Monday, January 3, 2011

Writings on the wall

For those of you who haven’t followed me from the beginning. I began blogging January 20th, 2010 and this was one of the posts I had done.

It’s simple; I purchased a white board, hung it on my wall at home and wrote something from a different perspective. It was very helpful. Just pieces of my novels, poems, short stories, anything I wanted.

I’ve decided for the month of January I’ll be sharing the things I did at the beginning of blogging and writing. Sort of a tribute to the best year I’ve had in my life thus far. So let’s get started.

Writing’s on the wall
Lauren sat at the edge of her seat the anticipation sparkled in her eyes, a list of names glistened under the fluorescent light.

“What is this?” Lauren asked.

“Potential newcomers,” Tully replied slipping the letter directly in front of her.

Snagging the paper Lauren began to analyze the names, colors spilled all over the page, silvery blue fell across several of the names, some blood red and the rest an amber color. “What do they all mean?” she asked.

“Their place on the list,” Tully continued, “silvery blue means they’re still new, untouched, in a sense perfect. Amber represents they’ve phased, crossed over to our world and are finding their way, much like you did.” She said.

“And the red?” Lauren pushed.

Tully hesitated, “We’re unsure, we’ve never seen red.”

From my WIP: The Travelers.

What’s your favorite thing about Unedited? Anything you’d like me to keep or do more of? Spill it!


S.A. Larsenッ said...

You've done a magnificent job blogging this past year. I began in February with no idea what to do. I didn't even start checking out others' blogs until end of March/April. You're way ahead of me, girl. Best of luck in 2011!!

JE said...

I LOVE your blog! You are wonderful! My blog started on January 1st, 2010 (or was it the 3rd? lol) Either way, congrats on getting ready to hit that one year mark! You rock!!


Vicki Rocho said...

Holy cow 1000 followers in less than a year? Way to go!

Renae said...

Congrats on being so close to one year of blogging! I love your blog Jen and you must be doing something right to have over 1000 followers in less than a year!

Well done!!

Jessica Bell said...

Well done on your blogging efforts! I bow to you *bows* :o) Hope all is well!

Bidisha said...

You're a fantastic blog and I've loved being a part of your journey.

And that's a very hooky snip. I'm left wondering who they are and what the newcomers are as well. Good job!

Laura Pauling said...

I like meeting people. That's why I read and comment on the blogs I do. I love seeing a blogger's personality through their posts! That's why I come back. :)

Anne Gallagher said...

Love love love your blog. Always have. I'm just sorry I don't get back to it as much as I'd like.

Also, loved the excerpt you posted. That was really fantastic.

Anonymous said...

You have an awesome blog, Jen. Wish I had found it sooner. Happy New Year!

Christina Lee said...

Cool entry, girl!! My fave thing about Unedited--you! B/C whatever you do, your personality shines right through (and that's the real draw)!

Leigh Caron said...

A year? Congrats! Always a great read.

Jerry Carlin said...

Well, Jennifer, I am still in the black, a bit color blind and fumbling for my crayons! I like your blog and your writing and am learning which words come in what order and there is color in language.

Bish Denham said...

It's amazing how far you've come in such a relatively short while. Congratulations on your first year!
It's well deserved.

Angela said...

You have such a refreshing writing voice. I wouldn't change a thing.

Melissa Gill said...

Great blog. An excellent combination of your written and visual communication skills.

LTM said...

I just love your sunny, bright voice. Keep it coming, and I LOVE the WIP~ :o) xoxo

Diana Mieczan said...

I love your blog so very much!!! I always look forward to read it daily!!! You make me smile, even giggle sometimes...hahah...Love it! Happy New Year, darling and see you soon

Carolyn V. said...

Congrats on the year!!!!! Woo hoo! My favorite thing is that I got to know you! You're just awesomeness. =D

Matthew MacNish said...

Hmm. I'm not exactly sure what my favorite thing is ... I suppose it's YOU, and your awesome attitude about things.

Shannon O'Donnell said...

My favorite thing about your blog? You and your awesomely quirky personality! I love your upbeat attitude and the fact that I never know what I'm going to find here from one day to the next. :-)

Jillian said...

I love how lively you are. Your writing is captivating in a sense that it makes your readers feel connected. You make everything so full of fun and life!!! Keep it up Jen!!! Although I have no doubt that yu will.

happy new year!


Tamika: said...

Love the snippet! Just enough to make me want more:)

This blog definitely allows your spark for writing and life to shine through. Keep being yourself.

Lenny Lee said...

hi miss jen! i could always like coming to visit your blog cause you make stuff soooo honest and soooo real and everythings just you. and on top of all that you sparkle!!! :)
...hugs from lenny

Heather said...

My favorite thing about your blog is how your personality comes through in every post. Love it!

Chris Phillips said...

I liked your idea. My favorite thing about your blog is Your tuesday twist and thursday truth posts.

Tracy said...

I'm still learning what things are like at if you change things it'll take me a while to catch on that they're different anyway. :D Do whatever it is YOU like doing, you're obviously doing something right.

Jolene Perry said...

You have been one busy blogger this past year. Wow.

Elena Solodow said...

I love the length of yours posts. Always short and sweet.

Golden Eagle said...

My favorite thing about your blog? The posts! I love your voice here in the blogosphere. :)

Kimberly Franklin said...

What a great way to start off the year. Hope you have a happy New Year!

Colene Murphy said...

YOU are my favorite thing about unedited. I would come to read you if all you ever posted was pictures of toe nail polish scrapings from each day. YOU are awesome! And everyone loves YOU!!

Melissa said...

Dang! Colene stole what I was going to say! I was going to say you were my favorite part. Darn! I guess it's not so fresh now but at least you know how much I mean it right??

YES! I love the travellers! Can't wait until you are finished editing!

PS. I wish I had a whiteboard! I don't really have room on my wall but I wish I did and could write random stuff on it. I want to make an epic timeline thing for my trilogy (including the history!) but I'd have nowhere to put it!

Jemi Fraser said...

Love it! That's a terrific snippet :)

You always make me smile and feel at home Jen - congrats on the year! :)

Lindsay said...

You've done a wonderful job blogging this past year. Just keep up the awesome work. <3

Jessica Ann Hill said...

I love that excerpt; very intriguing. :)

I haven't been following you from the beginning, but you've done a wonderful blogging job the past few months that I have been around. Keep up the great work, Jen!

Nicole Zoltack said...

Your blog is awesome. Over 1000 followers in less than a year? Incredible!

Denise Covey said...

Congrats on your blogging success! Wow! All those followers in less than a year. I thought I was doing well reaching 300 in a year!

Jennie Bailey said...

I love the variety of your blog, Jen. It's so much never knowing what to expect!! And thanks for sharing this - I want to read more of it! I do miss your video competitions. Too bad they had to start charging for those. Happy New Year!

erica and christy said...

I'm really, really brand new to your blog, but there's definitely something here that I'll come back for. I like what somebody said up there...about your posts being bright. And funny. And liking your attitude. That'll keep me comin' round too! Congrats on a great year and best of luck in 2011.

The Words Crafter said...

Blogger isn't letting me get anywhere tonight!!!

I love your humor and the way you lend support to everyone by way of shout outs.

This was an intriguing excerpt, btw...

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

My favorite thing about Unedited is...(drum roll) You, Jen! You have a wonderful heart and that's what brings me back to your blog each time....

^ said...

During the time I have been following your blog what I have seen most is your shout outs about other bloggers and blogfests and what ever else is going on. I actually found out about nano just in time through your blog and participated for the first time.

Although I think your blog is wonderful the way it is, after reading your excerpt I can't help but wish there was more. This little piece was wonderfully written and brought about real feeling while reading. So to your question I would love to see more of your writing.

Unknown said...

I love how supportive you are! Your background is beautiful too.

Just a note: My current WIP is in the editing stage and probably wont be done until late in 2011. But, I'll let you know if that changes.

Emy Shin said...

You're one of the bloggers I look to for inspirations, because of how open and supportive you are. I love that Unedited is so conversational and so awesome. :)

Anonymous said...

My favorite thing about your blog is your positivity. It's so inspiring, and comforting to know that when I come here, I'll always find reason to smile.

Summer Ross said...

That was a great snippet- really makes me want to read more! Honestly the best thing i like about your blog is your variety, don't change that! It makes you who you are in the blog world, you are not afraid to post on different kinds of things from contests, to blogfests, books, life, and writing. You are doing an amazing job! Plus you keep up on most of your comments-

Abby Minard said...

Love your white board ideas. Can't believe you've only been blogging for a year. I know you'll have another wonderful year in 2011- I can just feel it.

Donea Lee said...

Love "The Travelers" snippet! And you have an awesome blog - I love that you're soooo very supportive of your fans and fellow bloggers and all aspiring writers and debut authors. You share a lot of yourself and a lot of information here that's a great resource for writers, bloggers, and readers alike. Keep doing what you've been doing, because it ALL works!! May 2011 bring you many great things! :)

Jennifer Hillier said...

Happy new year, Jen! I love your blog, it's one of my favorite places to visit. Congrats on your upcoming one-year anniversary! Look how much you've accomplished!

Samantha Vérant said...

Lemon drop shots! Okay. That's probably not possible---unless you post a picture!

And ooh, ooh, what does the red mean?

happy new year, jen!