Monday, February 27, 2012

Going Bald...

So you know how last week I did this ‘Ode to the blogging world’ thing? I said stuff, like, I was looking forward to commenting more, life was sucking me in but I was spitting it back out, blah, blah, blah?

Well that was before I realized life doesn’t exactly throw you back out until it’s finished with you.

This week’s truths only pertain to my skills at house buying (which resulted in lack of blogging… AGAIN).

Apparently on the radio someone read my CRAZED mind and heard I was buying a house so they offered up friendly advice.

You start to hate people. FACT – one day this week I may or may not have wanted to punch everyone I met in the face. I SAID MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE.

Your sex drive goes missing. This one – for the sake of small humans reading this blog – will remain for your minds to wonder.

You forget things. As opposed to normal?

You go bald. <-- THIS ONE I WILL NOT ALLOW. Now I know I have the blonde Victoria Beckham look but I am not about to let that go just because I’d like a house. NO WAY. I will not lose my hair. I must take affirmative action. I know the box only says ROGAINE FOR MEN, but hey, a girl has to have options. Hell no, I am not about to purchase Jessica Simpsons hair extension line… I’d rather borrow Shawnquandra’s weave from the corner store.

Care to share any of your many random thoughts today?


Summer Frey said...

Buying a house was extremely stressful for us, too. We watched contract after contract get ripped from our hands. And while at the time we thought we'd lost "the one," the house we've ended up in has turned out to be perfect.

It's definitely a patience game. Good luck!

Natalie Aguirre said...

One piece of advice I'll give you about buying a house because I'm an attorney. Make the purchase contingent on a contractor inspection. It's well worth the money.

Buying a house is stressful but now's a good time since houses are cheaper than they've been. Good luck.

Christina Lee said...

BREATHE baby girl, BREATHE!!! Don't let the stress swallow you whole--kick it in the nuts!


S.A. Larsenッ said...

Random thought: there must be some great, Divine purpose for my computer lagging. What the H3LL is it?

Anne Gallagher said...

Oh house hunting. I know the pain. Just take it slow. You'll find the perfect house just like you found your perfect husband.

Gail said...

One house at a time, no worries, no timeline, enjoy the hunt and get an inspection.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Don't lose your hair!!!

April Plummer said...

Like Gail said, one house at a time. I lost a lot of hair during my separation/divorce/eating disorder time period. Thank goodness I stopped that from happening! Make sure you're eating right. Take your daily vitamin and Biotin. And make sure you're getting sleep. You won't lose your hair!

Meredith said...

I can't imagine the stress of buying a house! But just have faith that it will all get done and keep moving. And have faith that you won't lose your hair!

Laura S. said...

Hubby and I have been in the house hunting process for a couple years now, except we've remained in the looking up houses online, LoL.

Good luck, Jen!! It's stressful, there's so much to consider when buying a house, but you'll find the one that's meant to be yours!!

Lindsay N. Currie said...

Good luck Jen - I'll share a little positivity with you in the form of this HAPPY FACE :) and these hearts <3<3<3. It will get better!

S.P. Bowers said...

Remember to eat healthy. Stress causes you to put on weight. I'm still trying to loose the weight when we bought our last house. I won't tell you how long ago that was.

LTM said...

Hmm... well, you know I recently had to do all this home buying/selling stuff. I did get frustrated with people, but that was mostly on the home selling side of the equation. No hair was lost. The sex drive was impeded, but that was primarily b/c hubs was 850 miles away setting up new location.

Hang in there, girl! You'll find the right place! ((hugs)) <3

Johanna Garth said...

It will get less stressful! And then more stressful and then less again. Which is why you just have to take a deep breathe and let a little of it go. :)

Lenny Lee said...

hi miss jen! im soooo happy youre getting a house. after you get all this stress stuff done and get moved in youre gonna be sooooo happy. dont forget to ask your cats before you decide. they gotta like it too. :)
...hugs from lenny

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the stress thing going on with the house buying. Take a deep breath, slowly count to ten, and take another deep breath. Repeat whenever needed. Make sure to keep some dark chocolate on hand. Everything looks better after eating chocolate.
: )

Jemi Fraser said...

House buying stress is crazy! I hope things all work out for you - and that hair will stay in place!

Sarah Tokeley said...

I've never bought a house, nor am I ever likely to, but I wish you the very best of luck. Don't forget to take time out for yourself if you can.

Jai Joshi said...

*helpless laughter*

Please promise me you won't buy that weave! Amp up your vitamin in-take, massage your head every night with hair oils, eat healthy, get 8 hours of sleep a night. That should help with the hair loss. (And try out Rogaine if you want to see if it works. One of my friends said it worked with her.)

Good luck with getting that house. It is stressful but if it's what you really want then it will be worth it.

And I totally understand about how you start to hate people. I TOTALLY understand.



Nancy Thompson said...

I've bought many homes and have a lot of advice, but I'll only bore you with the most important piece: Know exactly the type of neighborhood you are buying in, the type of people who live around the house you're interested in, including their kids.

Nothing makes life more miserable than living around a bunch of people who have absolutely nothing in common with you and who don't want to be neighborly.

alexia said...

Ack, you'll get through this! Buying a house is stressful... but all things pass eventually. Eventually you'll have a great house that you love. And maybe only a few people will get black eyes along the way :)