Monday, September 19, 2011

The Beginner Housewife

You will think I'm crazy, but I've started a new blog. I know, I know, how the hell am I going to manage you ask? Truth be told, I don't know.

I've had a bad case of writers block since I began querying two weeks ago and this is the first time life has come back into my writing. I need it. It needs me.

I went to the Metro Cooking Show in Houston this weekend and saw Paula Deen. She was a doll, as I expected, but part of the experience with my fellow Houston Blogger Chicks was that we got to meet someone else. Tara Wilson, an events guru. For those of you who don't know me, I was headed to interior design school before I switched to writing.

Decorations, holidays, new home ideas, they're what I live for! So when the story of The Beginner Housewife came to me, I was so excited to dive in. To bad when I started to outline I fell short.

Since the housewife and I have so much in common I figured it was best to write a new blog of me trying out my recipes (and failing), decorating tips, creative tips and more. You're welcome to stop in and check out the new digs.

Do not feel obligated to follow. This is my experiment, and so far the outlining is in full effect, and the blog is a nice relief I've needed.

The low down on the story The Beginner Housewife: Kate Phillips is dying to be Carrie Bradshaw, too bad the only column up for grabs is the newest article The Beginner Housewife. Desperate she grabs it for some income, worrying about ironing out details later. Considering she doesn't know anything about cooking, cleaning, or how to load a washer she's in way over her head. So when she meets Neil, the owner of her favorite restaurant rather than telling the truth she lies, and when they fall in love and marry she decides to keep up the charade. Any chance she gets she tries to horribly teach herself how to cook, having no success. With the help of her new found friends she manages to make a few items, until all comes crashing down when the truth comes out. They'll have to decide if love truly conquers all.

So there you have it. I'll allow you to peruse my new place as I stop in on yours! But I have to ask, how to you curve your writers block when nothing else seemed to work?


Sarah Tokeley said...

Best of luck with the new blog. I might not comment on it much, but I'll be watching it with interest - I am the original beginner housewife. I've been in the learning phase for, oh, about twenty years :-)

Lindsay N. Currie said...

Oh this sounds fun!!! Maybe you could do a cool post (just for yours truly) about decor, food and ideas related to Halloween!!! I'm glad to see you taking some of your passions other than writing and playing with them! Fun:)

Bish Denham said...

Oh, good luck Jen! The energy of youth is awesome.

Creepy Query Girl said...

Oh my god Jen! You are a bloggin goddess! And don't worry about writer's block. I usually can't write a new story until I've been querying for a few months too.

Amie Kaufman said...

Good luck! I'll look forward to reading the new blog.

When I'm feeling blocked and my words don't want to show up (especially if I'm looking to start something new), I write something that I've absolutely promised myself nobody else will see. Somehow the pressure seems to come off and it always helps.

Joanne said...

I like that set-up, the story has lots of fun avenues it can travel down. Best wishes with the new blog, and the queries too :)

April Plummer said...

Sounds like a fun book! I love the idea! Thanks for checking out my blog! I hope you "follow" it! I'm going to follow yours. :) Can't make enough writerly contacts, I think.

Very cool that you got to see Paula Dean. I love to cook, but I'm a very healthy eater and probably wouldn't eat ANYthing that woman creates! LOL

Design school...what made you change your mind to writing? For me, it's obvious because writing has always been a part of me. But Interior's something I admire but have no motivation to do to much of on my own. LOL

Unknown said...

Sounds like a cool blog. I'm going to go follow!

Shannon said...

Sounds like a fun blog! Good luck with it! :)

Stina said...

Good luck with the new blog, Jen.

I used to have a joint one with two other writers but we eventually let it go. Two of us are YA writers and the other writes erotica. She had to tone down her posts (not sure she did though), and felt it wasn't working in the end (I agree). The only reason the blog was started was because she was using a pen name. In the end, she came clean on her main blog and just posted there instead.

Overall, I found it much more work doing the other blog, especially when I was the only one putting in the work to get the followers. It was just too time consuming considering how many comments I was responding to on my main blog. :)

Amie Borst said...

that's awesome! good for you. *thinks* maybe i should start a MUSIC blog.... :)

Leigh Caron said...

Cute story...and sometimes you have to follow your heart, even if it's to a new blog. Good luck!

Anne Gallagher said...

Having queried many many times, I can tell you without hesitation, the first month or so after having sent out the first batch or two is the hardest in trying to get back into the groove of writing.

However, eventually you know you have to so take the diversion with an eye on the future, because if you can't sell your first book, you have to try with your second, and if you do sell your first book, you need a second, and a third and etc.

The new blog sounds cute. Love the story.

Anonymous said...

Best of luck with the new blog. How exciting!!!!! Love the title, too. :) very nice.

Writer's block. Gosh, I can't say I've had a full blown case of writer's block, but when things are running slow in the flow of words, I turn to exercise and/or chocolate.

Really, since chocolate is on the table as a cure, I NEED the,.. :)

Press on, my friend.

Slamdunk said...

Ha, I had the great idea of starting and now managing two blogs--work work work.

I stopped over at the new place; nicely done.

Ellen Brickley said...

Sounds like a fab blog, Jen, hope you enjoy it!

Anonymous said...

I'll check out your new digs. And I perform research if I'm struggling to write. There's always something I can brush up on, such as the latest and greatest going on at CERN for example.

Stephanie said...

Sounds fun! Off to check it out now!!!

Carolyn V said...

Writers block? I start running. It always helps (you'd think I'd be skinner than I am with all the running I do).

Jennie Bennett said...

When it comes to writers block I've found it has a lot to with how I'm feeling and I often push too hard. Sometimes it's good to step away from something then come back to it :)

Anonymous said...

Best wishes with your new project! For writer's block, I'll pull out my camera or work on my photography, my other creative love.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Gee, Jen,

It looks like we have something else in common. I didn't know you were almost and interior designer. If yo are not aware, that is what i do for a living.

I actually tailored my blog in the beginning to include tips on design, which I do occasionally.

I used to have a weekly post and created design dilemma. But writers are more interested in writing than anything else so now I do it when the muse calls to me. Usually during season changes.

Good luck with the new blog. I can't wait to check it out.

Six more weeks.... YAY! We'll have SO much to talk about.

Myne said...

Taking time off with another creative side of you might just do the trick. All the best.

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Yummy! That recipe looks and sounds sooooo good! I know my kiddos will love it. :-)

S.A. Larsenăƒƒ said...

Best of luck with the new blog! I know what you mean about your creativity being tapped during querying time. I started querying two weeks ago, too. I thought I'd act all cool about it, but have failed miserably. I can't write a thing. Need to move on...

Stephsco said...

Sounds like a fun side project. I love cooking and stuff like that, I will definitely check it out.

Bethany Elizabeth said...

That's SUCH a cool idea - I'll definitely check it out. :) When I have uber-bad writer's block, though, I usually read, or write anyway even if it's horrible. Or take a break for a day or two. That can help also. :)

Unknown said...

Sounds like a fund blog. This sounds like such a fun idea. It will be cool to see what you do with it. What a great way to beat writers block.

Emily R. King said...

I don't push myself to write when I can't. Luckily, I haven't ever had deadlines so I can do that. I'm excited about your new blog!

Talli Roland said...

Yay! I love the idea of The Beginner Housewife - great blurb too. I tried to follow, but for some reason the Follower widget isn't coming up. I'll try again!

Nikki Jefford said...

Cute new blog! And I love that “housewife” doesn’t have to mean having kids. There’s a large group of stay at home doggy mommas or stay at home writers and we also like (or at least attempt) to bake, clean and decorate.

Robert Guthrie said...

New endeavors, new energy, excellent!

Amy Saia said...

I think it's really good that you started something like this that taps into your other talents.

I have a bit of writer's block too, but I have heard that just writing without letting your inner critic stop you every two seconds is the way to go. Just write and edit later. Write because you love it!

Anyway, I hope that helps : )

Julianna said...

You need to watch"Christmas in Connecticut"...the Barbara stanwick original.

Jolene Perry said...

I almost always have an old project to read over, or someone else's project to read over. Or I try to think of a shiny new idea, and know that I don't have to turn it into anything.

have fun with the new project :-D

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Good luck with the new blog! Crap, I can't even keep up with one...

LTM said...

GIRL! You are so funny. I think Paula Deen might be your muse~ :D

Liz Reinhardt said...

The BEST thing about moving close to Savannah is Deen sightings! So cool!! Will totally check out your new blog!

Tara said...

Have fun with the new blog. I find that sometimes I just need to step away and stop trying to write for a little while - then the voices draw me back. ;-)

Abby Fowers said...

How fun! I will have to check out the new blog. "Whatever works!" is what I always say. Sometimes I just need a night out or something new to distract me. :)

Jennifer Hillier said...

Woo hoo for the new blog! I'll try and stop in as often as I can.

Samantha VĂ©rant said...

Ah, I see your Julie and Julia love shining through this. Love this! And heart you!