Thursday, January 6, 2011

Habits die hard

So we're already in week one and my - blog M-W-F - deal isn't working out so well.

Apparently I'm more addicted than I was ever willing to admit. (Hey, it happens).

Truths (I hear it's one of your favorites):
1. In the Mind of a Celebrity Stalker (my current wip) has sort of turned me into a journaling celebrity freak. (See Jules and the Stars for example). You see, when I write her I can't stop. It's like it's me. Creeps me out sometimes.
2. New stories are floating around in my mind. Makes my real job harder to go to (that being said the bills keep me going).
3. Pretty Little Liars is my new addiction. I can't stay away.
4. Pizza Hut rocks. I haven't been able to eat Pizza Hut in awhile (one by my house sucked) but that's finally changed. Pan pizza come to mama.
5. My husband is my editor. He's a God. I always said I was good at English but I'm wondering if it was a lie.

Happy Truth Thursday! What are your truths. Spill.


Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Mmmm. Pan pizza.
My truth today is I know my writing and reading is cutting into my sleep in an unhealthy way but I can't stop.

Jessica Bell said...

ha! Hmm, a truth for today. I can't feel my characters anymore. I'm numb. I'm writing blindly. Worrying? Seems not to be as my betas can feel them. But still kinda worries me.

Christine said...

If you write the post but then schedule it to be on one of the days it will get you into the "Habit" of being consistent. That's what I started to do and it helps.

I'm addicted to multi-grain cheerios and the food network.

Diana Mieczan said...

Ohh yes...Pan Pizza! Im so hungry today. I think it might be the weather or something...Have a great day,sweetie

Unknown said...

My truth is that I'm procrastinating too much by reading blogs instead of doing my writing.

Samantha VĂ©rant said...

A truth? I have news to share. but I can't yet. And it IS KILLING ME to keep quiet. Maybe I'll pop over to Hulu, Pretty Little Liars could be a nice distraction.

Kelly Polark said...

I love pizza. I'll take Pizza Hut (though hubby calls it Pizza Slut), Dominos, or my fave local one. Any way I can get it!
My truth is I've been so unproductive this week. But I'm feeling sickish with a sore throat so that's my excuse.

Emily White said...

I cannot stand Pizza Hut. Blech! Those franchise pizza places just don't do well in my neck of NY state. We like our little mom and pop shops run by first generation Italian Americans. :)

Don't you just love all those shiny new ideas? They're so pretty.

LTM said...

I stopped those PLL books after the first. I liked it, but I couldn't figure out how she'd keep it going... I take it she did. ;p

See how that whole "write through it" thing works? It's like once you get going, the ideas and inspiration just FLOOD! I miss it... :o\

Leigh Hutchens Burch said...

Your title got me thinking about this: after giving birth to Stella I stopped biting my nails (they got SO long!) I have been a nail-biter (well, mostly I tear them off) for as long as I can remember. My mom commented on it, and I said, "Yeah, I SO don't have time for my nervous habits anymore!"

There's my truth. Now, I need to start thinking about TMI. It IS Thursday.

Chris Phillips said...

I make my wife look at my stuff too.

Matthew MacNish said...

Cutting back on blogging is pretty much impossible for me too. I'm coming to accept it.

Lola Sharp said...

I worship Pizza Hut! That new pizza with the cheese filled nibble nuggets for crust...I drive the 30 minutes each way to go get it. (we don't have one nearby)
Whatever is in that gross spray can makes a damn delicious pizza. :)


Angela said...

How great that your husband is your editor. My little truth is that I can't read my husband anything without him giving me this look like I'm torturing him.

I admit it doesn't help me feel good about my writing.

Jillian said...

oooh I just love Pretty Little Liars. I cannot get enough!!!!

My poor husband is forced to watch it with me every week. What a good sport he is haha.

(by the way, I for one am glad you are so sddicted to blogging lol.)

Happy Thursday <3

Elena Solodow said...

I've never been able to watch The Godfather all the way through.

There. I said it. Phew. I feel better now.

Christina Lee said...

ARE you crazy?!?!?! *Move away from the computer* (really, just your blogs)!!! xoxo

Shannon O'Donnell said...

I haven't queried Jill Corcoran yet because I'm a wuss and a coward! For reals.

Colene Murphy said...

We MUST be soul mates. Yesterday I watched the new episode of Pretty Little Liars and was SO STOKED it's back on!! AND ordered Pizza Hut for dinner! YUM! Also addicted to celebrity nonsense. AND really glad you couldn't stay away. ;)

Nicole Zoltack said...

I finally got more than 4 hours of sleep last night. Anthony just doesn't like to sleep at night but he only woke up once last night! *so happy*

Carolyn V. said...

I love the pizza love. (Is that a little redundant?)

Truth: I have too much to do today, yet I'm sitting here reading all my friends blogs for hours. Hee hee hee.

Christine Fonseca said...

Yep - habits DO die hard!

Summer Ross said...

Jen, these are great truths. my truths, ummm. I'll give you one, I miss blogging and commenting when I go back to school...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Congratulations. Never thought I'd see the words "Pan pizza come to mama" in a blog post.

Heather said...

I love that your husband is your editor, that's awesome! It's great that the two of you can share your writing life that way. My truth, I spend way too much time on the internet in the morning. I need a timer!

Sara B. Larson said...

Oh my word you just made me crave a pan pizza and I haven't had one in FOREVER. We don't have a dine-in Pizza Hut here anymore (that I know of), so that's kind of a bummer to be craving that.

Jennie Bailey said...

I can't get out of bed before 10am. And if I do, I need an afternoon nap. I'm a totally a night person. Trying so hard to change that in the new year. I'm too old to be staying up until 2:30am anymore. It was fine when I was your age, but not at my age! And Pizza Hut? LOVE. Pan pizza is the hubsters fave as well.

Hannah said...

I love pizza. I haven't met a pizza I didn't like...well that's a lie. I don't like under-done pizza. I like my crust well browned. mmmm, pizza.

Golden Eagle said...

I LOVE pizza!

My truths? I am currently very appreciative of any food that's warm and hot, especially soup, and especially if it happens to be chicken.

Laura S. said...

If you like Pretty Little Liars you'll love this: my hubby works with a guy who is friends with Sara Shepard's husband. She lives oh-so close to my town!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Pan pizza is a definite winner! And how awesome you have an editor in your hubby!

Amy Saia said...

Pizza Hut is super yummy! And I love that your husband is your editor. That's awesome! Happy New Year Jen : )

Guinevere said...

I also love Pizza Hut pan pizza. And we eat a lot of it in my house these days, because I think writing is more important than cooking (I love cooking, but seriously... something has to give).

I think it's awesome your husband edits you! That's so sweet.

As to my truths... hmm... I want to write so much more than I want to work at my day job. I daydream about my stories at work. And my job is nuts, very very busy and demanding, so I can't really afford to have anything else bouncing around in my head.

But? I love it, too. It feels great to be so excited about writing!

Shannon said...

Good truths, Jen. Agree about the pizza hut one.

My newest truth: I'd love to see more feedback for fellow writers on today's anon crit. =)

Head on over if you get a chance and share a little writerly critique love! <3

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Pizza Hut pizza!

Truth: now I'm craving it. I will have some.

Krispy said...

Celebrity gossip is just so addictive sometimes, and I totally feel you on the new stories distracting from the day job. But day job is so necessary! :P

Abby Minard said...

Oh yeah, I can get addicted to celebrity gossip. My new guilty pleasure is Kendra. I hated her so much on the Girls Next Door, but I LOVE Hank and I have to see what will come out of Kendra's mouth next.

My hubs is my editor as well- he's a grammar nazi.

DL Hammons said...

Truth - I'm trying to catch up on 452 missed blog posts since unplugging for the Holidays. Now its 451. :)

Happy New Year!!