CSN stores was sweet enough to allow me to have a fabulous giveaway on my blog!
What's up for grabs???
$65 Gift Certificate!!!
CSN Stores has over 200 online stores where you can find everything from stylish briefcases to cute cookware to chic lighting pieces!
With the holidays around the corner gifts galore can be snagged on this amazing website!! Also anything you need to provide yourself with an awesome new office! Spice things up for the holiday season :)
So leave a link in the comment if you're joining in on the fun! I'll choose a winner over the weekend (so leave your email)! Do give a twitter and/or blog shout out for extra points!
My dream office complete with my perfect writing chair (perfect for NaNo):

NOTE: I'm making my way to 1000 followers! After this super special giveaway and once I reach that amazing number, I'll be hosting one awesome giveaway... a couple of awesome baskets... books, soaps, lotions, teas and more! The faster I get to 1000 the faster you get the giveaway :)
Yay Jen, this is awesome! And somehow you climbed into my mind and found my writing desk! I would so love to be sitting at that every day...thanks for this giveaway!
I'll be tweeting about this later!
You are doing so well,sweetie...Totally love this giveaway...and that desk is so pretty:) Fingers crossed and wish you a fun day
Btw: I am on Twitter..hahah..@DianaMieczan:)
I am having so much fun with it..haha
Ps: I am hosting a sweet GIVEAWAY later on today! Please, join in!
Wow, you're amazing! I can so imagine you at that desk. It's perfect for you!!! ;o) Congrats, honey, on the followers!
Yes, very cool giveaway. I got a bean bag chair from them last year--still highly used! Love the dream office!
Already follow you but will shout out to you in my blog love :)
agmbsw @ gmail dot com.
Nice! I totally need some bookshelves :)
the_happy_soul at yahoo dot com
Great giveaway, Jen. Extremely generous of you!
Gotta love giveaways! So if I follow you 60 more times, we'll get the big one? ;)
That chair is awesome! But I don't think I'd get much writing done in it. Zzzzzz...
Ah! I love that desk thingy! And the chair! Love love love. :) Thanks for the giveaway! I shall tweet to the world.
That is a great chair! And I know you're going to hit that 1000 mark real soon :)
Yay enter me!! : )
1000 is a really big deal Jen. I know how hard you've worked for this. You truly do deserve it. Imagine where you're going to be by the time you've been blogging for a whole year!
Umm that's my dream chair, thanks for finding it for me! haha, great contest!
Ooohhh, that chair is AWESOME. Love it. Definitely enter me! ;-)
You'll be to 1,000 in no time!
hi miss jen! YOWEEE youre getting to 1000 followers! how cool is that! you sure got a cool give a way going today. i got so much books for my birthday the shelf the my brother did for me is full up. now i could need more shelfs so im getting in that 65 dollar giveaway and hoping i could win. i loooove contests. :) i hope you could get that cool desk for your writing. it sorta look like you. i could see you sitting there doing your writing. hooray for contests!
...smiles and hugs from lenny
ooh nice count me in I shall also Retweet your tweet.
holy crap! You are a bloggin inspiration my sweets! Congrats and I hope you get there soon!
What a great give-away. I've been following your blog in my reader but I officially followed it on your site today. Good luck getting to 1,000 followers :-)
Here's my plug link honey :o)
That's a great giveaway Jen! Fun!
gabrielalessacarvalho at gmail dot com
Wow! What a great giveaway!
I'm in! A shout out will be in my blog tomorrow!
Email is : kpolark (at) yahoo (dot)com
I'd use it toward a guidecraft kitchen helper. Thanks for the chance!
Oooh!! Love a good giveaway. :D
I'll have to tweet when I get home.
Ooh, nice. I don't think I'd count being old international me, but I'll cheer everyone else on. :D
Oh Jen!!! Count me in, I had a CSN gift card but .... when my email was hacked they stole it, and my 10 free shutterfly cards... I cried
Oh, I want that office. :D
Wow, you are racking up the followers. Way to go, Jen!!!!!
That is the most beautiful dream office! I would feel so organized and important there :) I'm off to tweet about this! I don't think it'll be too long before you reach 1,000 followers :)
Yummy space! I want the office too! WoW! 1,000 followers. I just broke 100. Can I sit at your table? LOL
Very cool Jennifer. I will let my crowd know.
N. R. Williams, fantasy author
Great giveaway! Crossin my fingers :)
Great idea! And almost 1000 followers . . .WOOO HOOOO!
1000 followers! AMAZING! Hope you make it soon! And that chair has...my mouth watering? no no...my butt's mouth watering? no no...either way I reeeeally like that chair!
What an awesome giveaway! Count me in! Hope you get to 1000 really soon!
Wow. I want 1000 followers! You go girl! (I also want that $65!)
That sounds fabulous! I'm in.
And I'll be tweeting about this as well.
smilerjg (at) gmail (dot) com.
Twitter ID: RJRugroden
Yep...I could be perfectly happy in an office like that! Count me in! :-)
Oh, I want this! Enter me :)
Jen, that's a totally excellent prize.
And you're almost at 1000 followers! That's so cool! I hope you get there soon.
Wowee! That is absolutely awesome! Congratulations to you :O)
Fingers, toes and other apendages crossed that you'll hit 1000 soon!!! Best of luck to you! And awesome giveaway - thanks! I love, love, love that office. :)
PS - did you get that soup recipe?
(spell ck) appendages...hate it when I do that... :)
Please count me in for your giveaway! What you've posted looks fab, so I'll have to have a little peek at their website!
So cool!! Gonna go tweet now!!!
I so want an awesome office...but it will have to wait until my oldest moves out...I probably have at least 12 years. Or...if I become a bestselling author and sell millions of books...I can probably buy a bigger house and have a kick ass office sooner! :)
Great giveaway, I've heard such great stuff about CSN products! Congrats on almost 1000 followers! How exciting.
I am so loving that chair!! Would look great in front of my fireplace. ":-) You're awesome. I'll tweet you @SherWordsGirl
Wow, awesome prize! That's so generous of you. I only started following your blog a few days ago, but now I'm hooked. I set up my own blog to write about my NaNoWriMo experience here:
Congratulations on having so many followers, it's a real achievement. I only have 6 so far, but you have to start somewhere I guess!
Love and light,
Super cool! Thanks for the giveaway!!
I am a new follower number 940!! Wow,you are coming up on 1000!!!Thats awesome. Please follow me too.I am just past 100 followers and I have a star bucks giveaway and Itunes going on
Thanks for the chance
This is an amazing giveaway! And you're getting sooo close to 1000 followers!
I'm off to tweet about you...
Woooo! Great giveaway!
Your ideal writing space is a lot like mine would look. Great minds! :)
Have a great Wednesday!
Awesome giveaway! I'm sure you'll reach 1000 in no time. God, 1000 followers is hugely awesome. I just passed 250 this week. :)
Super cool. It's been a while since I visited. Love the new look of the blog!
nice giveaway! i would like this sleek desk:
divertida at fastmail dot fm
divertida at fastmail dot fm
Great giveaway. And you don't have far to go to 1000. Impressive :)
Sweet giveaway. Wow 1000 followers that is impressive.
What a fab giveaway! Thanks, Jen! :) And good luck getting to 1000, you're so close!
Love that desk and chair! You'll get to 1000 in no time!!
What an awesome giveaway! and wow, that chair looks so comfy! I wish I had that desk AND room, lol.
I'll of course tweet and FB this. You know my email :)
I have a feeling you'll be at 1,000followers by the end of the month! You've come so far-you're such an inspiration!
This is a super giveaway! 1000 is a big deal! You're very close. Thank you for sharing the joy.
Alright! Sign me up! :-)
My email is tiedyefrog@gmail.com
I'm a brand new follower (well, I actually joined right before you posted this contest so I didn't join just for a freebie! I swears it!).
Hope you get to that 1000 mark. That would be pretty darn cool, eh?
Ahhh crap. forgot the pertinent info...puki@optonline.net and I will be blogging about it!
BTW...very cool give away!
You ARE close to 1k! YaY!
I have so many books I'm waiting to buy. Enter me!
I'll link this on FB and put it on my sidebar. I may set up a post tomorrow and link this too.
Wow, almost 1,000! Awesome! :)
natascha@jaffa.name So excited! Love your fantasy office :)
Holy cow, Jen! You have 943 followers...That is awesome!
That's a killer office chair to cozy up on. Wow, 1000 followers would be awesome. Go girl!
I don't know which I like more, the desk or the chair....and wow! on the 944! Awesome!
New follower :-)
LOVE both the desk & chair! Keep up the faboosh blogging!
Your too awesome, Jen! Thank you.
I dream of a writing office like the picture. If only...
Dream desk and chair, for sure!! Please enter me in your uber-cool contest. Tweeting and sidebar linking as soon as I post this. Thanks!!!!
This is fantastic and would totally help me finish my office makeover! It's in the contests sidebar on my blog.
Congrats on your blog, you are doing sooo amazing with all your followers! :)
guinevere dot rowell at gmail :)
Go Jen go!! Glad to know there's so many who know about your awesomeness!! You'll be at 1000 followers in no time! <3
Yay, thank you for hosting this giveaway, and congratulations on almost reaching 1000 followers! :)
Hope you reach your goal!!
For a second there I thought it WAS your office and I was going to be completely jealous. LOL
WOW! 100 followers?!
Good luck on reaching your goal!
What a gorgeous fantasy office! Here`s to hoping you get an office just like that!
What a super giveaway!
sweetpeawriting @ yahoo.com (no spaces)
I hope you reach 1000!!!
Coming to you from Therese's blog, hoping to help you reach your 1000 goal! Good luck!
If Canucks are eligible, I'll throw my name in the hat. And if not, I still helped get ya one follower closer to 1,000. :)
Also retweeted a link to this giveaway: http://twitter.com/#!/WagTheFox/status/577002985750528
Wow! I'm totally in and congrats on almost 1k!!! Fantastic and very much deserved!
I'm tweeting this right now. My email in case the prize gods are smiling down in favor ...
PS--I'm putting this on facebook too! Good luck!
Do existing followers count? I hope so!!!
~Elizabeth :)
You have a lot of followers! I am #950. I feel lucky!
tammigirl at gmail dot com
forgot to mention I have your contest mentioned on my sidebar. Thanks again for this very generous contest.
Awesome giveaway and umm well ... I might kill for that chair. lol You have great taste!
Agreeing with all your other comments here, great giveaway and very generous.
CJ xx
Congrats on scoring the perfect writing chair for NaNoWriMo! And best wishes that you accomplish the daunting 50k word novel! Great giveaway and here's to hoping you make it to 1000 followers!
Sarah L
two_of_hearts_101 at yahoo dot com
Congratulations on reaching almost 1000 followers, Jen!!! Yay!!!! :)
Hmmm, the gifts look yumm!!!! Will do a shoutout on my blog too!!!!
Happy Monday!!!
Great giveaway, love your dream office!
The chair and desk look amazing. And I loved the link to the briefcases. :) Your blog is pretty great!
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