Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday Musings

It's not fair to rid you from truth Thursday's just because I don't blog then anymore. I figured, why not Mondays? First day is always the hardest after a weekend... What better way to rid you and me that bad 'case of the Mondays'

1. I work against The Bachelor. Love the show. I'm an absolute addict. But when I see basket cases like Courtney I vote for them to steal the bachelors heart. Why? Because I highly doubt most of those girls are there to find love. They're looking for camera time. Oh, and because the drama is all the spicier.

2. Friday is the new Tuesday. For all you who know me, I had a Tuesday outfit. I'd purposely wash it so id have it Tuesday. It's been moved to Fridays. Hello, Coca-cola tee, I love you.

3. House hunting is fun, until you realize your dreams may take years. We love houses in our price range but my imagination runs wild on what all I'll buy to make it beautiful. It's then I realized I'm poor. That's right, little monies with big dreams.

4. The Vow stole my idea. Or, it was such a good one I want to call it my own. Either way you know where I'll be Feb. 10...

5. My cats have multi personalities. I hope it's not contagious. One minute they're cuddling up next to me, next minute they're plotting my death. I can't win, but those cuddly little monsters only defense is their cuteness and damn all to hell if it's my kryptonite. You win, cats, you win.

6. I had an extra confession today. I just purchased a delicious Coca-cola and it made me wonder, how the hell do the vending machines keep their cokes so cold? What an amazing freezer contraption that holds my delectable morning caffeinated beverage. Who needs coffee? This gem is cold and delicious, which is why I shared this precious piece from my thoughts.
What are your secrets?


LynnRush said...

Love these. Girl, you just crack me up!!! :)
My brain's not firing yet this morning (it's only 5:30am in AZ), so I don't have anything to add for Truth Monday. :)

Have a super day and a super week!

Unknown said...

Brains not functioning counts as a TRUTH so thanks Lynn! I'll count it.

Glad I could put a smile on your face so early! Enjoy your day, fabulous!

DandWH said...

For me it's diet Coke but I'm with you there's nothing I want more in the morning than a cold refreshing carbonated beverage.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sorry about your psychotic cats.
Saw a documentary recently and did you know refrigeration units were first invented to assist in the making of beer? True story!

Unknown said...

DandWH - Glad we're on the same team!

Alex - THIS IS WHY I HAVE THESE MUSTINGS! My in-laws probably know this fact already and just forgot to share it with the rest of the family! Guess this means my husband can have the unit in the garage he's always dreamed of!

Lindsay N. Currie said...

I have a confession. I grew up with cats and now they freak me the hell out. They DO have multiple personalities! LOL have a great Monday Jen:) XOXOXO

Amy Saia said...

I haven't watched the Bachelor lately, but I've heard about that Courtney. The Bachelor himself seems like kind of a schlump, so they probably deserve each other, lol. My cat has gotten past the stage of ripping off my ankles, and has now moved to attacking the printer whenever it's in use.

Anne Gallagher said...

Truth, I wish I had a Coke but didn't buy any so I'm stuck with tea. My cat is a psycho as well. Didn't bother watching The Bachelor this year. I cannot wait until the weather turns so I can break out my yoga pants again. I may even buy a new pair of sneakers to go with them.

Have a great week.

Laura Pauling said...

I used to watch the Bachelor but not so much anymore. It can be addicting. Very easy to get sucked into!

Clare C. Greenstreet said...

I'm not even house hunting but I've realised I may never get my 50s diner style kitchen/dining room. So many big dreams for my own home and no money to even buy a house.

JE said...

Oh, The Vow. Sounds like a good movie. (Also based on real evidents). But it also stole the basic idea for my story, too. The one I wrote TWO years ago. LoL.


Kimberlee Turley said...

I have looked at purchasing a commercial use mini-fridge because they seem to keep beverages in the 33-44 range while normal fridges operate between 38-50 degrees.

Talli Roland said...

Coke instead of coffee? GASP! Give your head a shake!

April Plummer said...

You crack me up! I love my house, and I had nothing to do with buying it. I met my husband after he'd been through the pain of hunting for it, buying it, and re-vamping it with all the extras - the hardwood throughout, granite countertops, handcrafted (by him) columns, crown molding...etc. He bought the house before the bubble burst and did a lot to it during his first marriage...then I met him, and all I had to do was move in and enjoy! LOL

I have to admit I've never wondered how Cokes are kept so cold. I don't drink much coke though. Prefer flavored coffee.

And I think all cats have multiple personalities. Seriously. I know mine does.

Sarah Ahiers said...

actually, a girl in my highchool graduating class was on the bachelor way back when. Crazy. I don't think she did very well.

Meredith said...

You can't root for Courtney! She's awful! But hilarious.

If you need a movie-watching buddy, I'm so crazy excited about The Vow! It seriously looks like it was tailor-made for me (especially with Channing Tatum)! In any case, we need an Italian dinner soon!

Johanna Garth said...

I'm sort of wishing I had an ice cold coke but mine are only refrigerator cold (not the same).

My truth is I had a strange wrinkle on my face this morning from sleeping facedown. Ugh! I think I need to retrain myself to sleep on my back.

LTM said...

LOL! Jen, you so funny. You're kind of on a Coke roll yes? I don't watch the bachelor, sorry. But I do agree w/you on the house hunting. Hang in there! :o) <3

Jillian said...

I have never thought about the inner workings of vending machines before.... I am curious now hahaha

Nicole Zoltack said...

I so want to go house hunting but with the housing market as it is, we're gonna be stuck here for a long, long time.

Kristin Rae said...

I heard the Vow was inspired by a true story! How heartbreaking would that be?!

The Bachelor is such a waste of time, but I can't stop watching it. o_O

Happy house hunting!!

Colene Murphy said...

I LOVE me a nice ice cold coke. Mmmmm...mouth watering just thinking about it. Vending machine cokes are spectacular. The bottles of coke are good, but something about it in a can makes it amazing. I sound like I'm about to propose marriage to a coke...if it was a bottomless one? So would...

Carrie Butler said...

How do you feel about Coke Icees? I don't tolerate caffeine well, but every now and then I have to cheat. Mmm... :)

Carolyn V said...

Those soda vending machines will always be a mystery to me. lol! =D

Unknown said...

#6- Cold Coke is good. My friend visited Japan last year and they have vending machines that sell cans of hot coffee.

Abby Minard said...

Oh yes, the plight of the house hunter. I love looking for houses but then get depressed because they are always too much, or I too think about everything I could do with it. We'll stick with our house for now, but doesn't mean I can't dream!

roxanne s. sukhan said...

I love my Coca Cola ... especially first thing in the morning!

Cats have a really cool sense of humour ... gotta love them!

This is a perfect post for Monday ...

Have a great week.

Leigh Caron said...

Hmm? I never hear of anyone waking up to a cold Pepsi. I say, whatever gets you going in the morning is alright with me.

Ainsley Shay said...

so my cats aren't the only ones with MP - that's good to know!
and - there's nothing like a cold Coke - heaven!!!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

You're right--these are way too fun to lose. I love # 2 and #6. :-)

Jennifer Hillier said...

I love the way your mind words!

Yes, my cats too are an interesting combination of sweet and evil. I have no doubt they love me, but would eat me if I dropped dead of a heart attack.

Christa Desir said...

Laughing so hard at your question about vending machines. I adore you, Jen.

Jenna Blake Morris said...

#5 sounds just like my mom's two-pound Yorkie. Pure evil. My parents think she's an angel, but my sister and I know better. The dog's got it all planned out that way, of course.