Wednesday, February 22, 2012

You are what you read.

No, this doesn't mean you're turning into a vampire and are in search of your true love. Or your about to enter into another annual Hunger Games.

However it does mean you recognize how deliciously captivating the author made their piece.

My favorite novels are those you can't put down. They grab you from the beginning and you didn't let go of the bound pages until the end arrived, and even then the book was hard to close.

Girl, Stolen. This is a story that is still hard to let go. A blind teenager is in the backseat of a car that gets stolen. She must save herself when she becomes noticed. LOVED doesn't even begin to describe what I felt about this novel.

Shatter Me. A single touch and this female destroys lives. The way the words are written, scratched out, and rewritten is a beautiful way to show just how damaged she is. The authors writing power is so intricate I find myself reading the pages over and over just to revel in the creative genius.

Wither. A life where everything can be fancy should you be chosen into a wealthy family. This breaks molds. The author chose to be different and open up the world of polygamy in a dystopian society and it paid off. Beautifully written I felt each females emotions. The will to please or the will to free themselves, Lauren DeStefano, made reading worthwhile.

I've read these months ago but they still sit with me. What are yours? Give a description as I'm sure I'll add it to my TBR list!


Laura Pauling said...

I read Shatter Me and Wither. Shatter Me stayed with me longer than Wither. :) I'd like to read Girl, Stolen at some point.

April Plummer said...

I haven't read Shatter Me yet, but I read Wither. I actually was honored to be the first person to read her finished draft, and Lauren generously acknowledged that in her acknowledgements. I feel the same way about that book. Also, for me, The Atlas of Love - WOW. That book stuck with me. And The Dovekeepers. Those are the two most recent books that floored me and stuck in my heart. Oh, and This Glittering World.

Anonymous said...

I have not read either of those. I will have to check them out. Thanks for the recs!!!

Leigh Caron said...

Right now I'm reading non-fiction - Mayan prophesies. I'm living just minutes from the ruins in Tulum, Mexico and I'm fascinated with what the Mayans knew about astronomy. I will keep your selections on my "to be read" list.

Gail said...

Harlan Coben is an author I can't stop reading!

Stina said...

I love Girl Stolen and Shatter Me. Wither is sitting patiently on my shelf. :D

S.P. Bowers said...

I read Shatter Me and loved it. I'll have to put the other two on my short list.

I haven't read any that completely blew me out of the water recently but I did really enjoy "Alice I Have Been". It's based on the life of Alice Liddel who was the inspiration for Alice in Wonderland. It is a fictionalized story but the main events are true.

Talli Roland said...

I haven't read any of those!

For me, the ultimate novel that has stuck with me is The Time Traveller's Wife. I LOVE that novel.

Happy Wednesday, lovely Jen!

Meredith said...

I still haven't read Girl, Stolen, but I LOVED the other two. You're right--they stick with you. I love books that keep my up at night because I can't bear to put them down. :)

Patti said...

I haven't read any of those, but I know what you mean about finding a book that you can't put down. I love that feeling.

Shannon O'Donnell said...

TANGLED TIDES. Wow, wow, wow. Mermaids and Selkies and Sirens, oh my.

Sarra Cannon's Peachville High Demons series shocked me with its addictive greatness. (review on my blog today)

ASHES by Ilsa Bick. Zombies and hope. So dark and goosebumps-good.

To name a few . . . :-)

Carolyn V said...

I haven't read any of those titles. I'm going to have to add them on!

I just finished Crossed. It was pretty good.

McKenzie McCann said...

I have to read Girl, Stolen. Oh my gosh. I have to have to have to. I haven't been this excited to read a book I can't even remember.

Shelley Sly said...

There are several books that have pulled me in like that. Those are the ones I'd reread over and over.

One of them is WHEN YOU REACH ME by Rebecca Stead. Beautiful, brilliant, and unforgettable. Easily one of the best books I've ever read.

Stephanie Scarpa said...

These all sound like good reads, thanks for the tips!

/S / http://

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

The Lies of Locke Lamora had some great characters - it's a fantasy. The last book I just couldn't put down isn't yet a book though. It's my critique partner Rusty Webb's unpublished manuscript. Bummer, huh?

Nicole Zoltack said...

I'm reading Shatter Me right now!

roxanne s. sukhan said...

Wow. These sound great. Particularly Shatter Me. I love when the author writes then scratches out, then rewrites ... like in Wintergirls.

E.D. said...

I have not read these yet. Thanks for pointing them out.
Ones that have stayed with me for a long time are Wintergirls and Speak. Could not put them down...

Unknown said...

SHATTER ME is literally sitting on my desk, ready for me to pick up tonight. :) As for the other two, I've yet to read them, so thanks for the recommendations! I'll surely pick them up next time I'm at the store!

Beth said...

Shatter Me and Twilight

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