Talli Roland and DL Hammons have really out done themselves this round with The significant other blog fest (make sure to check out the other entrants!). They were smart to ask us to ask someone special in our live's to share the light on what it's like to be married/related to a writer.
I'm so glad that my husband said yes. He's amazing, and this is why I love him.
The @$#% My Wife Says…
“You know how I told you…” This is the opening to a conversation that my wife is going to have with herself, that I am going to be privileged to listen to for the next 20 minutes. It doesn’t matter if I was present for the last idea she had, all that matters is we are deviating or building from the last conversation she had with a character in her head. These 20 minutes are a glimpse into her mind. This is when I am glad that I speak her language, “Jen”.
“Oh, nothing, I just had an idea…” Jen’s response to me when I ask what she is thinking when she looks like she is a thousand miles away. The next 15 minutes are spent in a monologue (occasional pauses for my “uh-huh” or “yeah” while she catches her breath) telling me about an idea as it is still growing. It’s a little (not a little, it is) all over the place. I usually get lost in the middle but she’ll get me caught up by the end. She goes from deep in thought to overly excited in matter of minutes.
“Sorry, I talked so much…” she ends nearly every conversation over 15 minutes this way. What she doesn’t know, even when I tell her, is I really enjoyed hearing what is going on in her mind. The conversations, and thoughts she has in her head aren’t a part of my life until she lets me in. The crazy dreams, the constant writing down of ideas, the emotional roller coaster I get all that, so I’m glad to be a part of the inner workings as well.
Sounds very familiar. Spouses married to writers are all nodding their head! :)
Aww...this is a wonderful post. So great to see Jen through the hubby's eyes. =)
I'm digging this blogfest so far - so glad I'm able to participate. Talli and DL came up with an excellent idea.
This was the sweetest *sniff* Now I love Mr. D too!
I love his voice!! He did this perfectly. So happy he did this for you, Jen. You're awesome.
Awww... what a great guy! Great post :)
How cute that your husband took the time to write this
How could you not succeed with a guy like that in your corner??? Awesome post! Thank you so much to both of you. You made today very special! :)
awe, what a supportive guy! Lucky duck Jen!
Ah ... very insightful. Nice to meet you Mr. D!
What a great guy! Tons of supportive significant others on the blogs today. I'm ALMOST sorry I didn't ask mine to participate.
hahaha! This is great! I can so imagine you just babbling away there, Jen. hehe. Cute.
I love that your husband is really happy to speak 'Jen' and that he enjoys the glimpses into your mind. He's a keeper! :)
Thanks for taking part, Jen!
Awwww, sounds like a great guy. It's so much fun getting an insight into my fellow blogger-writers that I've been following forever! I think, officially, this is the best blogfest of all tiem.
That was cute and very sweet.
That is just the cutest thing! So adorable that he loves to hear your monologues--what a happy couple!
So cute! He put more thought into than mine.
Awww, what a sweet man! This post is the best yet! :-)
Ahh, he sounds like a great guy and a great listener! Just what all writers need!
This made me cry. Love it!
Oh my gosh! He's a gem. You, Jen, are a very lucky woman!!
Have a great weekend, both of you :))
This is such a fun blogfest, and so interesting to see how each different spouse responded to it. I loved this one!
What a sweet husband! And I'm so glad I'm not the only one who blabs on in monologues while my husband wears that amused expression. :)
That's sweet. I really don't even bother telling my hubs my ideas anymore. hahaha. He doesn't get it. :)
Lucky gal to have a man who not only puts up with your writerliness, but even enjoys it! It's such a great boon to any writer when family is not only tolerate, but, even more important, supportive and encouraging.
Awww that is sooooo sweet! You have such a great hubby, darling
Happy Friday
So awesome that he "gets" you! :)
AWWWW So sweet!
Now that is a patient and loving man!
This is true love. I used to leave my diary around, hoping my (ex)husband would be interested enough to want to know my thoughts. He certainly didn't want any part of them in real life, perhaps in print he would take a glance. No such luck. Thus, the 'ex.'
Someone who has a clue and gives a damn is hard to find.
This is great! That you enjoy hearing what's on your wife's mind.
Aww! So great to meet the other half of Jen!!
My husband thinks he's the only one privilaged enough to experiance these kind of conversations on a daily basis.
He is so coming to read this!
Oh, your hubby sounds really lovely! He speaks 'Jen' and thats all that matters! ;)
And on another note, congrats on your 1000 plus followers my dear!
Haha! This is awesome! I love the 'Jen' language :) Thanks for sharing this, Jen! :)
What a great guy! This blogfest is awesome.
It's nice to get to see (from your own words) how awesome you are even though I knew that already from the way Jen talks about you.
This was a wonderful idea that DL had and I really enjoyed your post. I never dreamt us writers would get so many of our SOs to come out.
Sounds like there might be some interesting conversations going on between the two of you-- or are we talking monologues. Fascinating presentation Mr. Daiker.
Tossing It Out
He is so sweet to want to be inside with you- how wonderful that you have someone to love you that much! great post!
oh! Love him!!! And I can totally see these conversations going on and then you saying, "sorry I talked so much." And him giving you an affectionate smile... LOL! :D xoxo <3
I just had an idea... you should start your own tv show you could call it "S#!T my wife says..." I don't think it's been done. ') Loved the interview.
I love the way he approached this. Excellent.
Aww. Loved the post. It's awesome you have such a supportive hubby. :)
How about making s**@% my wife says a regular feature. lol.
Hi Mr. D! I loved your post. You are fab.
My significant other
Jen, nice to hear from your guy. And how great he's so supportive. I wonder what my husband would do if I talked about my book thoughts that long. Though maybe I have, but I'm clueless about it. I know I've done it about school stuff.
Hope to hear from your guy again.
Awe he's so cute!
He's the exact right guy to be married to a writer! Lucky you! (And definitely lucky him!)
Love it! You're very lucky to have someone who not only gets it, but wants to hear it :)
That is SO me! My poor husband asks me all the time what I'm thinking and I"m always like, "about a book." He now knows that it's one of MINE, not someone else's and it's my favorite thing in the world when he lets me talk it all out.
That was too good!
What a fun post - that's great that you guys talk about all that. He sounds like a sweetie!
Awww - this is so sweet & funny! Jen is natural writer...and I'm so glad she has such a sweet & supportive husband!
Hee hee... my husband & I both start conversations with ourselves that way.
Any man that enjoys glimpses into your mind is the keepingest of keepers. ;)
I've really enjoyed this blogfest. I have come across so many great blogs as a result, and most importantly, I am now a follower.
Nice to *meet* you both.
He's a keeper, that one. I do love them when they listen and listen, and doubly so when we're sounding just a wee bit crazy with our half-thoughts!
you guys are adorable.
can you adopt me? :)
LOL. Our poor hubby's. He did a great job!
This was funny AND sweet. Just like your husband, it sounds like. Thanks for giving us this chance to get to know both of you better!
Great post - writer-supporters everywhere are nodding along in perfect understanding! Ah, we are a handful, aren't we? :-)
Hi Mr Jen - sounds like you have your wife taped .. and isn't it great that you actually love listening to those scatty conversations she has .. and that you want to be in her mind.
Great - love the sentiment - thanks for letting us know .. Hilary
So sweet, Jen! I'm glad he listens to you. It's not easy to find a man who listens.
Taking me 3 days but I WILL make it through this blogfest!
Tell me, if there's a football game on (or any other sporting event for that matter) is he still so attentive?
This is really sweet. I love that your SO recognizes your language!
What a sweet sounding board. We should all be so lucky :)
awwww :) Your husband is AWESOME! You can tell he loves you very much! Posts like this make me wish I would be marry.... just so I could participate :)haha! Keep up the good work you two.
Thank you so much for your sweet comments you left on my blog the other day...sounds like your husband is a really sweetheart!.xo
Aw, that was really sweet!
So sweet! He's definitely a keeper!
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