Friday, November 5, 2010

Lovesies - Halloween Photos and More

Happy Friday.

Oh you didn't know?

That's okay. Now you do.

For those who are new here... WELCOME... we love to have you visit (as in we, I mean me) and without you I feel lost, and all alone (trust me, no one wants that)

So by now I'm sure you've learned my randomness. (if not... now you know)

I promised you all pictures of my costume, and my honey's... so here we are...

Awesome right? I know, I know... we rocked it. It was a blast! For those who want more you know where to find me (facebook... that's where it's at)

More randomness... I found my new favorite band.

Neon Trees (If you like them for nothing else... the band name alone rocks your world)

You must check out my two favorite songs of them right now... Animal & 1983...

So there we are... that's my random for the day, what's yours?

BTW - Next week I have a blog tour scheduled, another edition of tuesday twist, and some revision posts! Get ready for the awesome! One more thing - I updated a few of my pages! Enjoy :)


Christina Lee said...

OMG you guys look soooooo awesome!

N. R. Williams said...

Cool pic's. I posted your giveaway along with several others and my own contest today.
N. R. Williams, fantasy author

S.A. Larsenッ said...

What wonderful photos!! Thanks for sharing!

Anita said...

What a fun looking couple you two are! I totally love your randomness!

Bish Denham said...

Very cool costumes Jen!

Tiffany said...

The second photo is hysterical! Love it!

Joanna St. James said...

u guys look cute together

Kelly Polark said...

Ha! Fun pics!
And I LOVE Neon Trees (they were on Regis and Kelly yesterday, I taped it).
I saw them in concert for the first time in April and LOVED them, their lead singer Tyler is amazing!!!
HEre's a pic from the show from my blog post with them:

Summer Ross said...

You did a great job on your pictures! What great costumes. You both seemed to enjoy yourselves!

Diane said...

Totally rocked it and totally adorable you two! :O)

Laura S. said...

Awesome costumes!!! Such a cool idea!

I like the song Animal, too!

Jillian said...

Ha!! Your costumes rock!!! love it

have a great weekend!

Creepy Query Girl said...

I love your pics! Looks like so much fun!

Stina said...

Cute costume, Jen!

Melissa Sarno said...

Fantastic costume! Looks like fun. I'm looking for some new tunes so I'll be checking out the Neon Trees stat. Thanks!

Southpaw said...

Adorable costumes! You must have had fun.

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Those costumes are total awesomesauce, Jen!! Thanks for sharing the pics, and have a great weekend! :-)

Nicole Zoltack said...

Awesome pics, love the costumes! :)

Dorraine said...

You guys looked amazing!! Thanks for sharing. :-)

Donea Lee said...

My daughter and I heard "Animal" on the radio while driving, so we used a nifty little app on my phone "Shazam" to get the title and artist. When it came up "Neon Trees" and "Animal" - I assumed the app wasn't working - lol! GREAT song, though!! Love your costumes!! The first one got me thinking (today's random thought) that what if Red and the Wolf ran off together, instead of what actually happened? What would their story be? Hmmm..... :)

Meredith said...

You guys look amazing! I love the wig--that's total dedication! Looks like a fun Halloween :) And I've been listening to Animal by Neon Trees when I run--such a great song!

Elena Solodow said...

Great pics!

Matthew MacNish said...

OMG your costumes rule!

Candyland said...

So. Effing. Cute!!!!
Next year, you dress up as me (headless) and I'll dress up as you (awesome). Our husbands can dress up as blog comments.

Bethany Elizabeth said...

Adorable costumes! :)

Bast said...

Awesome costumes! Really cute!

Patricia A. Timms-McGehee said...

You're too cute! Thanks for the link to Neon Trees. I love this band and was happy to take a break to listen to them while watching them.

My random for the day is that I sometimes refresh the NaNo page a couple of times to see if my word count will magically increase by itself; I'm disappointed every time.

Lenny Lee said...

hi miss jen! wowwww i love how cool you and your husband look in those neat costumes. you didnt look too much scared of him. ha ha.
you gotta be careful about saying that bands your new favorite cause candyland could get a little mad at you. ha ha you know how much she just loves that new medicine band and br80! i hope you have a real fun weekend.
...hugs from lenny

Jessica Love said...

Awesome costumes! You guys look adorable!

Krispy said...

Your costumes are TOO CUTE. Themed couple costumes rock. My friend & her b/f were Sookie and Bill from True Blood.

I love their song "Animal"!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

You look great!
And my followers want to know if my NaNo buddy who's hit 50,000 words has been bathing this week...

Anonymous said...

Yes, your costumes definitely rocked!!

Rose Cooper said...

OMG you and your hubby are so freakin' adorable! Thanks so much for sharing the pics!

Talli Roland said...

Love love love the costumes! You guys look so cute!

Happy Friday!

Anonymous said...

Awesome Halloween costumes!! :D

Colene Murphy said...

You guys are so freaking adorable!

Terry Stonecrop said...

Such fun photos! Adorable:)

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I love the pics! Looks like you had a lot of fun.

Melissa said...

I freaking LOVE Neon Trees!! Animal is a song in book two! YAY! ANother fan!

Oh my goodness! I LOVE your costume. I squeed a bit. You and your husband look fabulous!!!!

Elana Johnson said...

Cool pics!! Thanks for sharing. I'm going to look up that band!

Jennifer Hillier said...

Your costumes were Beyond Awesome! How cute are you two??

Jerry said...

One of the two of you looked scrumptious. Together you looked wonderful.

Little Ms J said...

Fell truly, madly, deeply when I saw Neon Trees open for Three Seconds to Mars a few months ago. I listen to this CD on my way in to work!

PS - Love the costume

Susan Fields said...

Love your Halloween costumes! I hope you got lots of candy. :)

Anonymous said...

Great pics and awesome costumes!

Emy Shin said...

Oh, you two are so adorable! I love your costumes. So wonderfully done!

Melissa Gill said...

Love the costumes. You make a great Red.

Unknown said...

cute costume! I love it :)

Talei said...

Jen, you and hubby completely rocked those awesome costumes!! Brilliant. Happy writerly weekend my dear! x

Aleeza said...

I adore the costumes! You look so cute in the little red riding hood get up :)
And Animal by Neon Trees is one of the best songs of the YEAR. I've yet to check out more of Neon Trees' songs but they're kind of already one of my favorite bands :)

alexia said...

Awesome pics! My random of the day... I decided I want to go to LeakyCon 2011 and World Fantasy Convention 2011 and think I convinced my hubby to do both!

Diane J. said...

Awesome costumes! Looks like a lot fun.

Signe said...

Very nice costumes :)