Thursday, November 11, 2010

Be Jolly By Golly!

Woohoo! Thursday!

Before I get to my truths I have a huge announcement!!! Welcome to My World by Miranda Dickinson is out today!!! Be sure to stop by her blog, twitter, facebook, to wish her a HAPPY BOOK BIRTHDAY!

Now onto the post at hand! The cover of Miranda's book is perfect for this holiday post I have planned!

Be Jolly by Golly Blog fest!

Christmas cookies and happy hearts, this is how the holiday starts!

Melissa and I have teamed together to create an awesome blog fest for all the awesome bloggers out there!

We adore the holidays!

Especially Christmas… and what better way to celebrate then to share your space!!

We want to know how you celebrate!

So before you get our tinsel in a tangle here are the RuLeS:

1.Blog Post to be posted on December 20th (whatever time you desire)
2.Show pictures of your decorations, holiday lights & Christmas tree!
3.Share your favorite treat (Recipe included, chance for others to steal the yumminess!)
4.Share your favorite drink (Recipe included, chance for others to steal the alcohol – or non)
5.Last but not least… visit others!!! Take part in their holiday cheer!

Note: For those who don’t celebrate Christmas, you’re welcome to share any other holiday you are celebrating in this year!

Feel free to grab our AWESOME badge and share the love on this fun blog fest! So I leave you with a few fun pictures found on google that fit the bill this holiday season!

So are you in? SAY YES! SAY YES!


Lo Hughes said...

Yay! My first blogfest...I'm looking forward to it!

And thanks for the book recommendation...I just ordered it! I LOVE LOVE LOVE British chick lit, can't wait to get going on 'Welcome to my world!'

Diana Mieczan said...

That sounds totally fantastic! I also love Christams and cant wait to read it all:)
Hugs and kisses,sweetie

Golden Eagle said...

Congratulations to Miranda Dickinson! Happy Book Birthday!

Ooh, this sounds like a fun blogfest! It sounds like there are going to be a ton of awesome entries!

Renae said...

What a great idea for a blogfest! Can't wait!

Christina Lee said...

YAY!!!!! *jumps up and down*

Jessica Bell said...

Congrats Miranda! :) I probably am in, but I'll be back closer to the date to sign up, because I don't know if I'll have a computer close by or not! I might be going away for Christmas. xoxo

Matthew MacNish said...

Congrats Miranda!

Signe said...

Great idea and love the holiday images - I can't wait for Christmas :)

Janna Leadbetter said...

I'm not ready to think about it yet, but this is a really great idea!

Creepy Query Girl said...

oh dear. Now you've got me thinking about how I celebrate and here its ALL about food and now I'm hungry...

Bast said...

I'm not sure I'll be decorating. This seems like a good blogfest though. Once I decide, I'll come back and sign up.

Summer Frey said...

Yes!! I love this!! My decorations this year are going to have to be kitten-proof, but I'm looking forward to the challenge. I'm also going to have to include my in-laws' house, because I decorate it too, plus we spend Christmas morning there. :)

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

Congrats, Miranda! Sounds like a fun read.
Jen, this blogfest sounds so fun--can't wait.

Tess said...

a book birthday? woo-hoo!

Carolyn V. said...

Congrats Miranda! So great!

I still can't believe it's almost Christmas!

Leigh Caron said...

Blogfest ???? I soo want to participate, but I'm sooo lame when it comes to uploading photos. Lazy I guess. But I promise I'll watch what others put up. :)

Lenny Lee said...

hi miss jen! wow could you believe christmas is just not so long off. that blog fest sound fun. i dont know if i could do it yet so im gonna wait a little til i maybe sign up. if i dont for sure im gonna love seeing everyones christmas blogs.
...hugs from lenny

Bidisha said...

This is jolly good!
Such a great idea. And the book looks cute, too.

Colene Murphy said...

So love this idea! Good job you two. Can't wait to post for it!

LTM said...

this sounds like so much fun! Of course I'm in. I LOVE Christmas~ :o) <3

And congrats to Miranda!!! :o)

Joanna St. James said...

can I show you my town's xmas lights instead? we just moved and are flying back to the family for xmas.

Southpaw said...

Will try this one! (I hate signing up before I write the post incase I forget.)

Shannon O'Donnell said...

I'm in!! :-)

Nicole Zoltack said...

I signed up! This is gonna be an awesome blogfest.

Heather said...

Happy book birthday to Miranda! What a fun blogfest. I just might have to join this one...

Melissa said...

OOOO, Miranda is the author you were telling me about, isn't she?

I <3 your pictures. Nice glass of champagne there.

Sweet we ALREADY have 17 entries and it hasn't even been a day yet. I love it! SO excited.

I just want the holidays to be here now, because then I also get to conveniently not keep plugging away at school.

Ann said...

Sounds like a good bit of fun. Looking foward to a spot of visiting.

Talli Roland said...

Great idea for a blogfest, ladies!

And a big congrats to Miranda!

Meredith said...

This looks like so much fun!!! Can't wait to see everyone's decorations and get some yummy recipes :)

Donea Lee said...

Fab idea, Jen! I LOVE Christmas - really, it's my favorite. There's just something magical about it. And my sister and I always get together to make a slew of goodies, so I've got some great recipes to post. I'm totally IN!! :)

lettucehead said...

By golly, this is cool! ;)

Jan Markley said...

Great idea!

Missie, The Unread Reader said...

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I LOVE Christmas so I'm definitely joining up for the blogfest :)

N. R. Williams said...

There are two other blogfest I'm involved in this December. They are in my sidebar if you're interested. This one sounds like fun.
N. R. Williams, fantasy author

Jemi Fraser said...

Sounds like a lot of fun!!! I have the WORST memory & around the holidays it will be worse, so please put a reminder on your blog closer to the date - pretty please!

DL Hammons said...

I'm in!!!!! Sounds like all kinds of fun!! :)

Kimberly Franklin said...

such a great blogfest!

Danette said...

I'll be doing all kinds of stuff for the holidays so why not join your holiday fest! sounds fun! I plan on having a Christmas story contest also for all who want to join in the fun, come by the Friday after Thanksgiving.

Laura S. said...

WOOHOO I'm so in!!! I love Christmas! This is such a fantastic idea! Can't wait!

Abby Minard said...

I'm in Jen- sounds like fun! I told Melissa on her blog that I may need a little reminding ;p

Lisa Gail Green said...

Sounds like a fun idea! Though I won't be participating officially (I could do Chanukah, but it doesn't really fit with the whole paranormal thing ya know) I'll be happy to check in with others!!

KristywithaK said...

Ok, I'll admit it, now I'm just a wee bit excited about Christmas :)

Talei said...

Oh I'm throwing some pink sparkles in the air already! Of course I'm in. xx

Anonymous said...

Oh what fun! I've posted the fest up on my blogfest page. :O)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun. I'm signed up and the badge in on my blog!

Francine Howarth said...


Have snatched the banner and will post up now!

Would love to enter this, but my No1 rule of entering blogfests is that I respond to all entries, and I know I'll never make it around 60+ blogs over the holiday period.

Have fun everyone!!


Elizabeth Briggs said...

This sounds really fun! I don't have any good recipes, but I do have dogs who like to eat the Christmas tree...

Erinn said...

YAY-- i loved the holidays and what a cool way to share ideas. YAY

Vanessa Morgan said...

What a wonderful idea for a blogfest! I'm looking forward to this one.

Carol Riggs said...

This will be my first blogfest, yay! Should be fun. ;o)

Wild Child said...

I'm joining in, what the hell! If for no other reason than to have a really cute blog badge to add to my page. *grins*

^ said...

My first blogfest too. Sounds like fun!

Brigitte said...

This looks promising, and I've already got a few ideas. ;)
I'll do my best!

Natasha said...

Didn't intend being in, but am!!!

Julie Hedlund said...

So sorry I didn't get my post in. Believe it or not, I got a concussion when my dog knocked me down by accident - a bad one, so the past few days have been a blur - literally. Now that I'm getting back to myself, I need to get my rear end in gear for Christmas itself.

Just wanted to let you know I didn't Scrooge out on you! :-)