Monday, March 12, 2012

Scared to Shower

I think by now you all know I'm a freak. A cute one, of course, but nonetheless one who definitely has emotional issues. I figured by now if you had a problem with that you are no longer reading this.

Well the other day I think I let my freak flag fly a little too high that even my husband was worried. Actually, annoyed, yes that's what he was, annoyed.

Let me set the story up before I dive into the conversation. I have this thing where I can't shower unless someone is home. Yes. This is a true and embarrassing fact about myself. Trust me, it's more inconvenient for me, than anyone else.

I think that does it.

Hubs: Why can't I go into work early?

Me: You can, I just need you to wake me up earlier so I can shower before you go.

Hubs: Are you seriously not over the whole shower while I'm gone thing?

Me: It's not something you just get over. I can't help that there is potential for a serial killer to come in the house and surprise me by knife. Just wake me up a little earlier.

Hubs: If I do that, I still have to wait, defeating the whole purpose of getting caught up on my work. At that point I'm just irritated.

Me: Listen mister, I can't help the fact that there are serial killers loose in the world. What's ten minutes?

Hubs: Exactly. What could possibly happen in ten minutes?

Me: *mouth dropped to the floor* Are you insane? Everything. The man could pick the lock, pet the cats, walk to the shower, strangle me, and then stab me a gazillion times. Don't you watch those shows? These things have to be quick.

Hubs: *smiles, amused* He'd pet the cat?

Me: Well of course, he's not an animal hater. He's just there to kill me.

For the record, he did let me shower before he went to work. Just like he has the past six years we've been together.


Rebecca Bradley said...

I love how he smiled at petting the cat :)

Laura Pauling said...

That's what the good ole American horror movie did for woman! :)

Vikki said...

Ha!! Love it. I'm always afraid the maniac intruder will steal my computer. Nothing else, mind you...not our TV or our CAR. Just my poopy old computer. (Sometimes I set it on the vanity while I'm showering, just to keep an eye on it.)

April Plummer said...

I have to say that is the strangest thing I've ever heard. From an adult, anyway. My daughter's 7 and doesn't like to get a bath or shower unless I'm in the bathroom with her (so I read to her during that time). She will if I tell her I don't have time, but she'd rather not. She hates being alone.

But she's 7. LOL. And our house is pretty big. I can get how it may be scary to be upstairs all by herself.

But, I also have to say your husband rocks!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Quirky but we like you anyway!

Jessica Bell said...

LOLOL. Do you really call your husband "hey mister"? ;o) Missing you!

Bish Denham said...

It's not the serial killers I'm afraid of, it's falling in the shower.... :)

Meredith said...

Haha, totally legitimate fear! Though I love that he'd pet the cat. :)

Nicole Zoltack said...

LOL He'd pet the cat. :)

Leigh Caron said...

LOL! Psycho! I'm referring to the movie, not you...did it scare you as a kid?

Sage Ravenwood said...

Wicked, I'm not the only one. In my case even with a working dog (more watch dog than anything), I can't hear in the shower. While under running water, you're also visually impaired for a few minutes - so you couldn't possibly see the shadow crossing the shower curtain.

And...I'm probably not helping matters any. (Hugs)Indigo

Spanj said...

Ha! We all have our little issues. I love that he'd stop to pet the cat.

Several years ago I was having a shower (one that's in a bath) and as I leaned over my feet slipped out from under me and I fell with my hip right on the side of the bath. I couldn't walk for 2 days.

I can't take a shower now without hubby being in the bathroom to help me in and out. Especially now that I'm pregnant. Luckily, he just accepts my little issues with a smile.

Shannon O'Donnell said...

You are too dang cute for words, girl! That is all. :)

Kyra Lennon said...

LOL, I also don't like to shower when there is nobody else in the house - I can't think of any good reason why, though!

Kimberlee Turley said...

Have you considered getting something like ADT or Brinks security system installed?

Those things are louder than your smoke alarm. You can just set it to "panic" mode before you shower. If anything moves in the house (even a curtain fluttering) it'll go off.

Laura S. said...

I used to have this fear when I was young! I got over it but still I make sure the doors and windows are locked. I won't even open a window until I'm done showering. So, while lots of people probably don't have this fear, you're definitely not the only one, Jen!

Kristin Rae said...

I'm with you. It's not weird! When hubs goes out of town for days at a time I have to shower during daylight, and quickly. *shivers*

blank said...

dont worry jen I dont think thats weird, more simple safety first. If it makes you feel any better, I am actually pretty scared of answering a phone. I hate it, and i hate making phone calls.
I text alot. lol Now thats a fear thats cuckoo....

Abby Minard said...

Ha, totally legit! I can't sleep in my bedroom if we find a spider in there. Doesn't matter if it's on the wall or anything...I just can't on the day we find it. We all have our weird fears!

Anonymous said...

That is a totally valid fear, and do not worry it is not weird at all which is why I shower when people are in the house too.

Chuck said... ARE a freak!!

Anonymous said...

I have a fear of spiders, yet I'll watch movies about spiders. What's up with that?

I never liked when my husband had to go out of town for work (which thankfully wasn't a lot). I used to put a kitchen chair by the front door and back door to kind of block them. (Never admitted that one to anyone before.)

You are not alone in your fears. We all have something that scares us.

Laura Barnes said...

Bwahahaha!! Love that. And love that your husband still supports you in your neuroses. :)

Melodie Wright said...

Oh great. Now I'm scared to shower in an empty house.
And my hubs is gone for 2/3 of the year. sigh. Guess a lower hygiene standard is a small price to pay to avoid being hacked to death.

Laura said...

Yup - you're right, you are a freak... but an incredibly cute one :)

Christina Lee said...

To me this is certainly NOT insanity or we need to form a club, you and I.

For the record, I no longer watch horror movies!

LynnRush said...

LOL!!!!! This just made me smile!!! ;)

Sarah Tokeley said...

A husband that accommodates you for six years even though it annoys him? That's love, baby :-)

anthony stemke said...

I find you to be perfectly rational.

DMS said...

How funny! We all have our "things". I can take a shower without someone being home- but I have other issues (like toll booths).

I read your guest post over on Been Writing? I had to stop by and read this post because she mentioned it. :) I am now following you and I look forward to reading more of your posts.
