer Hillier said...

I'd have picked number 3 -- and it turns out I've read it and loved it! But I have a soft spot for old people. I just love old people!

Tracey Neithercott said...

I haven't read any of those, but I would probably read on for each. I think #1 and #3 are my favorites, though.

Love this feature.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I'm not fussed by any of them if all I had to go by was the first line. I'd probably pick the first one because of the cover and title. lol

Jemi Fraser said...

Wither is the one I'd be choosing :)

LTM said...

ooo--I guessed #3 w/o even having to look. It's our book club selection this month. :o)

The PROBLEM with this is they have those covers that go along w/these first lines, and I would totally go w/Wither. :D

Coverless? Probably #2~ <3

Melanie said...

number 1 grabbed me the most. I love suspense thriller type stories and that off the bat sucked me in. I liked number 2, but it seemed more of an opening to a quirky type voice/story which could be fun, but as I said, suspense/thrillers suck me in quickly.

LisaAnn said...

Hi Jen! I just found your blog through Anita's awards, and I'm excited to explore it further! :)

J.C. Martin said...

Cool feature! No. 2 has a great voice from the get-go!

Kyra Lennon said...

Number #2 was the most interesting to me!

Samantha Vérant said...

Wither was a great read!

Maurice Mitchell said...

Good one. The first one grabbed my attention. Wait for what? How long? What next?

Write Life said...

#2 did it for me. This is a great idea. I love first lines!