Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Query Hell or Cupcake Heaven?

Querying & Cupcakes.... Want to know what they have in common?

Hop over to Stephanie Haefner's blog to find out my struggles and solutions to querying.

What stage of the writing game are you in?


Theresa Milstein said...

I love cupcakes. Hate querying. I'm in the midst revisions. I wrote this book so slowly that I think it's tighter than previous first drafts. Plus, I revised along the way. Soon it will go off to a reader so I can determine if I'm deluding myself.

Lindsay said...

Yum to cupcakes. Eeep to querying.

I'm on the last leg of revisions, but the query is written ;)

Talli Roland said...

I'm somewhere with pizza and wine. It's quite a good place. :)

Headed over to Stephanie's!

Unknown said...

I'd choose cupcakes right now. When I get to the query stage, I'll probably open a bottle (case?) of wine. Good luck, sweetie!!!

Angela said...

Do I have to pick? Can't one balance out the other?

Chris Phillips said...

I'm at the stage in the process where you put the blue and orange star shaped sprinkles on the cupcakes.

Jessica Bell said...

On my way. What stage? Past stage one and thinking about a stage two for project two ... erm, maybe :o)

Janet Johnson said...

Off to check it out . . . and revision. That is where I'm at. :)

Stina said...

Can I make mine chocolate cupcakes? :D

Lindsay N. Currie said...

Oh my god, so many posts about food and yummy desserts today! My stomach is growling!!!! So, you know what stage I'm in. Revisions and then. . . submission! OOoooooh (ghost noises) scary stuff! Good luck Jen - just remember that query hell is a temporary state. . . you'll get out of it and be stronger in the end!

Kathryn Rose said...

Really enjoyed it. Made that cupcake I got today that much sweeter. :)

Candyland said...

You know where I'm at, baby. Going over to read now:)

Sarah Ahiers said...

well, you know where i'm at. Moer or less the same place as you. off to hit the link

Laura S. said...


Stephanie said...

Thanks so much for stopping by today, Jen!!!! Great post!!!!!

Diana Mieczan said...

Yum..I love cupcakes..and Im going over righ now:) happy Wed, sunshine

P.S: I'm hosting an awesome Organic cosmetics Giveaway today! Perfect for a summer glowy skin:)

Unknown said...

I want a cupcake too! LOL
And I just finished revising :D

Anonymous said...

Revising! Now with cupcakes!

Donea Lee said...

I'll take cupcakes, thank you! The toasted coconut kind...mmm... :)

Still in revisions here, but hope to start seriously "Q"-wording soon.

Katie Ganshert said...

Preparing for my first book release! Querying is a scary yet exciting place to be!

Aubree said...

mmm now i want a cupcake.
i'm currently starting a new project and working on plotting too..very exciting!

Jennifer Hillier said...

I'm in the cupcakes and cocktails stage, now the reviews are coming in. I need sugar. Massive amounts of sugar!

Dianne K. Salerni said...

Cupcakes are good. Cocktails are better. But best not to take a swig at every single rejection, or you'll end up a lush. I'm in the submissions stage, which is nail-biting in its own right.

Sarah said...

I'm with Dianne in submission purgatory (hell). I could use a cupcake right now!

LesleyRH said...

querying drools, cupcakes rule!